1. Television
Famous Poem
The most important thing we've learned,
So far as children are concerned,
Is never, NEVER, NEVER let
Them near your television set --
There may be two people who have been dealt the same cards in life. Two individuals with all the same life circumstances. One is miserable, stressed out, and looks twenty years older than he is. The other is the happiest guy you could ever meet and looks twenty years younger than he is. How can this be? The answer is that it is not our life circumstances that make life difficult rather it is the attitude that we view our lives with. Those who are capable of seeing the humor in life and take life lightly will be able to do the best with the circumstances they have been given.
Famous Poem
The most important thing we've learned,
So far as children are concerned,
Is never, NEVER, NEVER let
Them near your television set --
Could the poet have foreseen a future where kids wouldn't even cluster around TVs anymore but appear detached, more alone with their phones? We've come a long way. The poem is funny, but...
My eyes are fine; they are just printing words small.
I just use a walking stick to seem stately and tall.
Nothing is wrong with my sense of smell.
Very nicely described and also the way it became funny was absolutely fantastic.
That's not my age; it's just not true.
My heart is young; the time just flew.
I'm staring at this strange old face,
And someone else is in my place!
I think getting old really is that scary for you to pen this down, but dear, it is the best thing in life. Embrace it because you are blessed.
All my life I've been extra large, plus
I'm known as a very large fellow.
I would easily pass as a school district bus
If somebody painted me yellow.
Very good poem! It is my favorite so far. I would love it if more like this were written.
Many, many years ago
When I was just a kid,
And I had just began to grow,
There's stuff I had and did.
Ah, blissful childhood memories. Raised in a rural community, most relatives and friends lived on farms. Being a town kid, homemade fried chicken dinners in an oversized farm kitchen, that...
The grass needs cutting,
I must mend the gate.
I'm expecting a parcel,
I hope it's not late.
I need to lose weight, just a pound or twenty.
If I could lose fifty, well that would be plenty.
I could join a gym, but I don't have the gumption.
My legging clad legs aren't for public consumption.
This was positively delightful! I'm quite sure this sums up just about anyone who has ever tried to exercise, only to be utterly fed up with it in no time. This definitely got me laughing,...
My son gifted me a phone, said it was very smart.
He said it would ease my life, that it was a new start.
Connect to internet, search for all you want to know.
Really a humorous poem. Before buying a smart phone, I also had similar doubts, but my daughter guided me. Still there are some elderly people known to me who refuse smart phones.
Restful sleep has proved elusive.
Lack of it is not conducive
To my overall wellbeing,
As I stare up at the ceiling.
My mirror is broken, or at least it seems to be,
for today I discovered an old man staring back at me.
The face I recognized,
As we get older, we look back and realize that age gradually snuck up on us. Once we take the time to look in the mirror, it is a startled realization about the facts we must face. This poem...
I'm getting older, nature deems.
I'm coming apart at the seams.
The things that never hurt before
Now multiply, make more and more.
Grandma's on the dancefloor
Shaking what she's got.
If it don't shake, it wobbles,
And boy, does it wobble a lot.
You find you're getting hairier though not atop your head.
You somehow sustain injuries while sleeping in your bed.
Your arm is not quite long enough to make the fine print clear.
You walk into a room then think - Now why'd I come in here?
So much thrown at me,
And up against a wall
I feel like I've spent my life,
Playing a game of dodgeball.
This story is so cute & true! It reminds me of the middle-school gym. Oh sure, everyone's best buds on their way in, but once the whistle blew, it was everyone for themselves!
Monday, I was angry with the sun.
It was always in my eyes - no fun.
Tuesday, I was angry with the rain.
Forgot my umbrella - what a pain.
The years are taking their toll.
Another birthday has now arrived.
People you meet say you're still looking young.
With a smile, you wink and say, "Nice try."
Age is only a number we accumulate through our journey along the path destined for us. “Just Another Year” gave our hearts a nudge. It’s all right to climb the ladder of numbers and let our...
I once applied for a life online
Sadly, however, I was declined
They told me I was not eligible
So I wrote them a letter to complain
Amazing! "I guess I'll have to re-apply." That line says it all. Very often...almost every day, such thoughts come in my mind. I find this poem very close to my own reality. Nice work, poet!
I'm not impressed with getting older.
It doesn't seem like a lot of fun.
Every joint seems to be seizing up,
And my feet won't let me run.
My husband plays golf, or at least he does try.
After many a round he will wonder just why.
It's not just a sport, it's a full-blown obsession
That can be euphoric or lead to depression.
I'm so glad that I'm not forgetful
and seeing the frustration it brings
like others who are losing their heads
and thinking of loftier things.