Baby Death Poem

Poem By Father Of Dead Baby

My wife and I had our beautiful baby girl, Lexi, on September 2, 2011. We were told something was wrong with her, but no one was sure exactly what. That night we were told that she would be dead within 15 minutes. Lexi had other plans and fought hard for 19 days. My wife and I wanted to share her strength with the world and we often updated our friends and wider community through Facebook. This helped us to cope better with Lexi's illness and has helped us feel supported in her death.

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Great poem. My wife and I had just moved in our new house and went to sleep and woke up to our almost two-year-old baby boy not breathing. They said it was SIDS. It was the worst feeling in...

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The Strength You Gave Me

© more by Daniel Kerr

Published by Family Friend Poems October 2011 with permission of the Author.

They tell me it's amazing how I've stayed so strong,
but they don't see how I cry when I hear your song.
They see the smile on my face but miss the hurt in my eye.
I would rather seem rude than let them see me cry.
I put on this front as I don't want the world to see
the pain and sorrow so deep inside me.

I don't act this way 'cause I'm ashamed to feel the way I do.
I act this way in honour of you,
because although I hurt right now and my heart is broken,
I can't help but feel pride and love when your name is spoken.
My strength comes from the love you gave to me,
and it's that strength I want the world to see.

I will always love and miss you;
that I will never hide,
and when people ask me about my daughter,
they will always see my pride.
You were so precious and your memory will always live on.
I'll never be sad that I had you, only that you're gone.

My tears are not a sign of my weakness;
they are a sign of the love I have inside.
They will always fall down my cheeks
when I think of you with pride.
They say it takes a real man to admit when he is sad,
but how can I be sad when I look at the daughter that I had?
I will always have the memories of my little girl,
and you will always be my world.
Always remember you gave me this strength and that
you will always be your daddy's little girl!!!


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Hunter  Lizzi by Hunter Lizzi
  • 6 years ago

Great poem. My wife and I had just moved in our new house and went to sleep and woke up to our almost two-year-old baby boy not breathing. They said it was SIDS. It was the worst feeling in world. It's still so hard on us till this day, but we know he is in better place. We just weren't ready for him to go at all.

  • Lakisha Peterson by Lakisha Peterson
  • 7 years ago

I am deeply touched by your poem. I lost my baby boy on August 9, 2008. When I buried him he would have been turning two months old. I lost him to SIDS. I still hurt to this day. I feel like a failure as a mother. I go to the cemetery every year to sing happy birthday to him and bring gifts. I want my baby boy to know I love him and he won't ever be forgotten.

  • Heather Lopez by Heather Lopez
  • 7 years ago

This touched me because I, too, have lost an infant baby boy. He passed at only 2 weeks old. I also lost him to SIDS. It's only been 3 months and I'm completely dead inside. Nothing can ever help this pain, I'm sure, but reading other stories somehow helps me deal. Thank you for sharing.

  • Ebony H by Ebony H
  • 7 years ago

Sorry for your loss, sweetie. I know how hard it was for you. I lost my brother to SIDS, and I never had a chance to meet him.

  • Sandra Mejia by Sandra Mejia
  • 7 years ago

I'm so sorry for you loss. I lost my baby boy on August 9, 2013. He just turn 2 months. The pain, hurt, and the emptiness I feel is something I can't explain.

  • Shani Goodwin by Shani Goodwin
  • 7 years ago

Yes, all these poems touched me being that I lost my son in 2008. He was 6 months when he passed from multiple organ failure and meningitis. The last month of his life was painful for him and me, mostly for him, but he finally was able to leave me and go with God in peace.

  • Thomasina by Thomasina
  • 7 years ago

Hi Shani! I'm sorry for your loss! My son passed away in 2008 also! It's hard to believe it's been almost 9 years!!

  • Brianna by Brianna
  • 7 years ago

This poem has really touched me. I've been trying to find poems to share with my boyfriend about a daddy losing his baby. We lost our 3 week old baby on March 30, 3017. You don't find as many poems about a daddy losing his little girl as you do ones for mommies. I think what touched me the most is that our little girl's name is Lexi as well and she was very much a daddy's girl from the moment she was born. Her name is Alexis Willow Charlene.

  • Mary by Mary
  • 10 years ago

I'm so touched by your poem, it hurts so much to loose a baby. I'm also a victim, mine is like a torture coz he passed on only 4 days to his first birthday. I had grown so fond of him and her sister who is now six years. It is now three months since he left this world to be with his maker but I cant accept that he is no longer with me. I used to wake up at night three times to breast feed him and to change his clothes since he used to sweat a lot, but on that fateful night I never woke up even once I don't understand what happened until now that I didn't wake up! By the time I woke up he had conversed we took to hospital but he passed on in the hands of the doctor as he was treated. It hurts so much that I can no longer feed him, care for him, love him and be his mother!! I pray God every day that he may never allow me to loose another baby again since it is unbearable. I'm so sorry for those who have had to loose two babies God will pay you in return. I wish I can understand why God has to take little babies when we need them so much. And the greatest source of our joys. At some point we are helpless and we can only trust God to take control since he only understands why we have to go through these pain and suffering.

  • Jill Harvey by Jill Harvey
  • 7 years ago

Hi Mary,
I completely understand how you feel. I also lost my baby girl to cancer just 1 day before she was to turn 1! Oh, the pain is an unbearable, unexplainable, hurtful pain. How can I celebrate her life, (1-22-16) when I'm mourning her death (1-21-17)? I also nursed my baby until her final days. That bond of a nursing mother and child is wonderful. I truly understand how you feel. Not a day goes by that I don't cry because I miss my daughter's presence.
When I'm hurting, I find comfort in God's word, the Bible, Isaiah 65: 19, 20, where God promises mothers like us who have lost babies to untimely death that we will not have to cry out in distress because GOD promise to get rid of death forever! (Revelations 21:4.) I hope these scriptures can bring you some comfort.
Sincerely, Journee's mom

  • Geoffrey Ceeloh by Geoffrey Ceeloh
  • 8 years ago

It's now been 4 years, and this poem has said it all. She also died 4 days to her 1st birthday. Thank you so much for penning this one. It has touched my heart and expressed my feelings. My daughter had diarrhea, and she took the last breath as I watched.

  • Kimberly Smith by Kimberly Smith, Kirkcaldy
  • 11 years ago

I read your poem it took my breath away I was 7 months pregnant when I had my son he was premature and stillborn. I had him on the 1st of March 2013. It's just past a year since he was born asleep thank you for putting your poem on. I believe my boy is an angel and your baby as well. God works in funny ways you never know your baby may come back to you one day. I just hope my boy does but if God has bigger plans for our angels then we will meet them again one day when our time is up. I'm glad I read your poem it has made me feel I'm not the only one going through this I'm not alone so thank you so much.

  • Alisa by Alisa, Texas
  • 11 years ago

Thank you for sharing your poem. My daughter Kassidy was still born on June 25, 2013 and this poem brought tears to my eyes. This is a perfect description of how I feel inside.

  • Nora Briones by Nora Briones, Sorsogon
  • 11 years ago

I like the poem very much. It reminds me of what happened 5 months ago. I have my baby girl she only lived 2 months old. Thanks for sharing this poem. It is really hard for me to accept what happened, but we need to continue our lives as fully as possible.
We love you so much my ever dearest baby Dhea Sophia..!!

  • Michael Jensen by Michael Jensen, Wales
  • 11 years ago

It was a cold day in November 2011, my little girl Charlene was born at 12.30 pm and rushed straight to intensive care and 3 weeks later diagnosed with severe Muscular Dystrophy. Doctors said she had 5 hours to live. My little girl battled for a further 5 weeks. The day came when my princess couldn't fight no more. 27 January 2012 my little girl passed away in my arms.

  • Luis Valdez Carson Ca by Luis Valdez Carson Ca
  • 11 years ago

I relate to what you went through. 2 years ago April 14 2011 my wife was pregnant everything went good, ultrasounds were good, appointments were on point, my son Anthony Valdez had 2 weeks to go until birth. Last appointment, doctor said she couldn't hear the baby's heart beat. I couldn't handle the pain felt lonely sad an unexplainable feeling. She had to have him naturally hours and hours of labor finally he came out, come to find out his neck was wrapped in his umbilical cord, face purple from being strangled. The most beautiful baby boy in my eyes. I held them crying wish he could just wake up hearing my wife cry like never before all I have is memories with his beanie and foot prints came home days later but before all that we set up his crib set, his bed organized, his clothes, had his first outfit picked out. Came home to everything. She got on her knees next to the crib grasping it, crying, yelling, saying all she wanted to do was love him, took us months to ease the pain.

  • Ally by Ally, Gold Coast
  • 11 years ago

Thank you for sharing this poem, our little girl passed away after 32 days of battle with her lungs, she was born at 25 weeks, this poems really touched our hearts especially for my husband as Zoe is daddy's girl!!

  • Mandy by Mandy, Manchester
  • 11 years ago

What a beautiful poem it sums up how daddies feel. Usually fathers get forgotten and everybody focuses on the mummy. We've just lost our beautiful little princess Milan Lia on 8th July 2013 she lived for 45 minutes and I see the pain my husband goes through everyday. This poem sums up exactly what he's feeling and I would like to say thank you it has really helped. R.I.P Baby Lexie and Baby Milan hope you're both flying with the angels xxx

  • Laura-Jane by Laura-Jane
  • 12 years ago

I have just come across this poem today on my daughters 9th birthday. She passed away at 4 days old. I was 20 and I got to hold her once and that was as she passed away. I just wanted you to thank you for your beautiful words

I struggle every year but we all have to remember something that my daughters grandma said and its beautiful, we asked people to remember her this way:
Our babies are like shooting stars, something brief but beautiful that bring hope and light to our lives if only for a small time

  • Mel by Mel, NZ
  • 12 years ago

Hello there,
I was touched by your poem but even more so due to the timing and name of your little angel for I have a friend who lives in Australia, who had her first child, a girl, named Lexi born on the 6th of September and died the same day - and to really hit home, my youngest sister and my brother in-law had their first child on the 8th of September, which they named him Alexius, and he too died 30 mins after he was born so this is just mind blowing - 3 little angels in heaven with the same names - special....I admire the strength and honesty of all parents involved and acknowledge the grief that you all must go in and out of with everyday being different - much respect and love to you all.

  • Kelly Farough by Kelly Farough, Tucson Az
  • 12 years ago

We lost Amaya 22 days after she was born. Thank you for sharing your poem, it is so beautiful.

  • Lucy by Lucy, Texas
  • 12 years ago

I love this poem. I act the very same way. I was only 19 weeks pregnant and I had my baby boy on Aug. 2, 2011. He lived for only twenty minutes, so I kind of know the feeling too. I'm glad I came along this poem. It is still hard for me especially with his birth date coming up. Thank you for sharing it with us.


Hi guys thank you so much for your messages, Natalie I hope you are finding some comfort and Seb what did you do the piece of work on and thank you? Please feel free to add Lexi's Facebook page to see what we are doing for the hospice who looked after her- Lexi Keech Charles-Kerr

  • Seb by Seb, London
  • 12 years ago

Although this has never happened to me, I liked it so much I used it in my English coursework.

  • Natalie by Natalie, Shirebrook
  • 13 years ago

I sort of know how you feel, people feel the same way.. I lost my son 2nd of June 2011.. he passed away 17 minutes after me having him..
It is really hard to move on for me though but this poem has gave me strength:) <3 R.I.P lexi
&& R.I.P my little boy Corey-Taylor <3

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