Miscarriage Poem

This poem was written for our child we lost at 10 1/2 weeks due to a miscarriage. Grieving a child you never got the chance to meet is absolutely the hardest thing I have ever had to go through. With this loss there are no memories to hold on to help with the grief. This poem is an outlet for me to start that grieving process.

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I fell pregnant in 2012. I had the two lines come up on the test. I was excited but my partner (now ex) wasn't. He said he would throw me down stairs to make sure the baby doesn't survive. I...

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Long To See Your Sweet Face


Published by Family Friend Poems January 2012 with permission of the Author.

Two pink lines, we knew it was true,
Sooner than later we would meet you.
I yelled for your Daddy and smiled just so.
He stood there in shock and a glorious glow.
We made lots of phone calls and shared our great news.
I had lots of symptoms and even some clues.
Then one day as I was taking out the trash,
Something came over me and I knew in a flash
Everything was wrong and I prayed it wasn't so,
So I called up your Daddy and said we must go
To the hospital to check on your stats.
Waiting so patiently for the results to come back,
We were told the bleeding was normal, you were just fine.
Worrying uncontrollably because you were mine,
Waiting for the doctor seemed to take forever.
I guess she just thought she was being so clever.
Up on the screen we could see your silhouette.
The doctor made a grave face, and I said no, not yet.
"There is no heartbeat," are the words we dreaded most.
The tears started to fall and I felt like a ghost.
I wanted to run, and I wanted to hide.
I wanted you there standing at my side.
I long now to hold you and hear your soft cries,
Play with your belly and hear your faint sighs.
Never will I have the chance to kiss your sweet lips,
Wrap your sweet legs around my soft hips.
I know you are in Heaven and safe you will always be,
But oh, I long to touch the baby I will never see.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Mara by Mara
  • 7 years ago

I fell pregnant in 2012. I had the two lines come up on the test. I was excited but my partner (now ex) wasn't. He said he would throw me down stairs to make sure the baby doesn't survive. I told him to stop or we would walk away. He never tried stopping me. I knew something was up before I found out I was pregnant as I was getting consistent bladder infections all the time. The baby's dad was a very nasty person, didn't care for anyone other than himself (we were together for about two months, early- I know). I shortly lost the baby after some bleeding, the pain stays with me every day. I still cry. I was just 8 weeks. Love you baby.

  • Teresa by Teresa, NC
  • 11 years ago

My son & daughter-n-law lost their first daughter at 30 weeks 4 years ago on April 8th. It was our first grandchild. You think it gets easier but it doesn't. They have had 5 miscarriages since and still haven't conceived. While they are strong Christians, it has taken its toil on them. I ask that you pray for John & Carly that they will somehow find peace in this and that God will intervene.

  • Mya Tolentino by Mya Tolentino
  • 5 years ago

I'm so sorry. I will pray too. They deserve more in life and God has a plan for them.

  • Tammy Harty by Tammy Harty
  • 8 years ago

Hi Teresa, it's such a sad story. We all know how it feels. I had a beautiful baby girl who lived for 2 days and was taken away from me. I'm now 22; it happened over 2 year ago, but it has honestly took a toll on me. I also had miscarriages. But God is good. I have a beautiful baby boy. He's nearly 4, running around. Tell your son and daughter- in-law don't lose faith. I hope it will happen for them. God bless you all xx

  • Dusty by Dusty
  • 12 years ago

This poem is our story almost to a T. We had almost the exact same thing with our miscarriage after 8 long years trying for our second child. My heart goes out to you as I know the pain you and your husband went through. As a dad I want to try to fix everything for my kids, and feeling so lost and helpless at that moment when it happened still brings me to tears all the time.

  • Amber by Amber, NC
  • 12 years ago

This poem really touched my heart, see my best friend just had to have a d&C done because her baby stopped growing at 6 weeks, there was no heart beat. I didn't know what to say to make her feel better, but I told her that I am here if she needs anything, I didn't know how much pain she was feeling until I read this, I am very sorry for the loss of all the lil angels that didn't get a chance to see their mothers beautiful faces, I just want my best friend and all of you know that you are all beautiful and I hope that you will get the chance to meet another little angel. My heart goes out to you all. If I could hug each and everyone of you I would do it in an instant.

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