Pregnancy And Infant Loss Awareness Month - October
Published: October 2020

October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month. This awareness month was first declared on October 15, 1988, by President Ronald Reagan. It's a month to remember the babies we never got to hold in our arms or the babies that left this earth too soon. The pain can be unbearable for parents who experience this void in their lives.
Loss due to miscarriages, stillbirths, SIDS, and other infant deaths are not always talked about. Many people who suffer miscarriages don't share the news openly, causing them to wrestle with the pain without others knowing. Share your story. The darkness you walked through can shine a light for someone else going through the same thing.
We hope that you will see that you are not alone by reading these poems on pregnancy and infant loss. We encourage you to do something to keep the memory of your baby alive. Even if you never held your baby in your arms, their short life had meaning, and they will always be a part of your family.
39 Poems About Pregnancy And Infant Loss
The Strength You Gave Me
They tell me it's amazing how I've stayed so strong,
but they don't see how I cry when I hear your song.
They see the smile on my face but miss the hurt in my eye.
I would rather seem rude than let them see me cry.Featured Shared StoryGreat poem. My wife and I had just moved in our new house and went to sleep and woke up to our almost two-year-old baby boy not breathing. They said it was SIDS. It was the worst feeling in...
For My Little One
I never saw your twinkling eyes
Or touched your precious feet.
I never shared a tiny yawn
Or rocked you fast asleep.Featured Shared StoryThis poem is everything I've been thinking but unable to say. I was a young mother. I'm 16 and I lost my baby. When I started bleeding they told me everything was fine. They told me my baby...
Heaven's Rocking Chair
Are there rocking chairs in Heaven
where little babies go?
Do the angels hold you closely
and rock you to and fro?Featured Shared StoryOn July 8, 2017, I lost my precious three month old granddaughter. She was at the sitter's and was found face down in the playpen. I received the call to rush to the hospital while my...
Dear Grandpa,
I don't want you to worry about me.
This was the plan from the very first day.Featured Shared StoryThis poem is sad. It’s very sad to lose someone, especially a child or grandchild, and things like that happen all the time. What makes it even sadder is being a mom, dad, grandpa, or...
Maleah Antionette Gray
God gave me an angel,
A sweet, smiling baby girl.
He gave her to me...
10 little fingers, 10 tiny toes...all curled.Featured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!
An Unfinished Life
I'm sitting here mystified and numbed with pain
To lose someone so close, yet so far away.
Some say you can't lose something you never had.
If that's true, then how can I feel this sad?Featured Shared StoryMy eldest son came with his arm held high to the sky. His identical twin brother came with him, modest and his hand holding his mamma's thigh. They were born a miracle at 23 weeks gestation....
A Letter To My Unborn Child
So quickly you came into our lives,
So quickly torn away.
Never got the chance to meet you.
There's so much I want to say.Featured Shared StoryI got married in July and my husband and I were surprised when found that I was pregnant 3 months later. We were over the moon at how lucky we had been to fall pregnant so soon. However, our...
Baby Boy
There are no words to say but, "I love you,"
For I've shed tears to not have heard you coo.
A mother's joy turned to grief in a moment so fast,Featured Shared StoryYou were here, you were near. You grew, and I knew you were alive. I felt you move, I saw you grow, I heard your heart beat. My boy, that was your name, until I could learn to love your name....
Four Words
falling deeper & deeper each day.
wondering what else I'll lose
and wondering if it'll go away.Featured Shared StoryI had my baby girl on the 7th of May 2019. She was the greatest gift that I have ever received since I was born. She was so healthy and very much lively till sickness started attacking...
Hills & Valleys
The hills, the valleys
and the bends.
Going up and down each day,
wondering if my heart will mend.Featured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!
Long To See Your Sweet Face
Two pink lines, we knew it was true,
Sooner than later we would meet you.
I yelled for your Daddy and smiled just so.
He stood there in shock and a glorious glow.Featured Shared StoryI fell pregnant in 2012. I had the two lines come up on the test. I was excited but my partner (now ex) wasn't. He said he would throw me down stairs to make sure the baby doesn't survive. I...
Gone But Not Forgotten
You were a ripple on a glass-like pond,
Just a moment in time; it's hard to respond.
A wave crashing onto an empty beach,Featured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!
My Little Angel
I never got to hold you,
Or kiss your little head,
Or watch you sleeping soundly
All snuggled in your bed.Featured Shared StoryCole was a full-term baby. He died hours after birth. We held him for hours, passing him around. We knew he wouldn't live long, so we talked to him, telling him how much we loved him. After 4...
Daddy's Little Angel
Tiny angel, baby girl
Spread your wings and fly.
God picked you as his special angel,
Up there in the sky.Featured Shared StoryHi, myself and my partner just recently went through a medical termination due to our baby being diagnosed with anencephaly. Our baby was born on May 7, 2020 at 13 weeks, 4 days. It's...
What we call miscarriage,
Is hard to understand,
but God calls special babies
back with Him in Heaven's land.Featured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!
In Heaven On Your Birthday
Precious in your little frame, you danced into my heart.
And with the grace with which you came, with grace you did depart.
You held my finger in your hand, and with it held my soul.
I fell in love with those wide eyes, one kiss and I was whole.Featured Shared StoryMy baby girl died last April 15, 2017 because of congenital heart disease and did not survive the open heart surgery at the age of 1 year and nine months. Tomorrow (July 31) is her birthday....
Teenage Miscarriage
They say that time's a great healer,
But I don't think that's true.
My heart's been aching so, so much
Since the day that I lost you.Featured Shared StoryI also had a beautiful baby girl who I had at 25 weeks and 5 days. She lived for 2 days. I'll never get over losing my princess. I had a little boy, so all I wanted was a little girl. She...
Goodbye To My Baby Cousin
It's time to say goodbye,
and we don't understand why.
Today is the day we lay
our little man to rest.Featured Shared StoryMy 4 month old cousin passed away almost 2 weeks ago to SIDS. He was the smiliest most angelic little boy I've ever had the pleasure of coming into contact with. This poem made me cry. Thank you
My Angel Baby
I never got to see your eyes
or hold your hand or hear your cries.
All I have are dreams of you,
those of which will never come true.Featured Shared StoryToday we lost our little angel 20 weeks; my wife had slight bleeding for past few days; and doctor had prepared us for the worst; today morning her cervix was few cms dilated and by evening...
An Angel's Dad!
I can't begin to express the pain that I am in.
I lost a part of me, and that hurts me deep within.
You said goodbye before we ever got the chance to really say hello.
You were gone in a flash, leaving tears mixed with love and sorrow.Featured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!