Baby Death Poem

A Poem Remembering A Lost Child

This poem was for my 4-month-old baby cousin who passed away on April 23, 2008. He was born on December 12, 2007. He was premature, and he died of S.I.D.S. I loved him with all my heart; this poem's is to show that when you lose a baby or a loved one they will always be with you. His name was Nicholas Joseph Britzki. I LOVE YOU, NICHOLAS!

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My 4 month old cousin passed away almost 2 weeks ago to SIDS. He was the smiliest most angelic little boy I've ever had the pleasure of coming into contact with. This poem made me cry. Thank you

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Goodbye To My Baby Cousin


Published by Family Friend Poems October 2008 with permission of the Author.

It's time to say goodbye,
and we don't understand why.
Today is the day we lay
our little man to rest.
Everyone knows he was the best.
He was our miracle, our dream come true,
and we are here to comfort you.
Though today we say goodbye,
just remember he never really dies,
for in our hearts his spirit lies.
If he could talk, I know he'd say,
"Mommy, daddy, please don't cry,
for I am not gone; I'm flying high.
I'm that brand new twinkle in the sky.
I know one day I'll see you again,
and until then,
hold your heads up high,
and just remember I'm standing by,
for I'm the light of the moon
and the sunlight in the sky,
so please be strong, and it won't be long
till we're together again.
Love, your little man"


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Nate by Nate, Minnesota
  • 9 years ago

My 4 month old cousin passed away almost 2 weeks ago to SIDS. He was the smiliest most angelic little boy I've ever had the pleasure of coming into contact with. This poem made me cry. Thank you

  • Ashley Knoedler by Ashley Knoedler, FL
  • 9 years ago

I had a beautiful baby boy just one year ago! He was the biggest blessing and saved my life. He was an angel since the day he entered this world. My son was 8lbs 3oz when he was born on April 12,2014 and I named him Jordan Charles Knoedler. I had the most amazing time of my life with my son. I spent literally all day, every single day, of his short little life with him!

Jordan passed away just three days before his first birthday! On April 9,2015 my son passed away. He was brain dead and passed of brain death in which was caused by SIDS. Jordan was the happiest child you could ever imagine. He brought light into every room he entered. He has impacted every life he entered. As he saved my life from a deadly path I was on. Jordan also saved a one year old little girl's life by giving her his lung! She took to it and her life was saved! My son is truly a big blue eyed angel! He was mommy's boy! He will forever and always be with me! I love you Jordan Charles with all I have!

  • Kelly Paul by Kelly Paul, Melrose Florida
  • 11 years ago

I lost my son when he was just only 4 months due to SIDS it still hurts till this day and I keep him close to my heart. He was my first baby and I still have those dreams of him every day and every night. I see his picture every day next to my bed and all I can do is cry I miss my baby really bad:(

  • Sami by Sami
  • 12 years ago

Omg so beautiful, I cried when I read it then I read the description (on how he died of SIDS) and I just lost it, my cousin also died from SIDS when he was 7 weeks old I never met him, I wish I did though

  • Tiffany Vance by Tiffany Vance
  • 12 years ago

Your poem is very touching. My two month old baby cousin just passed away yesterday. He was born with hypo plastic left heart syndrome and at first they didn't think he was going to make it so they sent him to Columbus. He was to have a series of surgeries on his heart. His first had been successful and he was supposed to go for his second the beginning of June. He was doing just fine....even yesterday and all of a sudden his death came. They couldn't even tell us what the cause of his death was.

  • Elin H by Elin H, Norway
  • 13 years ago

Thank you for this beautiful poem. A beautiful little baby boy, Simen Leander just died three hours ago. He struggled through the pregnancy, but was doing quite well now. Had his control yesterday, was growing nicely and everything was great with him. This morning he didn't wake up. His little body was so pale and cold. There are no words, nothing that can ever describe the pain of losing a seemingly healthy little baby. He stayed with his parents for a month and a half, now he's gone. So beautiful even in death. Your poem is inspiring, helpful, comforting. Thank you for sharing.

  • Alison by Alison
  • 13 years ago

Thank you for this wonderful poem. My cousin died peacefully yesterday morn'. I will turn this into a song and sing it. Thank you.

  • Joseph by Joseph
  • 14 years ago

This poem really touch my heart.. brought tears to my eyes.. this made me think of my baby boy my first child my son my everything.. he was due 4/21/10 but due to an car crash he was here with us 12/23/09 at 6:45 and passed away 12/23/09 at 10:54 pm.. those four hours have been the most wonderful and painful hours ever

  • April Williams by April Williams
  • 14 years ago

I have been looking and this one is close, my husband and I held our son while he died the hardest thing I have ever endured in my life he was only 5 months old and there are no words but your poem is close

  • Jo by Jo, Birmingham
  • 14 years ago

I have been searching for a fitting tribute for my daughters 'friends' baby. He died aged 10 months a few weeks ago and my daughter wanted something meaningful to say at his funeral next week. This poem expresses just what she wants to say even down to 'the new twinkle in the sky' as this was what she always sang to him.

  • Elecia by Elecia
  • 14 years ago

I Love this, my son also was born a preemie, in 2007 and passed away at 8 months in 2008 of SIDS, his middle name was Joseph too, maybe they are friends in Heaven. I wrote a poem for him as well that was spoken at his funeral, and I believe my son is with me daily. It so hard to loose a child, what keeps me going is knowing that he is waiting for me....

  • Danielle Nixon by Danielle Nixon
  • 14 years ago

Aww, this really touched me ..
this is a really lovely poem.
I was reading through these and I couldn't help but read this one ..
my 2 sisters died and I just wanted to let them know I am always looking out for them (L)

  • Esphie by Esphie, Manila Philippines
  • 14 years ago

I gave birth on Feb. 20, 2010,a beautiful baby girl name Yhuan, she was only 1 day old when she died because of lack of oxygen. cardiac respiratory arrest, Thanks to your poem, it gives me more hope, that someday I can hold my daughter and kiss her and tell her that I miss and love him so much. I know she is my little guardian angel now.

  • Jennifer Shandler by Jennifer Shandler, Mission
  • 15 years ago

This poem is beautiful. It has touched my heart dearly. My 1st born son, Chase Jaxon Shandler, was born April 11 2009. He passed away suddenly on July 11 2009. He was born with Gastroschisis and had 3 surgeries in BC Children's Hospital. We got to take him home 2.5 months of age, and it was the happiest month of our lives. I miss his smile. I miss his cry. I miss everything about him, and think of him everyday. I love him with all my heart, and miss him so much. I know he is a little angel in heaven now, and we will see him again one day, but it is still so hard. This poem brought tears to my eyes. I have printed it for his scrapbook. Thank you.

  • Naomi by Naomi
  • 15 years ago

I think is poem is beautiful, it helps make me feel a bit better. I lost my little sister Ella on the 12th July 2008, she was stillborn and it affected are family very badly. I know Ella's has been looking down on us as 7 weeks ago my little sister was born healthy and 5 days later so was my nephew!!

  • Tiffany by Tiffany, Fort Knox
  • 15 years ago

I lost my son who was 4 months, 9 days old. He received his routine vaccinations and a few hours later went into seizures. I watched him every day for a little over a month as he suffered from the seizures and then he passed away October 5, 2009. He is my fourth child, second boy. The completion to my family. It is hard and I cry every day... I didn't know my body could hold so many tears..... Always in our hearts, Parker Anthony Crosby 5/26/09 - 10/5/09

  • jennifer by jennifer
  • 15 years ago

My little brother lost his baby a month ago. She was 19 days old. She was supposed to have been a healthy baby but she wasn't. This poem I think will make him understand a little better and maybe he can quit blaming himself

  • Dee by Dee
  • 15 years ago

Thank you for this beautiful poem. I lost my 1st born, a son...Jack Samuel. He was born too soon, he struggled for life for 24 hrs, I held him in my arms couldn't let go, its an ache, crippling pain and part of me died with him. that was almost 16 years ago, his birthday is coming up. He would have been 16. I still feel the pain, and miss him so.

  • shawn by shawn
  • 15 years ago

its a very heart warming poem it really touches me I lost my son on June 12 2009 I was 20 weeks pregnant and he wasn't able to live, being born so early. It's a hard thing to lose a child. Thanks for posting such a wonderful poem.

  • evangelina by evangelina
  • 16 years ago

thank you so much I read this at my baby cousins funeral and it touched everyone thank you again

  • Sassiah Ramlal Hernandez by Sassiah Ramlal Hernandez
  • 16 years ago

My son Massiah Sanchez Hernandez was born on 31.12.08 and was 24 weeks, he was premature and too small to live, this poem has touched me so deeply and it will be read at his funeral, I met him for a few minutes and fell in love with him and miss him so much, he was my 2nd child, and 1st son and he will always be missed and be in our hearts

  • Libi by Libi
  • 16 years ago

this is a very touching poem I really liked it, it made me cry, you are a very good poet, lots of love,
libi, xx

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