Funny Life Poem

Funny Poem About Refusing To Age

Aging is inevitable...but most of us want to defy this natural phenomenon instead of accepting the passage of years gracefully. This is a humorous poem composed around refusal to accept aging.

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Very nicely described and also the way it became funny was absolutely fantastic.

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I Am Not Old

© more by Nandita Shailesh Shanbhag

Published by Family Friend Poems February 2019 with permission of the Author.

My eyes are fine; they are just printing words small.
I just use a walking stick to seem stately and tall.

Nothing is wrong with my sense of smell.
My ears are fine if you don't whisper but yell.

The wrinkles are just laugh lines; they will go away.
It is fashion that has turned my hair from black to grey.

It's the cold, not age that is stiffening my knees.
I like to hum as I walk; it's not a wheeze.

What extra kilos? My scale is broken down.
If I try, I can still fit into my wedding gown.

My bones don't creak; my shoes are new.
My memory is sharp. Oh, do I know you?


more by Nandita Shailesh Shanbhag

  • Stories 2
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  • Votes 1052
  • Rating 4.33
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  • Suryanshi Sinha by Suryanshi Sinha
  • 5 years ago

Very nicely described and also the way it became funny was absolutely fantastic.

  • Paul U. Akujuobi by Paul U. Akujuobi, Abuja, Nigeria
  • 6 years ago

Very well-rendered. I like the presentation and the humorous style with which the delivery was made.

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