Funny Life Poem

Joking About Forgetfulness

Oh, the joys of being 77 years old! Sometimes my mind wanders from everyday practicalities and thinks loftier thoughts. I have learned that having a sense of humor when experiencing the trials of old age is a life saver. Yes, all of these situations mentioned in the poem did happen to me. I hope that you all will get a chuckle from this poem about being forgetful.

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Cheryl L. Delcour © more by Cheryl L. Delcour

Published by Family Friend Poems July 2022 with permission of the Author.

I'm so glad that I'm not forgetful
and seeing the frustration it brings
like others who are losing their heads
and thinking of loftier things.

This morning I found the keys in my door lock
when I walked out to leave.
How nice they were waiting there all night,
saving me time to retrieve.

I went to the garage yesterday
to put on my garden shoes.
There lay my wet swimming suit
with my important lists of to-dos.

Behind my decorative pillow,
I found popcorn and the remote for the TV
along with a black-laced bra
that I hope belongs to me!

Once again, I opened my pantry door
and spied a gallon of milk, quite lukewarm,
placed next to the chocolate cookies,
which seems to be the norm.

I did misplace my cup of hot tea
while I was icing my right knee.
It was found in the china cupboard.
Is someone playing a joke on me?

Whoever this culprit may be,
I wish he would leave me alone.
I don't have time to spare,
and I want the return of my cell phone.

Perhaps it's a playful, mischievous elf
hiding my glasses and my rings,
but I'm so glad that I'm not forgetful
and thinking of loftier things.



During my life's journey, I have been an elementary school teacher, a professional puppeteer, and a painter. Now during the past two years, I am exploring the path of poetry.

I am posting my poems on this site because it features a variety of poem choices of true quality. Being a new poet, I also appreciate the encouragement and...

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