Cancer Poem

Poem About A Mother's Courage Facing Cancer

A mother who is suffering with cancer. Dedicated to my loving mother and all her million and one smiles.

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Hello, I am going to die from stage 4 breast cancer that has traveled into my lungs. My doctor told me that I had to think on the time that I had left. Was I just slapped, because I thought I...

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Mother's Smile


Published by Family Friend Poems March 2008 with permission of the Author.

I remember your brave face through all the pain,
The day you told us and I tried to remain sane.
"I have breast cancer," you said as a matter of fact.
Yet you didn't shed a single tear; you stayed intact.
Throughout the radiation, chemo, and pill,
You still smiled and had such a strong will.
Your attitude is what carried you on.
Without it, I don't think that you would have lasted as long.
The cancer ate at you like a starved disease,
Killing your insides and slowly bringing you to your knees.
But still through it all you held that smile,
But sometimes I could see it faltered but only for a while.
I love you mommy with everything I have to offer and give.
Maybe one day they can find a cure and help other people
To still smile and live.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Reagan Jones by Reagan Jones
  • 5 years ago

My mom was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer a little over a month ago. Since it runs in the family, my grandma was at risk of getting it too, but they were able to have preventative surgery to fix it. My mom had the same surgery. After that, she was told she would have a year of chemo: 8 months of the harsh chemo and 4 of the less harsh chemo She did go bald by her second round of it, but she is almost to her third, and even in her darkest days she still has a great big smile on her face. She is still encouraging and active through all that. I love you, Mom, good luck :). To my mom Lindsey

  • Veronica by Veronica
  • 6 years ago

Hello, I am going to die from stage 4 breast cancer that has traveled into my lungs. My doctor told me that I had to think on the time that I had left. Was I just slapped, because I thought I felt a huge sting on my face? I realized the sting were tears. I said to him, I just can't do that right now, because my daughter is not my friend yet. She just had a baby and hasn't had time to tell me that I'm her very best friend yet. I was still crying, even after he left the room. He didn't give me hope. I looked back at my life, funny how that happened. I thought of all the things that I wished I could change or things I wished I had done or not done. Have I been a good enough person to meet God's approval? Have I done enough and helped others? No, but I realized how I love so much! I realize now that love is all my Father needed from me.
If people could only see the magnificence of our Father's gifts to us, like I just realized, we wouldn't be so afraid! I am not afraid anymore. -Veronica

  • Rachel by Rachel, Florida
  • 10 years ago

My mother is battling stage 4 breast cancer. I still find it hard to believe that one day she will not be here. We are cherishing every moment we have with her for she only has months to live. Thank you for sharing this poem.

  • Samantha  Salinas by Samantha Salinas, California
  • 11 years ago

Thank You for sharing. I recently found out I have breast cancer and I am 30. I have two boys and your story just made me smile knowing I am not alone thank you.

  • Mackenze by Mackenze, Caifornia
  • 11 years ago

Thank You for sharing the Poem. My mother died a year ago from breast cancer it was pretty hard for my family. This poem reminds me of her and makes me want to cry. It is hard on my family right now because this month is the death of her. I am happy to have friends and family members that help me through it all. My best friend Ivy has been there for me and my friends Noah, Moa, and Mia thanks for everything guys love you

  • Judie Sharp by Judie Sharp
  • 12 years ago

I lost my mom when I was 10 to cancer. She always had the strongest heart, always was able to have a smile with me still being a pain in the butt, even with all the pain she was going through. She never lost faith in me. I loved that about her..even when I knew she should have.

  • Niuris by Niuris, Miami Fl
  • 12 years ago

Hello! everyone. I lost my mommy going on three years now from breast cancer. When my mom was diagnosed with this horrible disease I was by her side. It was the most horrible day of my life, as the Dr. told my mom the results came back positive, as much as I wanted to break down I couldn't I actually had to be strong for her. My mom broke down and cried and said I don't want to die. I held her hand and said this is not the end, but a new beginning we are going face. This diagnose was given to my mom in 2007, she had surgery, went through her chemo and the long process with a smile on her face. Two years later my mom got really sick, we took her to the Dr to find out the cancer had spread all over her body. My mom was diagnosed in July 2009 on October 19th three days after her 65th bday my mommy lost the battle and passed away in my arms at my house. I was not ready then nor will I ever be ready to say good bye... I miss my mom dearly and need her by my side. I have four beautiful children one which was born 10 months after my mom passed away. she never got to meet her. But I tell you this little angel is a replica of her grandma....I lost my mom 10-19-09 I found out I was pregnant 02-09 which means I got pregnant one month after mommy passing.

  • Desiree by Desiree
  • 13 years ago

My mother was just diagnosed for the 2nd time with breast cancer. Her first battle was at the age of 29 and now again at 56. My mother has always been the backbone of the family. Everyday she puts on a brave face and tell us she okay. She is the bravest person that I know and she is fighting for her life and asks for nothing but the love and support of her family. She is truly amazing.

  • Tessa McGregor by Tessa McGregor Poet
  • 13 years ago

Hello to everyone. I am actually the writer of this poem. I am now married with a beautiful boy. I have just read the stories since posting this poem, and I couldn't help but be filled with such happiness. We are all connecting in ways that many of you never thought you could. We all have pain and heartache for the people we love. The most important thing I take from all the stories is, we are not alone in this. Your stories help me to heal in ways I could never put to words. I just feel connected in a strong way to you all. I touched someone's life today, and please remember that you did the same for me with your stories. I still struggle with my moms death but it has gotten easier to deal with over the years. I will never forget her and she lives on in each any every one of us kids of hers. She even presents herself in my son. You will always be able to keep the love of your loved one losses in your heart. Memories fade and time heals, but love is forever.

  • Jo-Ann Grammatico by Jo-Ann Grammatico
  • 13 years ago

I lost my mother with lung cancer just before Christmas and my father with bone and prostate cancer a week before Easter almost a year and one half ago my mother died the same year as my dad. Since their death and seeing them wither down and die and fight the devastating disease and try to win the fight for life, ill with medications and eventually not wanting to eat, seeing this I am not the same person as I once was before. Family life with remaining siblings has altered and changed where relationship doesn't exist, Greed stands in the way, unfairness, and family not caring and holding together a bond and carried on tradition. It is hard to celebrate each holiday for the only reminder of my parents is old photos, cooking the foods they taught me how to make, remembering something they once liked or a place they have been. Reading poems helps me to know how someone else feels and has experienced the similar struggles, sadness, and joy life has to bring.

  • Ursula Cooper by Ursula Cooper
  • 13 years ago

One of my best friend's mums is currently fighting breast cancer, as well as my piano teacher. I couldn't imagine what it would be like for my friend, it would be so hard, but this poem helped me understand. It also helped me realize that this doesn't only happen to people around me, that it happens anywhere and everywhere. I was beginning to think that I was a bad luck charm! Thanks for helping me realize I'm not.

  • Carmen by Carmen
  • 13 years ago

My mom has breast cancer and she had all what was mentioned in the poem. I wish I could give this poem to my mother but I can't because she always says that I hate her and she will find bad intentions if I give the poem to her, and I'm tired of it. I'm 51 and I can't stand it any more. Anyway, I admire her for how she's handling this disease and I still love her in the silence of my heart.

  • Brenda by Brenda, Arizona
  • 13 years ago

I miss my mom so much she had lung cancer I was living in Europe not seen my mom for some years got a telegram saying get to USA to see your mom before it was to late finally got home visited mom for 1 whole month in a hospice in Shelby, NC. went back home to Europe she passed 2 weeks after my birthday.

  • Ashleigh by Ashleigh, TX
  • 13 years ago

My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer and this poem makes me think about how strong she is and I tell her every day how strong she is.

  • Jessica by Jessica, Pennsylvania
  • 13 years ago

Thanks you for writing this poem. It's very Inspirational, I was just diagnosed with Breast Cancer on my Birthday September, 2011 and I'm only 28, I am pretty scared with my surgery being Tuesday Oct, 25th. A Mothers Love is a Mothers Love and will live on forever, I'm sorry for your lost. The beauty of a memory is a story told in smiles and feelings shared, Full of dear familiar faces and the dreams we've lived and dared...Memory is know an album full of rare and priceless art-Precious moments kept forever in the pages of the Heart. Maybe one day they can find a cure till then we keep fighting and kept Hope alive,

  • Emily by Emily, Slovenia
  • 13 years ago

it's the same story with my mum..she told me today..that she has cancer..again..and my world is falling apart..again..and this's like my story..the same mum has a cervical cancer..and it's hard..every can't just deal with have to live with it..every day..and I'm out of energy..cause it's killing me..

  • Feleshia by Feleshia, Texas
  • 13 years ago

I lost my mother to cancer in 2008 to breast cancer. She never let anyone see her without a smile on her face, even through all the treatments, all the pills and pain. She was such a strong person with such a loving soul I only wish I had just one more minute with her to hug her one last time. She was my bestfriend and I miss her more than anything. This poem makes me cry because I miss her so and smile because she would always try to make others laugh, even during her bad days. So thank you so much for this...

  • videlia by videlia
  • 14 years ago

I lost my mother when I was six to breast cancer it spread throughout her body...I am now fourteen and remember the night she died in complete detail...This poem really is how my mom acted through the whole thing...The doctors said she survived longer than most

  • Texas by Texas
  • 14 years ago

When I read this poem it brought back memories of my mother. I lost her to breast cancer on Nov. 7,2007. That day was the hardest that I had go thru because I grew up with her and also because we were best friends. We did everything together we even went places together, even if was to the store. She would always say I was like gum always stuck to her, but the day that she found out she had cancer I was there with her, that is a hard thing for anyone to ever have to go thru, but it's even harder to tell the family. I was grateful to have had a wonderful loving mother that I could always talk to and also had wonderful people to help thru it and help me take care of her when she was around. I know it's hard to let go of the people you love the most.

  • Bailee by Bailee, Utah
  • 14 years ago

I cannot thank you enough for writing this poem! I'm only 13 years old, and my mother has breast cancer, ovarian cancer, and lymphoma. This poem reminds me so much of her, because no matter how sick she feels she still smiles every minute of the day and has an amazing attitude! So again thank you for writing this! (:

  • Kathy by Kathy, Illinois
  • 15 years ago

I've been crying and crying from reading this. I am a young mother who's been diagnosed with breast cancer. I am now going through chemo and will then do chemo and then the pill. My kids see how sick I get on a daily basis, but I guess I never truly knew how scared and hurt they were until my own mother was just diagnosed with the same disease.-Thank you for sharing your pain.

  • Monica by Monica
  • 16 years ago

Thank you for writing this poem. Its true how our mothers can still face all the problems that are thrown their way and handle it so much better then we do. My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer and she's giving it all shes got. It seems like she's handling it much better then I am. I now know that Our Mothers are Super Heroes. They can handle anything. Once again thanks for writing this poem.

  • heather by heather
  • 16 years ago

My boyfriend just lost his mother yesterday to cancer and he is taking it pretty hard this poem reminds me of her because she always had a smile even when she hurt the most but he said his dream while she was sick was for her to live to see him graduate and It didn't happen Thank you for writing this poem

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