Cancer Poem

Son Died Of Cancer Poem

Dedicated to the memory of our beautiful son Danny who died of cancer March 10, 2007, aged 13. A truly remarkable, loving, and inspirational child.

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I am so sorry. My great grandma died from cancer and so did my grandma. It must've been so hard for you. I can't imagine what you went through losing your son. I'm so sorry for your loss.

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Goodnight Our Hero


Published by Family Friend Poems June 2008 with permission of the Author.

To be brave is to cry
But still to fight on,
And that's what you did,
Our hero, our son.

The battle was hard.
We thought we had won,
But still you fought on,
Our hero, our son.

The happiness you brought
To the lives you have touched
Will live on forever
As you are loved so much.

When we close our eyes we can see you.
When we whisper your name we can hear you,
And when we reach with our hearts we can touch you.

Goodnight our hero, our son, our Dan.
You are just a child
But you have died a man.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Owen Martin Rucins by Owen Martin Rucins
  • 7 years ago

I am so sorry. My great grandma died from cancer and so did my grandma. It must've been so hard for you. I can't imagine what you went through losing your son. I'm so sorry for your loss.

  • David Kiernan by David Kiernan
  • 7 years ago

I'd just like to say what a lovely poem you wrote. It's wonderful. It means a lot to people with cancer because I lost my mum on July 13th. She had brain tumor, so we knew it was going to get worse, but we now know that our mum is in heaven. R.I.P. No more pain, so we will see you soon from David, Robbie, Ellen, Sami, Rico. We all miss you. Love you, Mum xxxx

  • Madiha by Madiha
  • 10 years ago

It's an awesome poem...truly an image of my heart's feelings. I lost my 19 year old daughter on Feb 7th, 2014. She was suffering from brain tumor and was able to fight for only 5 months but these months were extremely tough for her. Every day she had headaches and she came up to me saying, 'Rockstar I am having a headache'. Rockstar..that's what she called me. I just can't see her in pain. I just wished that somehow I can take her all the pain. And then she left. I saw her leaving me in front of my eyes. How painful it was I just can't tell. She really is my superstar who fought till the end. I love her so much. I came across this poem and I was so surprised that someone can think so much similar like me. My sympathies and best wishes with the writer. Thanks a lot for such a wonderful poem.

  • Jasmine Grice by Jasmine Grice
  • 8 years ago

I just want you to know that you are an inspiration to me. I'm 20 and battling a brain tumor. Thank you.

  • Shirley Donaldson by Shirley Donaldson
  • 10 years ago

I am so glad I came across your beautiful poem, I lost my son to leukemia just after his 19th birthday and he had a long hard battle he was diagnosed at 10 years old your poem just touched my heart so much as it felt like you were talking about him.

  • Annemaree Australia by Annemaree Australia
  • 11 years ago

Thank you for this beautiful poem about your son. My beautiful son Choya died 7 yrs. ago from AML leukemia 3 weeks before his 18th birthday after battling for 12 months. Your words summed up some of how I feel and like you I don't find time passing makes it any better. I loved him then and I love him as much now as ever. He was my gentle giant with the bravest heart and I will miss him forever.

  • Eric by Eric, Ashland Oregon
  • 11 years ago

Just wanted to say sorry for your loss. I lost my 17 year old son (man) after a 5 1/2 battle with ALL on August 29, 2013. He was always a quick responder through the initial and 2 relapses. But we ran out of options and time was done. I did get to hold him and close his eyes on his time here on earth. I truly miss him but he did have the Lord as his personal savior and I will see him again. It truly is still difficult. He was a friend as well as a son.

  • Shantell by Shantell, Kadamen
  • 11 years ago

My lovely 16 year old son, Jade died suddenly on the 25th May 2013 from Leukemia. The doctors had no hope, but we trusted God for a miracle untill the end. It was a big shock to the whole community but with the enormous support, love and prayers from our church Jubilee CC and friends and family we were able to cope with the loss of our precious, brave, gentle Jade. Words can't really describe how much I miss him. Our home will never be the same. God knew best and called him home and in that I take the greatest comfort. The peace of God sustains me daily and I will trust Jesus to carry me through this. Thank you Lord for giving me the privilege to be a mother to such a handsome, young man. All the memories will be kept like treasures close to my heart. Untill we meet again my love.

  • G Angela by G Angela
  • 12 years ago

This poem is very apt. I am grieving for my 7 year old son who died of bronchial pneumonia. It's two years and I still feel the pain of having lost my son.

Thanks for sharing this beautiful poem, thinking of my son and the great hero that he was.. brought me tears to my eyes

  • Kathryn Johnson by Kathryn Johnson, Muncie Indiana
  • 12 years ago

I just read your poem it touched my heart and put everything into words that I am feeing. My family and I just lost our son after a year and 1 month of battling Leukemia back and the end of August. We were told back in December of 2011 that it was over and he was in remission. They came home a week after Christmas and 3 weeks later we were told that the Leukemia was back. They did his bone marrow transplant in May and was still unable to beat the disease. After an infection that spread to his brain there was nothing they could do for him. We are still trying to put the pieces back together. I was looking up a poem for my husband about a father and son for a Christmas gift when I came across your poem. I moved me and put everything into words

  • Rick Holmes by Rick Holmes
  • 12 years ago

Married my wife "UnHui", over 29 years ago, I was a young soldier (Army), she was just finishing school in Korea. My wife is Korean. We met, we married, we had two beautiful and amazing sons together- JR who is a police officer and Harry who is now in acting school. My wife lives alone in Korea now, running and working in her nail salon. I am working for the Government in VA. I contracted cancer about 4 years ago which was quite a shock to me and my entire family- my wife and our children I mean. My wife sent our youngest son from Indiana to be with me in the hospital- later, my wife and our eldest son joined us. Through it all, they stayed with me, kept me strong, gave me a reason to pull thru- my wife told me, get on your feet- I did. Because of my loving wife and her tough love- which I was the teacher of, I am healthy and strong again. I still live without my wife but trying to land a job overseas so I can go home to her. God bless my family.. I love them.

  • Tammy by Tammy, Wiltshire
  • 12 years ago

I am so sorry for all off your loss. I went through loosing a child myself. I was carrying twins and one died inside me at 12 weeks pregnant in 2009. I have 4 children but 2 are disabled he/she would be 3 years old in November this year. Not a day goes by that I don't think of him/her again I am so so sorry

  • Wafa by Wafa, Italy
  • 12 years ago

I am so sorry for your lost. I thought that I am the only one in the world that lost her son. I lost my oldest son last October from non Hodgkin's lymphoma he was 5 years old. I still can't believe that he is gone. When the doctors told us that he was gonna die I didn't believe them and I didn't say goodbye and I didn't tell him how much I love him coz I didn't believe that he was gonna leave me. Do you believe that I saw him passing away but I didn't know that!!! I couldn't believe that he left me!!! I have another child 3 years old and one year old but still can't forget his words and his face, my only wish is dying.

  • Gary by Gary, Chicopee
  • 12 years ago

I am sorry, I don't know where to start but here goes. I lost my little girl [Pauline] to a brain tumor and took 9 months at baystate medical in 1986. On Dec. 2nd she died in my arm 4 hours after the nurse told me it was ok to tell her that it was ok to let go. I live to this day thinking about, Did I tell my daughter to die? I went to get professional help and he told me that, He knows how I feel. I notice he had family picture on the desk and I ask him, Are your kids still living well? and he said, yes they are and I said, You don't know how I feel and walked out! Every day I do the best I can do and I miss her so much. I know my family is watching her up in heaven. When my time comes I know I'll be giving her a big hug and saying Daddy's home.

  • South Africa by South Africa
  • 13 years ago

My 38 year old sister died today. She left a 4 month baby girl and 4 year old son behind. I am broken.
She was diagnosed with AML on Monday, she only made it to Sunday.
I cannot think how life would be without her. She was my everything. I am glad she did not suffer. But I want her back!
I came across your poem just trying to find some answers, I am sorry for everyone listed above, I am sorry for your pain.

  • Jennifer by Jennifer, New York
  • 13 years ago

Your poem touched my heart. My son, Jamari, also passed away 3 months ago. He had a rare type of cancer called Rhabdomyosarcoma. I miss my son so much. Your poem expresses how I feel about him. Thank you for sharing. God bless Dan and your family!

  • Bayle by Bayle, P.A
  • 13 years ago

I think this is really cool because my 12 year old cousin passed away from cancer March 28, 2011 and his name was also Danny and he is our hero... this poem is great and really touched my heart.

  • Tonota by Tonota, Botswana
  • 13 years ago

I'm sorry about your loss, your late son will rest in peace knowing that you loved him dearly he also didn't want to part but he couldn't fight anymore. To all parents who have lost your children be strong and let their souls rest in peace.

  • Terri by Terri, Arkansas
  • 13 years ago

I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost my 13 yr old son 7/4/10 in an ATV accident. He too touched everyone's life he met. Beautiful poem!

  • Elena Santiago Cubao by Elena Santiago Cubao, Quezon City
  • 13 years ago

Your poem is wonderful....what you have said to Dan is what I wanted to say to my son Jheuxxe he died last December 3,2010. He was 16 years old, he lost the battle of cancer...lymphoma....advance stage when it diagnosed and I'm a single mom... I know how painful seeing your love one suffering from pain it hurts me ten times.. I miss him so much... and I am still trying to move on

  • Rob by Rob, Cape Town
  • 14 years ago

All of your stories have touched me so very deeply. I have tremendous empathy for all of you who have posted the stories of your losses on this forum and my heart goes out to you all. Tomorrow is my eldest son's 23rd birthday but he died on 9th July 2009 of a virulent form of testicular cancer. His last words to us all were, "I love you". We were all incredibly privileged to have shared 21 years on this earth with Chris. He was a highly talented drummer and the world for me has lost its rhythm since his death, Even though the pain of remembering him is almost unbearable most of the time, I cherish those times because I feel that in some way he is back in touch some how. I wish all of you all possible strength in dealing with your tragic losses.

  • Dawn by Dawn, NJ
  • 14 years ago

What a wonderful poem ! I know how much each thought, memory and feeling means because I also lost my 13 yr old son ,not to cancer but to Staph .He was a fighter and was miss him more then any word could ever describe.

  • Linda Dahle. Norway by Linda Dahle. Norway
  • 14 years ago

Your story touched my soul. So sorry for your great lost. My son Jason Steven Talloen also died on the 14th December 2004. He died from a brain tumor at the age of 26 years old. Today is his birthday. He was a child of great strength and wisdom. We traveled around the world to get the best treatments available but in the end we lost the battle. He lit up the dark, and smiled, and smiled until the end. Still can't believe he's gone. Hope we meet again in heaven.

  • Christabel by Christabel, Malta
  • 14 years ago

I'm so sorry for all mother and fathers out there for your loss I know what your going thru. I lost my 18 year old cousin with liver failure she left a 3 year old girl behind her. You took care your kids and love them and now God is taking care and loving them with him. wish you all peace and I be praying for all of you...

  • Niki by Niki, New Brunswick
  • 14 years ago

Very touching poem. Sorry for your loss. I just lost my beautiful Son, Alex to Hodgkin's Lymphoma. I watched him fight for over 15 months. Bravest Boy I have ever known. Rarely ever complained, even though he had aggressive chemo over and over again. He was truly my hero too. He passed away this August, just 2 months after he had his 20th Birthday. He spent it in the hospital, as well as his 19th. 3 years ago, I lost my husband to a massive heart attack. I have 2 other son's, who miss their big brother and their Father so much. My heart aches for my Alex. I felt so helpless as I watched him fade away... I just don't know how to move on from this. I am falling apart inside, but have to go on, for my other two. It is comforting in some way, to have other people who understand. Thank you for your poem.

  • Bijoy by Bijoy, Sikkim
  • 14 years ago

So nice and very touching poem. I am so sorry for the loss of your son. Just I am crying dear the poem makes me so soft. I have lost my son at age of 18 months due to brain tumor.
I miss him more every day. it is hard to find someone to talk to. thank you

  • Virginia  Wesson by Virginia Wesson
  • 14 years ago

I have a son-in-law who is dying with inoperable liver cancer. Needless to say, our lives have been turned up side down. His name is also Danny and he is so brave trying to keep OUR spirits up. We are heart-broken and living not knowing what the next minute holds. Our prayers are many and, now, they will also include your loss. Remember your son is with God and He has all the solutions to our heartaches.

  • Milan And Anita by Milan And Anita
  • 14 years ago

This poem touched our heart, as we lost my young son Capt. AMIT at the age of 25 years.

  • Lynn Shipman by Lynn Shipman, NC
  • 14 years ago

I too lost my only son to Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML), in 2006 he was 11, he fought it for 16 months, we spent the last 6 months at Duke Hospital. the first 2 year's without him was almost unbearable, but by God's grace we continue thru the grief.

  • Greg by Greg, Alabama
  • 14 years ago

I awoke this morning, April 10, (my son's 15th birthday) thinking about my son. I got online to find quotes and poems about sons and I came upon this site. I am so, so sorry for your loss, but yours and everyone else's stories reminds me how precious life is and encourages me to more deeply appreciate the time that I have to spend with my son. May I say that trust in the Holy Spirit makes for a better life on earth in knowing that this physical life is NOT the end of the story.

  • Yesi by Yesi
  • 15 years ago

We share the same loss of a son, my son Tyler Reid was 11 when he lost his battle with Leukemia. He was in the hospital for only 4 weeks and on the last chemotherapy treatment before passing away on August 20,2007. Our lives have been turned upside down and at times I don't know which way I am facing. His absence has left us, including his twin brother heartbroken. May you find some peace in life.

  • Mercedes by Mercedes, Oakley
  • 15 years ago

Thank you for this beautiful poem. my brother Damon was 5 years old when he was diagnosed with leukemia. Though I am very young, I'm 13, I feel I am older. my brothers fight has taught me to value my family and to cherish the time we have together. He has grown too. I often see him act more mature then me.
He is 8 and in one month he will be off his chemo therapy. which scares me in ways unimaginable, I'm scared it will come back. thanks for reading this.

  • Phyllis by Phyllis, Cape Coral Florida
  • 15 years ago

I am so sorry for all of you. I know the pain of losing a child. my son died 2 years ago , he had lung cancer. he was 42. I guess I should be thankful I had him that long. he was a great son and friend to many. I miss him more every day. it is hard to find someone to talk to. thank you

  • Kristina by Kristina
  • 15 years ago

After reading only a couple of words, my eyes started to water. My son is 1 year old and I can not imagine life without him. I am so terribly sorry for your loss. I can't even describe to you how sorry I am. God bless you and your family. I am so so sorry.

  • Sabrina by Sabrina
  • 15 years ago

I am so sorry for your loss! I pray every night that my 9 month old baby boy stays healthy. Not only was your son a true hero but you are also a hero for going through that! My prayers are with you and your family!!

  • Anna m McGroddy by Anna m McGroddy
  • 15 years ago

beautiful poem, my son also died from an inoperable brain tumor aged 6 years old, he was diagnosed shortly after his 5th birthday, I miss him so much and I find it so hard to say that he has died, it seems so final that word, my heart goes out to all you mums and dads going through this terrible journey of loss and grief, my son went to heaven nearly 4 years ago x

  • Ayana by Ayana
  • 15 years ago

I feel your pain my mother died from breast cancer 2 years ago and I will just pray for you and I am so sorry about your son. GOD BLESS!!!!

  • Cathy by Cathy
  • 15 years ago

When I read this poem, I thought of my son who died of Leukemia (AML). He was 11 years old. He fought for 10 months before he last his fight. He also was a hero, always smiles, jokes as he went through chemo. He had the most beautiful blue eyes. He worried about everyone else, not himself. So giving, loving and missed so much

  • Denny by Denny
  • 16 years ago

Your story touched me very much. We too lost our son, Scott, to Leukemia. A week to the day before he would have turned 21. When Scott was diagnosed we went to ST. Jude Children's Research Hospital in Memphis, Tn. When we went to St.Jude Scott had just turned 16. He fought for almost 5 years to overcome it. He relapsed 3 times and then his only brother Jason was his bone marrow donor. Scott did get to graduate from High School. Then he entered college. After being in college for only 3 weeks we found out he had relapsed again. His brother again gave him T-Cells 3 different times. On Nov. 11, 1996 they found out he relapsed again and this time there was nothing else that could be done. They sent us home and he fought until he couldn't fight anymore. So you are not alone. God bless you and all parents who have lost a child.

  • Ana by Ana
  • 16 years ago

What you have said about Dan is what I wanted to say about my son, Parsa, who lost the battle against cancer 3 weeks ago. Parsa received three stem cell transplants in A.I DuPont Hospital of children. He had Leukemia. He was 4 years old when he said farewell to this world. Dan and you will be in our prayers. God bless you.

  • Heidi by Heidi
  • 16 years ago

This poem touched my heart. I am so very sorry about your son. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. My God hold you dear and near to his heart.

  • alexis by alexis
  • 16 years ago

I'm so sorry for your loss that was beautiful.

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