Cancer Poem

Sister Fighting Breast Cancer

My sister dealt with breast cancer with the utmost dignity and courage we all admired.

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I cried like a baby while reading this poem. I was the care giver to a very good friend of mine, Peggy Sue Smith. She was given the awful news that she six months without treatment to one...

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My Special Sister Vicki


Published by Family Friend Poems June 2007 with permission of the Author.

My special sister, I want you to know how much you mean to me.
My special sister has strength and courage her whole family can see.
My special sister showed us all how to handle life's blows.
My special sister took it all in stride, smiled, and said, "That's how it goes."
My special sister, through all her pain, never once gave up or complained.
My special sister has dignity, warmth, and inner beauty that can't be explained.
My special sister, with all she was going through, always thought of others.
My special sister always took time to give of herself to friends, sisters and brothers.
My special sister was always there with her kind thoughts, deeds, and caring.
My special sister is well-known and loved for her capacity for sharing.
My special sister needs to know how much she means to those who love her, especially me.
My special sister's strength, courage, and beauty are a shining example for all to see.
My special sister has carried a heavy burden for quite a long while.
My special sister would not allow us to share any of her pain but always her smile.
My special sister is surely a guardian angel sent from above.
My special sister, these heartfelt words are for you, from all of us who care, with all our love.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Leisha Hunt by Leisha Hunt
  • 3 years ago

I cried like a baby while reading this poem. I was the care giver to a very good friend of mine, Peggy Sue Smith. She was given the awful news that she six months without treatment to one year with treatment to live. She could sing like an angel and did every chance she got and she always had a smile that lit up a room. She made it three years and 6 months, and she is missed so much. Not a day goes by that I do not talk about her and long to hear her voice. I know she is not suffering anymore and GOD has her in his choir. Yet I did not want to let her go. I know I miss her so very much.

  • Gayla Boyd by Gayla Boyd
  • 6 years ago

I never heard about Acute Myeloid Leukemia until December 2013 when the Orange County Children Oncology Team gave my daughter and son-in-law the diagnosis to their precious 7 month old, Jonah, my grandson. Four days later we had to kiss our angel goodbye. Not a day goes by that I don't think of my angel.

  • Love by Love
  • 7 years ago

My Meme died from breast cancer, and I loved her a lot. I feel the same way you do about cancer. I can tell you hate it, and I do, too.

This poem touched me very deeply. I lost my older sister to ovarian cancer in 2014! Her name was Vicki too, and she was a very beautiful person inside and out! She just loved people of all walks of life! Was never judgmental, looked for the good in everyone she met! Always very helpful and giving. She lived a very spiritual lifestyle, and you could just feel the love pouring out from her heart and soul! She was not only my older sister, but my personal guardian angel! I know she is watching over the family now and her close friends! We love and miss you, Vicki! Thank you for this wonderful poem!

  • Deborah by Deborah, ON Canada
  • 10 years ago

We have just lost a good man. My brother in-law. He was only in the family for 5 years but it feels a lot longer. He came in to my sisters life at the right time. I told her he's a lot older then you but age does not matter if it is the right one. He got sick one year ago he looked at it and said just a bump in the road it was the word that no one like to hear Cancer. He did it all the tests, the treatments he went though them really good with a smile on his face. He said I was in the war and came home I can do this too. He was 83 years young so he said :-). We Will all miss him very much.
RIP Fred You Will Always Be In Our Hearts

  • Devon by Devon, Stocksbridge
  • 11 years ago

My friend suffered from a brain tumor for to years and she never complained in October last year we were told that there was nothing they can do it got worse and worse. She died on January the 11th this year she was nine and her name was caitlin!!!! I miss her so much but she's in a better place oxoxoxo R.I.P caitlin love you xxx

  • Nelson by Nelson, New Zealand
  • 12 years ago

Thank you so much for your poem. It brought tears to my eyes. I have just lost my brother in law to cancer. My sister has been amazing through out this short battle. Her and Ted had been together for 39 years and she is finding his passing very hard. This poem describes her to a tee. I am going to spend the weekend with her and will show her this poem. She means the world to me. Thank you again it's a truly beautiful poem.

  • Marilyn by Marilyn, Beaver Falls
  • 13 years ago

Found out recently that my sister has lung cancer. She has had a rough life but she is an excellent mother. Whatever her challenge or storm in life was..she always made it through to the other side. She is a God person. Miles keep us apart but she is always in my heart. I love you Marsha...

  • Jacintha by Jacintha, Nunavut
  • 13 years ago

I have a sister in law just diagnosed with cancer last wk and I also have a friend who is battling cancer. I feel that is a bad word. words can't express how I feel my heart goes out to you and all who have suffered from this (word) cancer.

  • Vicki Hale by Vicki Hale, Allegan Mi
  • 13 years ago

I've been looking at a lot of wordings that I will be able to share with my family. This one is very important.

Reason: I have brain cancer, the oldest of 12 children, and my name is Vicki. I feel this was telling me something, because everything in this message is true. I would like to thank Barbara Looney for this great message.

I love family and friends and enjoy life as I would enjoy it everyday. I'm not thinking about cancer but the fun times of love, laughter, and friendship. I'm not scared because I have cancer for I know God is by my side. I love to talk to family members and friends about my cancer if they want to know. I feel it makes life a little easier to handle to them to understand. So "thank you" for the greatest message.

  • Paula by Paula, Virginia
  • 14 years ago

I lost my sister, Lorie Ann Greene, to cancer a few months ago. She was my big sister and my best friend. I am the youngest of 8 kids. Lorie was more like a mother to me. I was with her the last few months of her life night and day. We had a lot of late night talks...we cried together and most of all told each other how much we meant to each other. I love my sister and miss her every moment of the day. She had more strength, courage I have even seen in anyone. She had a smile that would light up any room. When anyone would come see her she always had a smile....never let on how bad she was really feeling. Not a day goes by that I don't think of her or miss her. I wish I was half the person my sister was....and will always be to me. I love you Lorie. Till we meet again.

  • Nicole by Nicole, Australia
  • 14 years ago

My sister is battling Cancer and this past year has been really tough. This poem describes her to a tee. She has shown such strength and courage even when she gets bad news nearly every time she goes to the doctor. My sister won't be with us for much longer, and I want her to know how much she is loved.

  • Melissa by Melissa, - Coalisland
  • 14 years ago

Your poem was lovely :) Really touched me. I lost my sister 4 year's ago and my granny 6 year's ago due to cancer in the liver! My sister was just 16 and I was 12. My life just hasn't been the same ever since. I always think about them everyday day and night. Sometimes even cry myself to sleep. Me and my family had been invited to a weekend retreat every month down to Newcastle as they have dealt with children with cancer and helped other's cope with the death of family and friends. it really helped us a lot, So now we think back to all the good and bad memories with my sister and it help's coping with the death also. :D

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