Wife Death Poem

Poem About Wife Dying From Breast Cancer

Hi, my name is Kevin, and I lost my wife over 6 years ago, and I still miss and think of her every day. She died of breast cancer at the age of 46, leaving behind four children who loved her very much.

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Death Anniversary - I lost my wife to brain cancer on July 16, 2003. We were married for 5 years. We took her to the best hospital in Pakistan, and at third stage we thought we had beaten it...

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Pink Ribbon

Kevin T. Pearson © more by Kevin T. Pearson

Published by Family Friend Poems May 2012 with permission of the Author.

They said time would ease the pain.
Every day I still feel the same.
I wake every morning reaching for you,
My pillow soaked with my tears like the morning dew.

We were so sure this was something we could beat,
Knowing it would be no small feat.
The ribbons of pink now mean much more,
Just never thought this would come knocking on our door.

We fought for more time together,
Thinking every day you were getting better.
Every day, rain or shine, seemed to be lined with gold.
We still talked of our future plans of growing old.

We heard of so many that had survived this.
I still remember our last kiss.
We thought we could win for sure.
Now for others I can only hope for a cure.


more by Kevin T. Pearson

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Faisal Khan by Faisal Khan
  • 5 years ago

Death Anniversary - I lost my wife to brain cancer on July 16, 2003. We were married for 5 years. We took her to the best hospital in Pakistan, and at third stage we thought we had beaten it for good. But it came back, and she was gone before we realized after a normal routine six-month check-up. Few hours before her demise, she looked at the sky and she wanted something and we couldn't help her. She has left two son to mourn her. For me, this is the end of the world. I am alone inside me. I just cry when I remember the time we spent together. She was hardly 18 years old when she got married to me, and yet she really had been a great mother and wife. I feel so incomplete without her. I wonder what people do at my age to live a normal life.

  • Frank Masters by Frank Masters
  • 9 years ago

I lost my wife two months ago to cancer. Today on New Year's Eve I feel alone and lonely. I ask myself why couldn't God make us go together. We should have that choice especially people my age after being married for forty five years together. I consider myself lucky after reading some of the stories on this page. Why should I live when there are so many young people dying. I will gladly die today so I could give my remaining years to someone who is younger. All I am it seems is an added burden on my children. They don't need that, they have enough to worry about trying to raise a family in today's environment.

  • Frank Haulenbeek by Frank Haulenbeek
  • 9 years ago

Hi, my wife was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer on 06/24/2014. That also happens to be our birthday, we were born the same day, same year, We met at age 15. She passed away on 07/15/2015. We had just turned 44 years old. I'm lost without her. We have twin boys that are 24 years old and a 16 year old son. I guess we were naive when we thought she was getting better, but then it spread to her brain. 3 months later she was gone. I love you and miss you Maribeth.

  • Kevin Datthyn by Kevin Datthyn, NY
  • 9 years ago

I lost my beautiful wife Mary to ovarian cancer July 7th. After waiting our whole lives to find the right person we met late in life. The day before I planned to propose, Mary's 41st birthday, we got the diagnosis. Surgery, chemo and we were married 10 months after the diagnosis. However 2 more battles with cancer- more surgeries with radiation and chemo, and after only 4 1/2 years of marriage I'm left with only memories, and an empty void, and sadness because I know Mary kept fighting on because she loved me as much as I loved her.

  • Tommy Moffitt by Tommy Moffitt
  • 9 years ago

My beautiful wife, Kelly was diagnosed with triple negative breast Cancer, in March of 2013, at the age of 42. We went thru a bilateral mastectomy, chemo and rads, then the b/c matastasized to her brain. Kelly died January 2nd, 2015. She was my best friend. I miss my lover, every minute of every day. Kelly showed up for treatment every day. She's my hero.

  • Chuck Gilman by Chuck Gilman, Houston
  • 10 years ago

February 1, 2014 my beautiful wife had just turned 36 years old. We went out to celebrate and had a wonderful time the next morning she wasn't feeling very well. We thought it was from the night before or she got a stomach bug the pain was so intense and after a couple of weeks we seek help. February the 28th my darling wife was diagnosed with stage 3c ovarian cancer. We got her to what we thought was the best Cancer Hospital in the world MD Anderson on Friday March 14th I kiss my wife told her I love her as they were wheeling her into surgery she smiled and said I'll see you in 2 hours but that was not meant to be. She died Monday March 17th 2014 due to complications from the surgery. Leaving behind me and our 8 year old son after 13 years together I'm totally lost with out you sweetheart and I miss and love you so very much.
Your broken hearted husband Chuck

  • Brenton Parsons by Brenton Parsons, Louisville Kentucky
  • 9 years ago

Last summer, my wife Heather started having stomach problems. We thought that she might have a gluten intolerance, but we found out that it was being caused by a fibroma. During surgery, they discovered uterine cancer.
We took her to the best cancer hospitals in the world - M.D. Anderson and Sloan Kettering - but she died eight months later. She was 31 years old.
I have been lost since she left. We were together for 14 years, and we have a beautiful six-year old son.
I would give every earthly possession I own and work the rest of my days in a coal mine to see her again for an hour.
Honey I will take care of our boy and love you until the end.

  • Kelly. G by Kelly. G
  • 11 years ago

I lost my fiancé June 2011 to breast cancer, she was only 40. Even after two and a half years there's not a minute that goes by that she's not on my mind or in my thoughts. She was and always will be the love of my life and my best friend, we only had 1 year 10 months and 13 days together but what an honor it was to be in love with her. I miss you so much M.J. Thanks Kevin

  • Raymond Farme by Raymond Farme, r Warrnambool Australia
  • 11 years ago

l lost my wife yesterday after a 2 years and 8 months 15 days battle from breast cancer, thanks Kevin, l felt the same, l am still trying to get my head around it, she left a beautiful daughter and two grandchildren behind and the best 35 years 5 months and twelve days l ever had in my life RIP AND l love her so

  • Arthur. S by Arthur. S
  • 11 years ago

I lost my wife to breast cancer..
Mastectomy in 2004, we thought we had it beat but it came back in 2012 and I lost her in March this year.
Now I am left alone after 48 years of marriage.
Life is Devastating.
Thank you for your words Kevin. They help more than I can say.
Typed through Tears.

  • Pervez by Pervez
  • 7 years ago

I lost my wife to breast cancer on July 12, 2016. We were married for 45 years. We took her to the best hospital in Pakistan, and at one stage we thought we had beaten it for good. But it came back, and she was gone before we realized after a normal routine six monthly check up. Few hours before her demise, she looked so normal and had no serious complaints. She has left one son and three daughters to mourn her. For me, this is the end of the world. I am alone in a big house. I just cry watching her movies and pictures. She was hardly 18 years old when she got married to me, and yet she really had been a great mother and wife. I feel so incomplete without her. I wonder what people do at my age to live a normal life.

  • Mark Murray by Mark Murray
  • 11 years ago

I lost my love and wife to breast cancer after a four year battle. She also left three precious babies. Thanks Kevin Pearson.

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