Funny Life Poem

Funny Poem On Getting Older

After looking at myself one morning, I realized that I was getting lines and wrinkles on my face. This is how I felt at the time. I'm certain that many of us my age have felt this way at one time or another.

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As we get older, we look back and realize that age gradually snuck up on us. Once we take the time to look in the mirror, it is a startled realization about the facts we must face. This poem...

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The Mirror

Rick Hunter © more by Rick Hunter

Published by Family Friend Poems February 2016 with permission of the Author.

My mirror is broken, or at least it seems to be,
for today I discovered an old man staring back at me.

The face I recognized,
But he had hair of gray, and there were wrinkles around the eyes.

I waved. I rubbed the mirror with my sleeve.
No matter what I tried, he simply wouldn't leave.

This can't be me, I thought. I am much more svelte.
Just look at the way the belly hangs over his belt!

I also thought it was very queer.
The hair stopped growing atop his head and was growing out of each ear!

Who was this imposter, and what is he doing there,
this man of age with silver in his hair?

Why is my mirror doing this to me?
Having this old man staring back at me?


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As we get older, we look back and realize that age gradually snuck up on us. Once we take the time to look in the mirror, it is a startled realization about the facts we must face. This poem is adorable and it tells it like it is.

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