Dying Poem

Making Decision To Stop Medication

My brother-in-law was battling cancer and slowly loosing the battle...he was faced with a hard decision to keep trying the treatments and be sick all the time, or let nature takes it's course. I needed him to know we were all there for support with whatever decision he should make, and that we loved him so. Rest In Peace Keith, Love You Always!

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I feel every word in this poem. On June 2, 2010 I was told that I have stage four cancer. Still holding on. Please read "

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Battling Cancer


Published by Family Friend Poems January 2011 with permission of the Author.

Feeling tired   
Feeling weak
With all the pain you do not seek

Feeling scared and unprepared
Are feelings that we all share

In whatever you decide
We will be by your side

We all hold hands with each other
With love and hope for you my brother


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  • Gordon Jackson by Gordon Jackson
  • 13 years ago

I feel every word in this poem.
On June 2, 2010 I was told that I have stage four cancer. Still holding on.
Please read "How A Day Changes".
I wrote it to inspire those stricken with this terrible condition to have faith and encourage them to keep fighting.
Thank You

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