Cancer Poem

Poem From Child With Cancer

We found out in May 2007 that my 13 year old son Sinjin has Cancer Burkitts Lymphoma. He has endured countless rounds of chemo and is fighting this heart and soul. He and I wrote this poem together after he told me, "It is like the world is moving forward and I am standing still." I have since written many poems about cancer. t helps me get through this without falling apart. I need to be now more than ever strong for my son. He has show us nothing but strength and courage since this monster came into our lives, and we stand united with him in this fight. Living strong with courage, faith and hope. Sinjin and Lorna ©2007 By Lorna Mahan & Sinjin Andrukates

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My grandson, who's not even 3 years old yet, was just diagnosed with Stage 4 Neuroblastoma. We don't know how much time he has. They tell us he doesn't have the mutated gene, which is good,...

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Walking On The Edge Of Life

© more by Lorna Mahan

Published by Family Friend Poems November 2007 with permission of the Author.

The world keeps moving forward
as time stands still for me,
I am the kid with Cancer,
locked in battle to be free.
For all us kids on chemo
our lives are put on hold,
as we fight to stay alive.
Our chances are good, we're told.
Our attitude is courage.
We live this life each day,
just waiting for tomorrow,
praying cancer goes away.
Walking on the edge of life
we're never looking down,
united here in front of you,
until a cure is found.


more by Lorna Mahan

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Halia Ireland Mueller Classen by Halia Ireland Mueller Classen
  • 9 years ago

My name is Halia and I am 13. When I was in grade 3, I watched my grandfather's life slip away. We would visit often, helping with bills, and keeping him occupied. My mother used to buy him figurines to paint to help him pass the time. His girlfriend used to make my sister and I tea. We would sit around a small table and drink our tea and watch a movie. Those visits were so special to me. We would visit my grandfather at the hospital and the one visit at the hospital, one of my grandfather's doctors crouched down and explained everything that they were doing to help him. Ever since then, my dream is to become a doctor. I know that losing your loved one is a difficult thing, but when it is time to let them go, you need to say goodbye and let them die in peace with you at their side.


  • Ria Fourie by Ria Fourie, South Africa
  • 11 years ago

My husband, of 30 years, passed away on the 28th of January 2014 ...yes, just two days ago. He suffered with brain tumors, at first non-malignant. His brain was infested by tumor all over and since 2010, nothing could be done for him. His life, as well as mine and our two sons, were never the same again...
Today, we are grateful for the journey, we became wiser and "richer" in life, by starting to count the small things in life, to be grateful to live everyday for just that one day, to trust and to think short term, living in the NOW.
For those, who live with a terminally ill loved one...PLEASE take this with you: do not try to LIVE on behalf of that person, losing all of yourself in the process. I did, and it took me 11 months to rediscover the ME, you have to live in the NOW for yourself, in a responsible manner...because your individuality is that one ingredient that is crucial to survive and to be strong for those around you.

  • Elsa Rosenfeld by Elsa Rosenfeld
  • 11 years ago

I cry within my heart for your son and others like him. I will pray for him, (really pray) for him. I took a moment just now and did just that. My sister suffered thru breast cancer, so I know how you feel. All my best to you and your son.

  • Logan Gosser by Logan Gosser, Grand Junction
  • 11 years ago

On Christmas Eve we got up, celebrated, and continued on as any typical day. This all changed after my wife went to work. She had only been away for a half hour, and I got the call. "Loge, I need you to get up, get dressed and come to the shop!" "What's up hunny?" "Loge, I really need you to just come down here, I need to talk to you!" "What's up hunny, is it you're mom?" "Logan, please just come down here , I will not tell you over the phone!" "Okay hunny, I'll be right there!" I got up, threw on some duds, and sped to the shop. I walked in, and looked around, but didn't see Kimberly. There was a stillness in the air, and a look of great concern on her co-workers faces. My heart sank. Something had to be wrong with her mom, or perhaps Natalee had gotten hit by a car, or some other catastrophe not at all directly related to us. It was Christmas Eve after all right?!? I found Kimberly in her office. The look in her eyes and the sadness on her face is that of which I will never forget. "Logan, it's Riley, the doctor called with the results. He has cancer." I do not have the words or the wisdom to minutely express the things that went on inside of me. It wasn't her mom, a dog didn't get hit and another building wasn't bombed. My son has cancer. How can the sweetest, most intelligent, funny, courageous, strong, handsome, so full of potential young man I have ever known have cancer? There has to be some sort of mistake! This isn't happening......... Take it back! You take it back right now!!!, But, it is happening, and it is real, and there is nothing I can do to change it. The only wisdom that comes to me is this, "When your child asks you to pick them up, DO IT!, When they want you to go play basketball with them, YOU ARE NOT TOO BUSY! When they ask how you tied that fishing knot, SHOW THEM. When they sit next to you, PICK THEM UP AND SET THEM ON YOUR LAP! And always, ALWAYS show them how much they really mean to you. I Love You Riley. You are my son, the twinkle in my eye, you are my Buggo Bean.

  • Steve Stetson by Steve Stetson, San Bernardino
  • 11 years ago

My grandson Cameron Garvey was diagnosed at 3 with Neuroblastoma, already stage 3 and progressing. Untold amounts of chemo, radiation, surgeries, experimental government research studies, independent research...he fought on and on for 7 long years. In that time he lived more life than I have at 49. He was a Warrior, born on a battlefield, fighting wars we cant see, winning and losing battles with every breath, until his very last breath. His war is over now, but with a simple blood test at one years of age, this cancer can be wiped out! We must fight to educate the medical community to stop symptomatic medicine and start stopping these things in the beginning! Please families, never give up hope and if they can't win their war, you look them in the eye on the way out and tell them they fought a good and brave fight, you give them honor! They are missed terribly, but the pride of watching true soldiers will carry your heart thru! Fight on!!

  • Leah Martin by Leah Martin
  • 7 years ago

My grandson, who's not even 3 years old yet, was just diagnosed with Stage 4 Neuroblastoma. We don't know how much time he has. They tell us he doesn't have the mutated gene, which is good, but we are all so scared. They only found it 2 weeks ago and already it is so bad that he can barely move. They say they are doing what they can. They say the radiation and chemo will help him, but I don't know. Looking at him from just last month, laughing, playing and building sandcastles on the beach to now lying in a hospital bed with lines for meds, lines for blood transfusions, lines for chemo, and the feeding tube, so frail and weak. He's a fighter, but this is kicking him down. He was a miracle to begin with and now it's like a giant nightmare that never ends. They give him a year, cut that in half and it's only 6 months at most. I know it's going to be hard. I'm just not ready to say "good-bye."

  • Cherokee by Cherokee, Oklahoma
  • 11 years ago

At age 11 of September 11, 2001 I found out I had Ewing's sarcoma in my right leg. 3 days later we found out it was in my right lung as well. I would never change a thing in my life that I went through. I was put into recovery on December 2, 2002 I am now 23 and have 3 beautiful children that they said I would never be able to have. You never know what life will bring you. I have lost several wonderful friends that I call sisters during our journey. Love the poem and keep striving for your future!

  • Kimberly Mims by Kimberly Mims
  • 11 years ago

I was born with colon cancer but no one knew. I was in and out of the hospital all my life. On my sixteenth birthday I went to the hospital just like so many other nights before only this time I knew I was not going to make it through the night if someone anyone could find out what was wrong with me .The doctors called my family and told them they had about 45 minutes to come see me .Being that I only weighed 52 lbs due to not being able to keep anything down for the last year and due to my blood cell count the likelihood of my making it through this emergency exploratory surgery were slim to none. well I went through 2 surgeries as well as many procedures and I'm still here 17 years later .God had a plan for me but I just lost my Daddy to Pancreatic cancer and it was the most horrific tragedy of my life. please raise awareness and find a cure so that no one else has to slip out of this world in such pain and Agony. LETS FIND A CURE WE HAVE THE TECHNOLOGY USE IT PEOPLE

  • Victoria by Victoria, Paola
  • 11 years ago

My son was 22 yrs old in the military when we found his and they said it was very aggressive AND THAT IT WAS A CHILDHOOD CANCER. ): Medistinal Germ cell non seminoma yolk sac . He passed 18 months later. It was horrible. PEOPLE we need to start FIGHTING for our childrens lives!!!!!!!!!

  • Alyssa by Alyssa, Huntsville Al
  • 13 years ago

At the age of 2 1/2 I was diagnosed with Burkitt's Lymphoma. I am now 17, and just got an ROTC scholarship. No doctor or Nurse Practitioner thought I would survive let alone be where I am today. It is possible. Don't give up, keep believing.

  • Hannah Murphy by Hannah Murphy
  • 15 years ago

Continue on!!!
I was diagnosed at the age of ten with a dangerous type of bone cancer. this was 2006 and now I am healthy happy 13 year old. although many of my friends did not make it through the battle, it doesn't mean it can stop you!!!!
this poem is amazing and describes exactly how I felt.
My best wishes go out to you and your family.


Hannah xoxo

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