Miscarriage Poem

Losing A Baby Isn't Easy

Losing a baby isn't easy for anyone. Losing anybody isn't easy for anyone either. I am lost for words on what has happened with this pregnancy in the last couple months. All I can do is be strong.

Featured Shared Story

Cole was a full-term baby. He died hours after birth. We held him for hours, passing him around. We knew he wouldn't live long, so we talked to him, telling him how much we loved him. After 4...

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My Little Angel


Published by Family Friend Poems July 2013 with permission of the Author.

I never got to hold you,
Or kiss your little head,
Or watch you sleeping soundly
All snuggled in your bed.

I can't count your tiny fingers
Or your even smaller toes.
I won't see your smile
Or your cute little button nose.

You're gone too soon - we don't even know
If you're a girl or boy.
Our hearts are filled with sorrow
When they should be full of joy.

I know you are in heaven,
Where there is no pain or tears.
You'll never get hurt or sick.
In heaven there are no fears.

And though I'm sad you're not here right now
For us to hold today,
I know we'll hold you in our arms
When we're in heaven with you someday.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Moma by Moma
  • 6 years ago

I lost my twins when I was six months pregnant. They were sons. I was all alone since my husband left me as he didn't wanted children. I know how it feels. Even after 3 years, not a single day passes without remembering my kids. It's irreparable loss.

  • Adrianna Pembrook by Adrianna Pembrook
  • 7 years ago

I am 16 and I made a choice on Halloween night in 2017. My boyfriend left me a week later seeing as he got what he wanted. I found out I was pregnant. I didn't tell him. I was waiting for the right time. Two weeks later, I had a miscarriage. He still doesn't know. I am going to tell him today after school. My mom and stepdad don't know. My bio dad and his girlfriend found out three days ago. They promised not to tell my mom until I was ready. I am going to try to tell her after I tell my ex-boyfriend. It was so hard to deal with it alone. What was sad was everyone kept saying I was pregnant, but I didn't believe it at the time. Now I do. It hurts to think that I lost a baby. It's been two and a half months now, and there is never a day that I don't think about my son or daughter.

  • Cole Stanley by Cole Stanley
  • 8 years ago

Cole was a full-term baby. He died hours after birth. We held him for hours, passing him around. We knew he wouldn't live long, so we talked to him, telling him how much we loved him. After 4 hours, we asked the nurse to come for him. My friend lost Cole that day. I want her to know that I will always remember that day.

  • Nancy by Nancy, South Africa
  • 9 years ago

Nothing can make me full again. I lost my 4 month old baby due to choking on the 8th of July 2015. Today is Aug 5, but it's like it happened yesterday. The pain I am feeling I won't even wish it to my worst enemy. Don't know why he had to go so soon..

  • Angel by Angel
  • 6 years ago

Dear Nancy,
I am so sorry for your loss. My mother also just lost her 4-month-old baby yesterday. And it's crazy because your message really spoke to me because my birthday is on August 5th, and I also want to cry every day because my mother just lost her little 4-month baby Estrella. And it really makes you think because you never know what you could've done with your baby, or baby sister or brother. And I can't even imagine what you, my mother, or any mother must feel if you lost your baby that you had so many plans for. I'm so sorry for your loss, and I wish you the best.

  • Heather Childs by Heather Childs
  • 9 years ago

Hello Nancy

There is an organisaion which compassionately supports those whose child has died and it is The Compassionate Friends. You will always find someone to comfort you and listen as we are a volunteer organisation which has one common criterion and that is we have all experienced the death of our child or children. No-one but those who have suffered this tragedy can understand the depth of grief we feel.

There are two chapters in South Africa of which I am aware - one is in Johannesburg and the other in Capetown. If you feel you would like to contact them, the contact details are as follows for the Capetown chapter.


Contact Information

Telephone: 021 9819540 (Telkom rates apply).
Email: support@tcfcape.co.za
Postal Address:
PO Box 1391

Best wishes
Heather Childs
The Compassionate Friends
Sydney, Australia

  • Kelsey Stewart by Kelsey Stewart
  • 10 years ago

I have a long story but I'll cut it short. In 4th grade I lost my papa to a heart condition. Tough thing for a 4th grader. Then I lost my oldest sister to an overdose. I was mentally abused my an ex that effects me still till this day. If I've learned anything it's to be strong. I'm now about to be 20 and I've been through more stuff than most 20 year olds. Be strong you can make it through anything.

  • Taylar by Taylar, Illinois
  • 10 years ago

My niece was born on August 5th and I helped take care of her for 2 weeks. She died when she was a month and a half old from SIDS. It is sudden infant death syndrome. I am only in 8th grade and this happened in 2014.

  • Angel by Angel
  • 6 years ago

Dear Taylor,
I am so sorry for your loss. Your niece and I share a birthday, August 5. I will pray for her every time it's our birthday. My little sister just passed away yesterday, August 24, 2018. I'll miss her every day that passes. I am a freshman. Best of luck and prayers.

  • Abiola Thopson-Abraham Trinidad by Abiola Thopson-Abraham Trinidad
  • 10 years ago

I have a beautiful 8 year old daughter and was awaiting the arrival of my handsome son to complete my family.Kayleb Keanu Alexx Abraham entered this world on the 1st November 2014 (2 days after my husband's birthday) and due to hospital negligence, he passed on the 6th of November. Absolutely nothing can prepare you for such a tragic loss, I miss him daily, I cry daily. Today is the 19th of January and it still feels like the 6th of November (fresh in my mind) I pray that no parent has to ever experience such tragic loss ever in their life.

  • Cheryl Graham by Cheryl Graham
  • 7 years ago

I know how you feel, too. My son was born October 3, 2016. He got home and then the Thursday after, he got admitted into the hospital because he was bringing up green spit-up. He got home that Sunday and passed away the 12th. They all blamed me and my other half. His weight was 9lb 2oz when he was born. Got to the hospital on the Thursday and he was 8lb 10oz. Saturday he was 8lb 6oz. The day he passed away he was 7lb 4oz.

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