Baby Death Poem

A Poem For The Child I Never Got To Meet

I wrote this poem for a very close friend of mine. Last year, she became pregnant with her first child. At eight weeks she had a miscarriage. It was totally unexpected and incredibly traumatic for her. But she trusted in the Lord through the entire trial and with His help and strength made it through. So, that being said, I wrote this poem for her and in memory of her baby. Enjoy!

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Today we lost our little angel 20 weeks; my wife had slight bleeding for past few days; and doctor had prepared us for the worst; today morning her cervix was few cms dilated and by evening...

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My Angel Baby


Published by Family Friend Poems May 2009 with permission of the Author.

I never got to see your eyes
or hold your hand or hear your cries.
All I have are dreams of you,
those of which will never come true.
My heart sank the day that I knew
I would never get to meet you.
I had made plans and had aspirations.
If only I had a little more patience.
I never thought the Lord would take you
away from me so soon.
But I'll never forget that dismal day,
around two in the afternoon.
The day I knew something was not right,
and through many tears I would have to fight.
Now, all I do is dream every night
about what life would have been like.
What if you really had been born?
But all we have are dreams of that,
and all we can do is mourn.
We will not mourn for you though,
because we know you're where you need to be,
even though it isn't here with me.
You are my angel baby because God wanted you with Him.
Now, forever with his angels, His praises you will sing.
None of my dreams for you will ever come true,
because of that day God chose to take you.
But, my angel baby, you will always be
in my heart forever, forever a part of me.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Vic by Vic
  • 9 years ago

Today we lost our little angel 20 weeks; my wife had slight bleeding for past few days; and doctor had prepared us for the worst; today morning her cervix was few cms dilated and by evening 7:00 she delivered our little angel; girl just 300gms; the pediatrician was explaining me the world average of premature baby's survival stats; but couldn't hear any of those; I was just thinking of my little angel; who is gonna go to heaven in few minutes; and about my wife; who really went through the physical and mental trauma; now when I die I have a good reason to smile and die; to meet my little angel. RIP my little angel.

  • Tierra by Tierra, Houston Tx
  • 9 years ago

I lost my first child June 9 th 2015. I was 5 months pregnant. I was diagnosed with Pcos, Poly-cystic ovaries syndrome at 19 years old. I was told it would be hard for me to have kids and I would have a lot of miscarriages. I didn't want to believe this because I have always been motherly and I love children. My bf of 7 years has stuck by and he is still here. I got pregnant in late January. I was told I would be fine and everything was fine with the baby. I went to the hospital a week before my miscarriage and she told me I was having growing pains. A week later I went into labor. I didn't even know the sex of the baby yet until he came out. It was a little boy. My heart and soul are more than sad. He is with God now. He is my angel. I had so many plans for his life. I was excited for my first child but he was taken from me in a blink of an eye. This day will never be forgotten. I will make it through this pain.

  • Kristen Medina by Kristen Medina, LA
  • 10 years ago

This poem touched my heart deeply, I can also relate to the other stories, May 12, 2014. I was 20 weeks when I started getting pains and a little bleeding so I went to the E.R when the doctor told me my symptoms was something that was P.R.O.M (premature rupture of membrane ) they sent me to a bigger Dr in Sioux Falls and it was 2 in the afternoon when they told me my baby wasn't going to make it! I was devastated, my boyfriend walked out of the room crying, we were able to hear her heartbeat. I actually went in labor the next morning, she was a baby girl. My doctor told me there was nothing I did wrong or nothing to prevent it, I would have had her Nov. 5, 2014.

  • Janet R. by Janet R., Tx
  • 10 years ago

I can relate to this poem, I was 2 weeks pregnant in 2006, and I had suffered a miscarriage. This wasn't my only miscarriage. I had suffered another 1 again, also 2 weeks along. I was always wondering what it would've have been like if my kids had lived. I was always dreaming that I would have little girls running around. I would like to have more in the near future, down the line. I love little kids and I don't want to risk losing another, I don't think I can bear it. I miss my children so much. I think about them all the time.

  • Nicki White by Nicki White, Frankfort Ky
  • 10 years ago

I love this poem it really hits home for me. On the day I was going to find out the sex of my little angel I went into labor. I was only 20 weeks. She was still alive when she came out but the doctor told me there was nothing they could do so I just watched her little heart until it stopped. That was the hardest day of my life it still is hard. If it wasn't for my little boy I would have lost my mind but I knew I had to keep it together for him. I helps knowing she is watching over me and all who loves her even though she not her with us. I love you my baby to the moon and back I can't wait to see your little face when I'm called home ...... R.I.P

  • Ann by Ann, Manila Philippines
  • 10 years ago

I loss my son last October 16, 2013 until now I'm still grieving and it is so difficult to move on, it is almost 7 months, I experience severe bleeding it results of losing him. I am supposed to gave birth last Jan. 13, 2014. I feel very sad from what happen, I keep praying that somehow God will lessen my pain that I feel inside. I'm looking forward to have another baby once I will fully recover physically and mentally.

  • Imelda by Imelda
  • 11 years ago

This poem touch my heart I lost my baby last Friday it was. 9 weeks pregnancy I've been crying day and night wishing I could have it back. It's tearing me apart. Words can explain this feeling anger, devastated and no one can understand except myself.

  • Hope Kaman by Hope Kaman
  • 11 years ago

The words spoken felt as if it came from my heart itself. Only because I know these feelings. I've felt them before. I can relate to this poem and many others about child loss. I had lost my set of triplets Feb. 5th this year. I can relate to this I've loss 9 babies total. Due to an illness. I love my baby angels with all of my heart. Miss them dearly. But I can say my world does rest in gods hands. And I'm happy that they are in gods hands. And not in this thing called life. I mean I'm not saying I don't want or didn't want them. I do I wish I could have my babies. But it's gods plan not mine. Thank you for reading and thank you for the poem sharing.

  • Shane Hutchinson by Shane Hutchinson, South Africa
  • 11 years ago

Heather, thank you for this beautiful poem.

It touches my heart. On 30 Aug 2009 my wife and I lost our little baby at 13 weeks, after celebrating the end of "danger" period and our 5 year anniversary.

Today we are about to part ways as the she has never gotten over the grief of not being able to bare children since then. This grief has turned to resentment and has caused an emotional separation between us.

Tomorrow we mark 4 years, since the dreadful day and we have agreed to do a sending in hope of helping with closure. I will use your poem as an ode to our little Grace. An I hope it will bring my wife some comfort

Thank you

  • Kls by Kls, Owensboro
  • 11 years ago

I lost my baby on 11-27-2008. I was 8 weeks pregnant and I woke up that morning knowing something wasnt right. My husband and I rushed to the hosptial just to sit in the waiting room for 2 hours. They told us that our angel was no longer with us. I became depressed for the last five years. I have lost so much since I lost my angel. I keep losing jobs and and it got so bad that my husband left me. Now I know my baby will always be with me in my heart. I still have depression, but not as bad. It does get easier to deal with as the years go by. R.I.P my angel baby

  • Angela by Angela, Maryland
  • 11 years ago

Beautiful poem I just lost my baby girl yesterday (July 23 2013) at 5:07 pm. I was 22 weeks I found out on the 15th I was two centimeter dilated and leaking membrane so was on bed rest everything was going fine she had a strong heartbeat and very active. On July 22 I went back to my doctor and I was still 2cm nothing changed so I was happy then the next day I started having contractions and bleeding....she was only a pound this poem is helping with me and my husband. It is beautiful.

  • Ahs by Ahs, Hollywood
  • 11 years ago

This poem really touched me as a grandmother. My two older daughters were happily pregnant at the same time. My 32 year old was 29 weeks & my 27 year old was 32 weeks pregnant. They were so excited to know that they were both having girls and their babies would only be three weeks apart. We'd planned a baby shower for my 27 year old to be held on Saturday, April 6, 2013. I received a call on the Friday before the baby shower from my oldest daughter at eleven o'clock at night from the hospital. She was concerned that her baby wasn't moving as usual and she wanted to make sure everything was fine. My 27 year old daughter & I rushed to the hospital to be with her and her husband. The doctor confirmed our worst fears...there was no heartbeat and the baby was dead. We were devastated...we would never be able to look into her sweet innocent eyes or hear her very first cry. My grandbaby was stillborn on Sunday, April 7, 2013 @ 5:40 am.
My precious are gone but you will never be forgotten. You will be in my dreams and I will hold you again in heaven. Love Grandma

  • Tiffany by Tiffany
  • 12 years ago

Thank you for writing and sharing this beautiful poem. I just lost a baby at 15 weeks and I can't even put it into words. Thank you for expressing my thoughts.

  • E.C.M by E.C.M
  • 12 years ago

This poem really touched me. I can really relate to it. I took about five different pregnancy tests I had no other choice but to admit it. That week I went to the doctor. I was 15 and only 10 weeks pregnant. my boyfriend didn't know I didn't want to tell him since he was in between dropping out of school. Well that Thanksgiving break I knew I was pregnant already but that last day of school before break I had a big argument with my mom we pushed and shoved each other and she kicked me and slapped me but I did the same. She did this not know I was pregnant. Well that night I went to sleep crying. I felt fine then in the middle of the night I felt killer pains below my stomach. That morning I started to bleed so I had to tell my mom. We went to the hospital and we both cried to hear that I had lost my baby. After the surgery I got to see my baby's lifeless body. Nothing but a tiny piece of meat and tiny little ity bity head. I will never forget those images in my head. I never told my boyfriend.

  • Mj by Mj
  • 12 years ago

It feels so bad and it hurts really really bad knowing that after all the plans you have made for your little angel, you will not be able to held him in your arms, let your angel feel the warmth of your love, not be able to hear his cries and his coos. I will never forget the day when I knew that I will be able to meet my little angel because the doctor says that she can't hear any heart beat, after doing all the effort she told me to have another ultrasound. My husband and I were so terribly shocked and trembling when the doctors burst out the word..HE'S DEAD!
He was 5 months old and I can't explain the pain I'm feeling right now, the worst pain I ever HAD...and it's killing me...
For my little angel..Mama is just here, I love you very much and you know that....You will always be my angel. You are now with papa Jesus...I love you my angel...Kisses and lots of hugssssssss, I will really missed You...

  • Welshchic by Welshchic, Wales
  • 12 years ago

This is so touching as on the 8/4/12 I found out I was 7 weeks pregnant and me and my boyfriend were so happy. All I ever wanted was to be a mum but then on the 13/4/12 I got rushed in to hospital because I was bleeding but I was still pregnant. They told me so. They sent me to an early pregnant clinic on the 17/4/12 and then they told me I had lost my little baby it's hard because I never even seen my angel in a scan or never even heard its little heart beat but me and my boyfriend still named our little angel Codie so RIP my little angel never forget you, my little lovely. My heart goes out to you all that have lost a little angel x.

  • Jacqueline by Jacqueline, New Jersey
  • 12 years ago

I could relate to this poem, it has been 12 years today that I lost my first son at 8 months pregnant. 3 years after I lost my second son at 7 months pregnant. And a year ago, I lost my third at 3 months pregnant. If you ask me I will keep trying. I know in my heart that one day I will be blessed with a child.

  • Ashley by Ashley, Las Vegas
  • 12 years ago

I can relate to this. My brother and my sister-in-law lost their baby on July 3, 2012. They were going to have a baby girl. She was going to have green eyes just like my brother. She was 5 months pregnant. This is her second miscarriage that she has had this year. She really took this one hard because she was so far along. It was really hard for me because after the first baby died I had a dream that they were going to have a girl and her name was going to be Alexis. I told my sister in law about the dream when she was 3 months and she was so happy. I was glad I could make her smile because she was sick. On July 1st she was having stomach pains but she just laid down thinking that she just needed to rest but on July 3rd is when the pains came back but even harder. That's when she was rushed to the hospital.

  • Rose by Rose, Texas
  • 12 years ago

I was 7 month pregnant when the ultra sound showed that there was something wrong with the baby. The doctor told us that she had water on the brain, so he ordered a amnio. After the amnio I started having contractions, but they were able to stop the labor. That night I started bleeding and delivered what I thought was the baby. but it was only the placenta. Two days later they were sending me home to wait till I was going into labor, except I never left the hospital. That day, Oct. 23 1988 I gave birth to a baby girl. Jenny lived 55 minutes. I was so drugged up that I don't remember much. My husband said my heart even stopped. He woke me up long enough for the chaplain to do his service. I only remember holding her, giving her a kiss and telling her how much I loved her. I still miss my little baby girl. I know she's up there with my mom and dad, my brother, all the other babies I miscarried and my husband. One day I will hold her again....

  • Crystal by Crystal
  • 12 years ago

I was 6 months and 1 week when I had my son, I thought everything was perfect until I went into labor not knowing it. Because it was my first child I didn't know what to expect. I had him at a little under 2 pounds 13 and 3 quarters long, he had blood in his brain and it was already at a stage 4. There is not a day that goes by that I don't miss him or cry for him. I know it was gods plan but why me? I know now that my next pregnancy I have to have a stitch and do very little. But I just don't know why I had to learn the hard way, he was in the NICU for 2 days his eyes wasn't open and I didn't even get to hear him cry. I know exactly what your going through, something a mother should never had to go through! I am so sorry for everyone's loss that has lost a child. I know carrying him for 6 months, feeling his kicks, and knowing he was safe in my belly... I wouldn't want anyone to go through that. I miss you baby Beau, momma loves you baby!

  • Linda by Linda
  • 12 years ago

I recently had a miscarriage fairly early in my pregnancy. I didn't expect for it to be so devastating. My cousin recommended a book...Heaven is for Real: A Little Boy's Astounding Story of His Trip to Heaven and Back. I am catholic and I do take my faith seriously. This book tells the story of a young boy's story about his trip to heaven and back. For those who have had a miscarriage you may find comfort reading this story.

  • Cee by Cee, Ph
  • 12 years ago

I lost my baby last May 12. She's just six and a half months. My water bag rapture and I need to deliver her (she's a baby girl). Before that, I've been in and out of the hospital because of bleeding and contractions. My cervix was opened 2cm in my 4th month. She didn't cry, she didn't open her eyes. I'm so hurt. I've been asking, if she was meant to die so soon why did she even come into the world?

  • Phoenix-Jade by Phoenix-Jade
  • 12 years ago

When I read this poem and all these stories it brings me to tears.
I have lost two babies and understand the pain which is associated with losing a baby.
My first one I lost in 09, by miscarriage and the second I lost in 11, by ectopic.
I was very upset with both, but when I lost the second one, well all hell broke lose because I was in and out of the hospital for about 4 months due to suicidal thoughts and attempts.
Even though I am happy with my two that are living, but you will never ever get over this type of pain!!
I never have anyone there for me when I lost my two, the first my husband didn't believe and the second, my boyfriend told me if you can't get over this then there is no need for us!!

  • Phoenix-Jade by Phoenix-Jade
  • 12 years ago

When I read this poem it brought tears to my eyes, as I have lost two babies. My first one was a miscarriage, I was only three weeks pregnant and my second was an ectopic, I was only a couple of days to a week with this one. I lost my first one in 09. I lost my second one in November last year. All the pain from my first lost all came flooding back when I lost this one. So with pain from both losses all running through my head at the same time, had me on suicidal watch week after week for four months. This sort of pain isn't an easy pain to deal with and or an easy pain to forget. I still to this day have teary days over my two that I lost, but I do try and tell myself that I am grateful for the two that I have, even though they don't live with me. I am grateful because I have these two, but like I said this sort of pain will never sit aside that easily!!

  • London by London
  • 12 years ago

Reading all of these just brings me to tears. My son went three days overdue on the third day his heart stopped beating and from that day my heart got taken too. The tears don't stop and the pain remains. Rest In Peace my previous little Kaylen mummy n daddy loves u xxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • Yamin by Yamin
  • 13 years ago

I am 12 years old and I do not have a brother my sister was just now married I become happy when I know that my sister is pregnant and later on she birth a baby boy he was so cute. He was loved by everyone in the family. We named him Mubariq. After 3 months he died. my sister and all we are missing him a lot we love you Mubariq.

  • Shawnna by Shawnna
  • 13 years ago

I was 7 weeks along and had a miscarriage in the bathroom I had to get it out and put it in a bag until my husband got home at 8 pm to go to the ER and I ask to talk to the nurse alone to show her and the first words she said is this is normal you had a miscarriage put in in the disposal and we'll take care of it my miscarriage was on 1-2-2012 at 2:00pm

  • Anje Kandan by Anje Kandan, South Africa
  • 13 years ago

December 7th, my first son would have been 13 years old. December 8th, is the anniversary of his death (13 years). Every year I think that I won't be emotional or sad, but the pain never truly leaves you. I look at his picture and wonder what kind of person he would/could have been. The one and only time I got to hold him, was as he was dying. Wish I'd had more time with him.

  • Amber Dinch by Amber Dinch, Louisville
  • 13 years ago

I have been pregnant 4 times. My first 2 pregnancies were ectopic and the last 2 were miscarriages. This was all within 1 year and 8 months. I cry every day. All I want is my babies, and to be a mother. My Angel Babies will never be forgotten!
I loved this poem, it really meant a lot to be able to read it.

  • Melanie Kate Millon by Melanie Kate Millon, Philippines
  • 13 years ago

...when I'd read this poem and seen the stories of the others. I've realized that its not only me who is going through this. I just lost my son a few months ago, August 2, 2011 and I'm still grieving. I always asking "why?". It's so painful losing him because I've waited him for seven years to come. He is my first born...and that hurt me so much.

  • Reazul Kabir by Reazul Kabir, Chittagong
  • 13 years ago

It is Thursday and the sky is full of cloud and it has been raining since morning. Just a week ago, it was also a rainy day. A little angel was sick and his grandpa let him to the doctor. His mum repeatedly tried to inform doctor how her son felt, his complexity. But the inhumane doctor forced the mum to leave. He was hospitalized and died after several hours in early 9th September at 2 AM.
Do you see any mum who is mourning for her child who is only 2 years when he left her. Her grief makes me so upset. She cried, " my son wanted to tell me many things from his death bed but I could not understand" " how can my kid leave without me" " I failed to take his proper care that's why he left me" "I bought colored pencils for him as he wanted it" " my kid liked orange juice and I bought for him "he liked to dance with TV advertisement" This little kid left hundreds of memories for his parents and grandpa and Mama.

  • Melissa by Melissa, Indiana
  • 13 years ago

Back in March of this year my husband and I found out we were pregnant with our 3rd baby, we were so excited. My first ultrasound everything was more than perfect, but with my 20 week ultrasound they found no kidneys and sent me to a specialist and not only did the specialist not find any kidneys, but no arteries coming from the kidneys either which means no amniotic fluid. The diagnosis is called Bi-Lateral Renal Agenesis or Potters Syndrome. We are carrying our baby to full term (Nov 22) unless baby decides to come early. We are just devastated...

  • Bonnie by Bonnie, California
  • 13 years ago

I completely understand. Today is the One Year of me loosing my baby. I was 6 months pregnant and went into labor. I feel like I dealt with the pain for 364 days this year but dealing with it today was so horrible. If experiencing with the pain of loosing a baby is new for you, know that you can't do it alone. Talk to someone, go to a group, or do something. TALK ! No matter how far along you were, it still hurts to loose a baby. Pray and talk and let the people you love, love you and comfort you. God Bless

  • Brianne by Brianne, Nc
  • 13 years ago

I lost my child a week ago at 11 weeks. People try to comfort me, but the greatest comfort is knowing they are in Heaven with God. I keep reminding myself that they will never feel pain, experience grief, or know war. I also know I will see them again one day, and I can't wait.

  • Erin by Erin, Indiana
  • 13 years ago

I feel the same way right now. I could of wrote this poem myself. I lost my baby on 4-24-2011. Thank you for writing this beautiful poem. xoxo

  • Caitlin by Caitlin, Mullins SC
  • 13 years ago

I found out I was pregnant on Sept 5-2010 and let me tell you I was so happy I went to DR appt. and everything until he told me it was ectopic. I didn't want to believe him but it was true. He wanted to give me a shot to abort it but I was not gonna do that so my tube ruptured and I was rushed to the hospital for emergency surgery. I loved my little one so much and it still kills me to this day to think about him/her and what might have been.

  • Natalie by Natalie, Louisiana
  • 13 years ago

I lost my son Feb. 13th, 2010 and it was the worse day of my life. But when I come to this website and read I cry but it helps with the pain. So thank you so much may God Bless

  • Reegan by Reegan, Australia
  • 13 years ago

I was 32 weeks pregnant with twin boys... my partner was so excited to have 1 little boy, even more excited to have 2! I went for my regular fortnightly check up on the 8/7/1010, the mid-wife wrapped some monitors around me to hear the heart beats, she told me everything sounded ok. After my appointment I went for my regular scan of the boys... only to be told that twin b had passed away. To make matters worse they insisted I keep my deceased baby inside me to allow the other baby to grow more before being born... well this just wasn't an option! I demanded the c-section take place asap. trying to dealing with the grief of loosing a baby and the joy of a new baby at the same time was extremely difficult, the fake smiles for visitors, the tears I would hold back, the guilt I felt for not being grateful I had at least 1 healthy baby boy. The pain is still strong 8.5 months later!

  • Ss by Ss, California
  • 14 years ago

I have a similar story to everyone else's as well. My baby was full-term, at 38 weeks gestation already when I didn't feel any movement. At my doctor's appointment, there was no movement and no heartbeat could be detected on the ultrasound. I was crushed! He's our first pregnancy and first baby and we were so close to having him with us because his due date was just 2 weeks away. We had everything ready for him and then this happened... I wasn't prepared for something like this especially because I thought I was so far along that nothing bad could happen.

At least we got to hold him when he was born, and we know what he looks like..even though he never had a chance to meet us. We just had his funeral a few days ago and now we have to decide what we will put on his gravestone... my husband wrote something for him but he doesn't feel like he wants it on the gravestone... so I'm here on this website looking for some poems that might inspire me to write something.

  • Kristin by Kristin, Minnesota
  • 14 years ago

I just found out Monday that my baby has no heartbeat I'm 12 weeks along and devastated. I will never forget my angel baby this poem touched me. I didn't think I had any more tears to cry.

  • Emj by Emj
  • 14 years ago

my sister lost her baby at 32 weeks. I was there when she was born. I'm only 12 and find it really hard even though it's two years ago. My friends have all left me and all I have is my sister and I need someone to talk to. None of my friends have been through it, I cry everynight for her its not nice. I listen to the song we played at the funeral everyday its my ringtone I think it helps xxxxxx

4-12-2008 rest in peace

  • Katelin by Katelin
  • 14 years ago

I was 23 weeks pregnant and I lost my little girl to a drunk driver. I went to the hospital and they did an ultrasound and said everything was fine. They told my ob I had no bruising on my belly and that she was fine they sent me home, then I went to my ob the next day and they told me there was no heart beat and that the drunk driver had killed her and that the placenta had separated. It happened 9-11-10 and its very hard to deal with and I miss and love her very much!!!!

  • Nidia by Nidia
  • 14 years ago

I wanted it to be surprise so I made sure the doctors knew everytime I went for a checkup that we didn't want to know the sex of our baby. I was so excited being my first child ..the due date was 11-13-10. I wasn't feeling my baby move so I went to the doctor to find out that I had lost my baby at 7 months ..2 months was a baby boy. I just ask myself why me. I just never thought of taking my baby home in a box instead of a carseat like everyone else.

  • Deanna by Deanna
  • 14 years ago

I have four children. 1 girl 10, 3 boys from 8-17 yrs old. I am 30 years old. With my last son me & my family wanted him to be a little girl so bad, but we were still grateful! He was miracle baby born at 2 lbs.. 11oz. Last September 2009 I found out that I was 3 months pregnant. When I had the ultrasound done it was a girl! On December 23 I had a regular check up & everything was fine. I heard her heartbeat & everything! On Christmas Eve morning I had an appt with the specialist being that I had high blood pressure. That morning at about 6:00 am I knew something didn't feel right because after I ate she did not move & go crazy like normally. So when I went to get the ultrasound the tech went through it very fast. So when she asked had I felt any movement I said no! She said I'll be right back. So when the Dr. came in he did everything over & asked the same that time he told me there was no heartbeat & no movement. I was devastated! And still am!

  • Kylie  A.C.T by Kylie A.C.T
  • 14 years ago

this poem touched me big time I was pregnant with my 3rd baby and I had a miscarriage at around 8 weeks it was a mist miscarriage cause there was no heartbeat and no movement it was very heart breaking I think that it would of been a girl cause I had 2 boys and if it was a girl me and my partner would of called her Hayley jade R.I.P you will always be in my heart little one

  • Paulina by Paulina, New York
  • 14 years ago

My mother was pregnant when I was just 9 years old. She ended up having a miscarriage. How? My father abused her and killed the baby. I am the only one who knows this secret. It was a very traumatic experience for me. I always wonder how life would have been different with a little baby brother. He will always be in my heart. R.I.P. Ethan my little angel from above<3

  • Toscha Pekin by Toscha Pekin, Il
  • 14 years ago

I love this poem oh so much. I just recently lost my daughter. I would of been 21 weeks and 3 days along with her. I lost her July 17th and now she is my guardian angel...

  • Jessica by Jessica, Iowa
  • 15 years ago

I can relate to this story, last Tuesday my boyfriend and I went to the doc for our first ultra sound of the baby. This is or was are first child together. We were in there 5 mins and they had us leave and wait to talk to the doc because the baby wasn't moving and there was no heartbeat. It had stopped growing at 6 weeks and I would be 11 weeks and my body hasn't rid of the baby yet because it's still trying to take care of the baby. So I have to go for surgery next week and it hasn't been an easy road. It scares me to try again but it's place must be in heaven with God, but it still hurts to have something just completely torn away from you!!!!!

  • Jasmine Gay by Jasmine Gay
  • 15 years ago

My sister was 5 months pregnant she just lost her twin boy's, I can relate to this poem so much........I miss them already. In God we trust he will make it better trust and believe that's the true key to heaven

  • Lashakeema by Lashakeema
  • 15 years ago

omg,.... I can't believe somebody can write a poem like this one and I say that because I can relate to this poem to the fullest like you don't even understand. I felt like you knew me from far away it was creepy a little. I would tell you never to stop writing, you should write a book for real, that's how good this poem was
It touched me because I lost my baby when I was eight weeks pregnant and I'm still dealing with my loss. It happened 4-26-09 and today is 12-11-09 so you do the math, anyway tell your friend I know what she's feeling I been there too, still am...but I see you're a good friend I wish I had some of those anyway this was a really good poem keep them coming you can never ever go wrong if you keep writing like this well bye now .-lala.xoxo <3 you touch my heart.

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