Miscarriage Poem

Poem For Grieving Parent For A Lost Child

I had a miscarriage at 16 weeks with my first pregnancy.

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I found out I was pregnant with our 6th child very early on, the day my period was due. We had been trying for a boy. At 12 weeks, I found out through chromosome testing that this would be...

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For Our Angel


Published by Family Friend Poems March 2012 with permission of the Author.

We don't want to cry anymore,
But the pain won't go away.
Our hearts are torn in two
Because our baby couldn't stay.

We don't want to cry anymore.
God had other plans for you.
Mommy and Daddy will get through this someday,
But right now our world is blue.

We don't want to cry anymore.
We never thought we'd be torn apart.
Even though we can't hold you in our arms,
We will always hold you in our hearts.

We don't want to cry anymore.
Our Angel, there was nothing we could do.
Mommy and Daddy will miss you so much,
And never forget, we will always love you.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Erika by Erika
  • 5 years ago

My mother lost a baby girl too. We named her Amelia, and she had many problems. She only got to live for 36 minutes. My mom cried every night, and while I was at my high school dorm, I could never get enough sleep. I cried when I met her. Everyone did except my 5-year-old sister because she didn't understand.

  • Missy by Missy
  • 7 years ago

Thank you for writing and sharing this poem that summarizes how we feel missing our baby, who would have been our first and whose heart stopped beating 11 weeks into our pregnancy. We miss you and love you so much, always.

  • Addie A. by Addie A.
  • 8 years ago

I found out I was pregnant with our 6th child very early on, the day my period was due. We had been trying for a boy. At 12 weeks, I found out through chromosome testing that this would be our 6th daughter. We laughed at our luck.

Our two oldest daughters are adopted due to the fact that I couldn't get pregnant for many years. In fact, it took 12 years of trying before I conceived our first biological child. I had 2 more babies in such a short time that they are referred to as "Irish triplets." We always wanted a large family, and we're thrilled to be having another baby. The night before my last appointment, we chose the name Ruby.

The next day, I had a doctor visit. He couldn't find the heartbeat. An ultrasound revealed that the baby was dead. This was 2 days ago, and I'm still carrying her. I'll deliver next week. I'm dying every moment of the day. It's killing me to put on maternity clothes. To know she'll be dead when I meet her. It's the worst pain I've ever felt.

  • Nathan Douglas by Nathan Douglas
  • 10 years ago

Me and my wife had 3 miscarriages in a matter of 18 months, It took us a really long time to even try to have another child after that. Now almost 2 years after the last one we now have a beautiful 18 month old little girl named Carleigh, all I can say is GOD is good and all things that come through Christ are good and prayers do work.

  • Apple by Apple, Philippines
  • 10 years ago

Mu husband and I tried to have another baby when our eldest son turned 8. We tried for 8 months and finally confirmed it on April 8, 2013, I was 6 weeks pregnant. I was in heaven with the news. From the very start of the pregnancy, I was having some abdominal pain and always tired. I was advised by my OB to have my leave from work and stay in bed. June 3, 2013, I was rushed in the hospital due to severe bleeding. Upon arrival in the ER, they check for the baby's heart beat... it's still there, 146 beats per minute... But sadly my contraction won't stop and at around 12:15 pm, the baby came with heart beat but because he's only 14 weeks old he didn't survive. Today, I am celebrating his 1st year death anniversary, and I can still feel the pain of loosing him like it was yesterday.

  • Amanda by Amanda, North Carolina
  • 11 years ago

So True!!!! My husband and I found out February 8th, 2013 that we were expecting. After 2 years we had finally conceived! The very same day that we found out about our little angel was the same day our world fell apart. I had been having abdominal pain and found out I was having an Miscarriage and on February 11th 2013 was the day that we found out that our miracle was defiantly gone. I can't begin to explain the hurt that we feel. The tears that I've cried, the pain that I've felt just in a year is unbearable. I know God knows why but I can't help but question..."Why couldn't our little one be born here...but I know one day we will see our baby very soon! Just know that your Mommy and Daddy love and miss you more and more everyday.

  • Marlana Nelson by Marlana Nelson, Cumberland Md
  • 11 years ago

My husband and I had been trying for years to get pregnant and last April I started missing my periods, but we were in the process of moving and remodeling at the same time we just thought it was stress. I finally went and had the test done and sure enough I was almost 4 months along. We were so excited to finally have conceived. Two days later I started cramping and spotting so off to the ER we went. They ran tests/took blood etc. But when it come time to do the sonogram the nurse looked at me and asked if the doctor had talked to us yet and turned the screen so I couldn't see it and I knew something was wrong. She left the room and come back to finish and they wheeled me back to my room and the doctor come in and I could tell by the look on his face that it was bad. He told us that the baby's heart just stopped and it was nothing that I had done. I screamed and told my husband "I'm so sorry".

  • Ali by Ali, Worcester
  • 12 years ago

This bought tears to my eyes, My partner and I fell pregnant in November 2011 we were so excited we had been trying for a baby for a while, everything was going great, we decided to tell people around the middle of January our first scan was due on 30th January, I remember sitting in the waiting room excited but nervous, When we were called into the room I lay on the bed and I remember looking at the screen and all I could see was a big black hole, I was concerned. I knew something wasn't right. Then I was told there was no heartbeat and my baby had died at 6 weeks and 6 days. I can still recall the scream I let out. I was then sent home for nature to take it's cause which took me up until I was 14 and half weeks, I will never forget my baby, I want to plant a tree with a plaque for my little angel saying "We could never hold you in are arms but we will always hold you in our hearts, God bless you little one xx"

  • Mandy by Mandy, Bolivar Ohio
  • 12 years ago

This poem is all so true! My husband and I found out 2 weeks ago on June 28th, 2012 that we were expecting. After 8 years we had finally conceived! The very same day that we found out about our little angel was the same day our world crumbled. I had been having abdominal pain and found out I was having an ectopic pregnancy. We had prayed and wanted this little angel of ours. I can't begin to explain the hurt and the brokenness that we feel. The endless tears that I cry, it's an unbearable feeling. I know that God knows why and I am not to question. Until that day we meet again our little angel baby....just remember that your daddy and I love and miss you more than anyone could imagine.

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