Miscarriage Poem

Poem About Losing Triplets

This is a poem I made about my triplet miscarriage I had 4 weeks ago. I was pregnant with triplets but lost them at 16 weeks.

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I also had a beautiful baby girl who I had at 25 weeks and 5 days. She lived for 2 days. I'll never get over losing my princess. I had a little boy, so all I wanted was a little girl. She...

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Teenage Miscarriage


Published by Family Friend Poems June 2009 with permission of the Author.

They say that time's a great healer,
But I don't think that's true.
My heart's been aching so, so much
Since the day that I lost you.

I had to say goodbye
Before I could say hello.
I wish I could have told you
How much I loved you so.

You mean more to me than anything,
Even though we never met.
Mummy loves her precious babies,
And I promise that I won't forget.

You're my three shining stars,
And in my heart is where you'll stay,
But don't be too sad, little ones
Because Mummy knows we'll meet someday.

In memory of my triplets


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Karissa by Karissa
  • 8 years ago

It's getting harder for Christmas. I found out I was pregnant February 12, 2016. I was so scared but so happy and excited I was 9 weeks along. The hospital kept going back and forth between if I was going to have a miscarriage or not. I went to two hospitals and both said I would have a good chance to have the baby but also a good chance to have a miscarriage. It was 50/50. The baby was still alive the night I found out. I heard the heartbeat. It was faint but there. On February 21, 2016, I had a miscarriage. It was the worst feeling in the world. I blamed myself and the doctors for letting it happen. I was so mad at myself for getting my hopes up. I still refuse to throw away the pregnancy test and the papers from the emergency room saying I was pregnant. My baby would have been born September 24, 2016. I knew in my heart he would have been a boy. I named him Iziaeh Britain Kent. All my friends and family act like I should be over it. But I can't get over it. It's too hard. It still hurts.

  • Anon by Anon
  • 9 years ago

I've read this poem over and over tonight. This year I've had 3 miscarriages. 2 pregnancies were only short term and I was between 10-14 weeks pregnant, but my last miscarriage was my beautiful twins that I lost at 20 weeks pregnant. We kept it a secret until we were 12 weeks pregnant. We couldn't wait to tell everyone. Everyone was so happy and excited - the first set of twins in the family. We paid private at 18 weeks to find out the sex and my dream had come true 1 boy and 1 girl. Me and my partner couldn't have been happier. Ava-rose and Jayden-lea. They said everything was fine and to enjoy the rest of my pregnancy, But when I was 19 weeks and 5 days pregnant I couldn't feel them moving, something felt wrong, I felt empty. I'd had pains for the last couple of days but they weren't major and the midwife said things were fine. On 11/09/2015 I gave birth to my prince and princess, I held them for the first and last time, I bathed them, dressed them and said goodbye :'(

  • Tammy Harty by Tammy Harty
  • 8 years ago

I also had a beautiful baby girl who I had at 25 weeks and 5 days. She lived for 2 days. I'll never get over losing my princess. I had a little boy, so all I wanted was a little girl. She held my finger tightly and she died in my arms. Memories mean more to me than anything in this world. She was born on August 17, 2014 and passed on the 19th of August. My sister had a beautiful baby girl on the 16. And my other sister also on the 26th of September. I love and adore them girls, but I always wonder would my baby girl Tammy be like them. Would they have played together and be into the same thing? It was the hardest time of my life, but I have those memories the will last a lifetime. I'm so sorry for your loss. Us mommies need to stick together. Other people don't know what it is like for us. You'll get through this. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Xxxx

  • Taylor Kentucky by Taylor Kentucky
  • 10 years ago

I was 15 and pregnant! My boyfriend was older then I was. I found out I was pregnant on a Friday but all that week I had slight pains and some blood. I took a test to find out I was pregnant and then later that Friday night, early Saturday morning, I had a miscarriage. I was extremely upset and still am to this day. I miscarried on January 9.
* mommy miss you baby *

  • Kendra by Kendra, Va
  • 10 years ago

I'm 15 I lost my baby September 6, 2014. Around one that afternoon I was having pains in my lower area. I went to the bathroom around two and when I got up the toilet was filled with blood. I started crying I didn't know what to do. The first person I had told was my baby's father. Around 2:30 I was off to the hospital when I went in the doctor started doing a pelvic exam he said it did not seem to be a miscarriage at first. I still had hope but as he went in deeper he said it looked bad, but he couldn't tell. A few minutes later I was sent into the ultrasound room. She couldn't find the baby. She then told me to go back to the waiting area and then the nurse came back in to tell me that it was a miscarriage I was heart broken. I didn't know what to think. I still don't understand till this day. :'(

  • Michaela by Michaela, SA
  • 10 years ago

I never knew I was pregnant but I did suspect it. I did a test but guess it was to early to be sure. Today I miscarried. It really breaks me. I'm being to hard on myself over this. I'm just heartbroken. I so badly want to be a mommy but guess the time isn't right for me just yet

  • Megan by Megan, MO
  • 11 years ago

I was 14 when I had my miscarriage. I was the only one who knew I was pregnant. Which I planned on telling my mom but it was to late. I went to my dads for the weekend and I was Really stressed. That's when I found out I was having a miscarriage at 5 months... Not a day goes by I don't think about her she's my everything. R.I.P Leigh Ann 3/17/12

  • Sizwe by Sizwe, South Africa
  • 11 years ago

It's not even 24 hrs. since my wife miscarried, our 7 week old baby. I read this over and over again, and for every after read, one drop of tear falls. It was yesterday, the 5th of November 2013 that she called, while at work to tell me the sad news. I don know, maybe I'm crazy, but I had aspirations for that lil gal, or that lil boy. I'm so hurt, I don't even know what to say to my wife, I just play the strong character, but when I'm alone, my atmosphere just becomes a blur. My only option now is to be strong for my poor sweetheart

  • Celesta by Celesta, Indiana
  • 11 years ago

In January of this year was the beginning of not just a new year but of a new journey for my Husband and I. My Husband was in Work Release and I was pregnant with my 1st baby at the age of 20, I was scared. I was a little over a month pregnant at this time. But on January 18th of 2013 My husband and I decided to run from the Law enforcement, We thought that everything would be "alright" But were we in for a surprise, We went to California. On March 6th of this year at 4 months pregnant with our Son, We miscarried, We were still on the run, living in a camper on the river in California. We buried our Son at a Catholic church, People said that time heals all wounds, but time will never heal the brokenness of losing a Baby. Still today My Husband and I have trouble accepting the loss of our Son. We <3 you Baby Forever and Always.

  • Sheila by Sheila
  • 11 years ago

Tomorrow is May 4. I call it Christopher's Day. Tomorrow is what would have been his 26th birthday. May 4th. The day my son came into this world and the day he left. I never got to see him. I never got to hold him. They had me medicated so horribly I didn't even know what had happened until waking to a Grief and Loss nurse by my side 2 days later. My husband didn't care about me or my son. He decided for "us" that he didn't want my son to be buried. I never got to say good bye. Christopher was not a piece of garbage. He was a part of my body. I carried him. I birthed him. Each and every day I think of him at some moment. I'm glad that I came across this poem. Thank you for sharing your loss.

  • Lydia by Lydia, Hull
  • 12 years ago

I know your pain, I'm a 15 year old, and I lost a little girl, Libby-mae a year ago next month, me and her dad don't talk anymore, because I got really ill and pushed everybody away when it happened, but this poem really moved me x

  • S by S, St. Louis
  • 12 years ago

Have had 2 MCs recently, & this poem made me cry. I first found out I was pregnant on Aug. 7. We ended up telling everyone right away. I started spotting on Aug. 12, but tried not to worry, because I knew spotting can be normal. On Aug. 14, we made a trip to the ER. We spent 6 hours & many tests in the ER only to find out we had lost the baby.

On Oct. 6, 3 days after my 29th bday, we found out we were pregnant again! We saw the baby & heard its heartbeat at 7w 6d. We were over the moon, & that's when we told everyone. On Nov 27, I started bleeding. My midwife told me not to worry unless it becomes heavier or I start cramping, & she had seen the HB the day before. Because it didn't stop overnight & I had some mild cramping, we went for a higher quality private scan on Nov. 28 (midwife's machine is older & I didn't have a full bladder). Turned out that what we saw was just static. Baby had died within about 2 days of 1st ultrasound. I'm now waiting for my body to pass the baby. It's heartbreaking.

  • Kodi by Kodi, MT
  • 12 years ago

I found out I was going to be a mother when he was only 5 weeks old. I spent five more weeks trying to find out how to tell my friend he was gonna be a father. That fall day we sat in the park and he told me wanted to be there for us, I finally felt it was ok to be excited and happy about being a mommy. The next weekend, something went wrong, I started hurting. I tried and fought to keep my baby alive, for three long weeks, I lived second to second waiting and praying that our baby would make it, but in the I lost my "Squidly", It's only been a week, the sound of the pain in the fathers voice when I told him still haunts my sleep and the pain is still so fresh I can barely make it through the day. They say that its just going to take time, but I'm not sure this pain will ever go away.

  • Candie by Candie, Boston Mass.
  • 12 years ago

My heart was soo heavy when I read these stories of such loss. I had a miscarriage at close to 14 weeks...it was devastating. I set up a little memorial that can be seen every morning when I open my eyes... It says "every time you hear a bell an angel gets her wings" .I have two children but the loss of the first is never out of my mind... I know in my heart that one day I will meet her and tell her how much I loved her in person.

  • New York by New York
  • 12 years ago

I lost my twins. The same day I found out that I was pregnant with twins. And I was 4 months. The thing that's really killing me is everyday I don't know if they were going to be only girls, or only boys. Or one boy and one girl.

  • Lynette by Lynette, Kansas
  • 12 years ago

To all of you....I am so sorry for your loss. My prayers are with each and every one of you. I too have suffered the loss of child, not once but 3 times. My husband and I lost twins when I was 3 1/2 months pregnant. We had undergone many procedures to conceive and were so excited when we learned of our pregnancy. I did not understand why God would allow this after so many years of praying and believing. After 16 years and adopting 4 awesome children, we still wanted to conceive. I didn't feel a need to have a biological child but I did feel the need to see my father and mother in a child (personality traits, physical features, that type of thing). We finally had our son, Cameron. We did invitro again when he was a year old. We had a daughter, Marissa, 6 months later she passed away. About a year later we tried invitro again. Another miscarriage. Our daughter, Maranda was born 4 years later. Never give up on God, he never gives up on us.

  • Alexis by Alexis, Indiana
  • 12 years ago

I was 16 when I found out I was pregnant. My parents were there for me and supported whatever choice I wanted. Of course I wanted to keep it. I was 6 weeks when I started bleeding and cramping. I went to the hospital that night and they said everything was okay and it was still a live pregnancy. I was so happy to hear that. They told me to follow up with my OB so I did. He made me get blood taken and told me he would call in a few days to tell me if my HCG level had gone up or lowered. On September 30, 2011 I was sitting in the hospital room with my sister and my newborn nephew when I got that phone call. My heart was racing to find out. When I heard those words "I'm sorry" I knew I had lost it. I ran out of the room crying. It felt like everything came crashing down on me. I was only 16 but it was still MY baby. I think about it everyday. Some days are okay while other days I just break down. I always wonder.. why me? Mommy will never forget you my little angel <3

  • Lyssette by Lyssette, Uvalde
  • 13 years ago

February 12, 2012. 11:45 pm - that date and time echo in my head and brings so much pain to my heart. It's the day I went into early labor and had my son. He was born alive and active but he soon passed as he ran out of oxygen, I was only 5 months pregnant and not a day goes by that I don't miss him. I had just found out my little bundle of joy would be a boy 2 days before I had him. It was the worst feeling in the world when I got up on February 16 knowing that I was fixing to attend my own sons funeral. All wrapped up in blue we laid him to rest, and it broke my heart. I still breakdown and find myself asking why... Everyone says its gonna get better but no one understands the pain and emptiness. A mothers love is indescribable. I'm only 20 years old and he was my first baby I'm never going to forget him. I miss you and love you my precious angel. Rest in peace baby.... <3 Jaython Alexander <3

  • Samantha Prosser by Samantha Prosser
  • 13 years ago

I lost my daughter as well. I was 5 months pregnant and got the crap beat out of me one night, Sept. 13th 2009, she would of been born Feb 25th 2010. She would be three as of last month. Mommy loves my little girl.. :) chloe Elizabeth, R.I.P me and daddy miss you

  • Ali Richmond Jones by Ali Richmond Jones, Bournemouth
  • 13 years ago

I'm 25 with a 2 year old boy. I found out I was 5 weeks pregnant on November 7th 2011, me and my partner were over the moon. We'd discussed names etc, everything was perfect. Then on 18th Dec. 2011 I experienced bleeding, no pain or nothing, doctor said it was normal but booked me in for emergency early scan, by this time I was 11 weeks gone.
21st Dec. changed my whole life, I found out that I'd lost my baby, but it was known as a 'missed miscarriage' as my body was still showing all the signs I was pregnant. Doctor said my baby died 2-3 weeks before hand.
I had to go all through xmas with my dead baby inside me. I had a d and c on 28th Dec. 2011, and still to this day it breaks my heart.
Me and my partner are attending the cremation service for our angel on 28th Feb. 2012 and the closer it's approaching the more emotional I feel, I've had a tattoo done in memory but it still doesn't make it any easier. My heart goes out to all you mummies who are hurting. xxx

  • Georgia by Georgia
  • 13 years ago

I was 18 when I found out I was pregnant. I was so scared but at the same time I was happy. I had a sweet little blessing in my stomach. I told my boyfriend and he was surprised but we were both happy. We had names picked out and a lot planned. I had my first ultra sound when I was 8 weeks pregnant and I thought everything was going to be okay. I was told they couldn't find the heartbeat. My baby didn't make it. I never even thought of that possibility. I had to carry my baby until I was 11 weeks when s/he only was 7 weeks and 5 days along. I had a d&c and felt so empty.. I cry everyday. My due date was 7.30.12 and I miss my little Eden Jean.

  • Leane by Leane
  • 13 years ago

I was 15 when I fell pregnant my mum was my rock! My boyfriend didn't care and it was all left for me to deal with he said he would be there but he never was and my dad kept telling me I would have a still birth. All of my family wanted me to get an abortion from the day I found out I knew I was keeping my baby but at 14 weeks I had a miscarriage it was twins. I think one of them was a girl and the other a boy. I was in hospital for 3 nights and my 'boyfriend' didn't even come to see me or ask if I was okay the first thing he said was 'did it hurt?' wtf is that all about? Today was my due date so I have set off some lanterns for my baby not a day goes by that I don't think of them:( R.I.P the angles of my tears!<3

  • Jared&Eliza by Jared&Eliza, Kentucky
  • 13 years ago

This is our story. I noticed my period was late so I called Jared and told him, so we went together to purchase a pregnancy test. I took it, it said positive. We held each other and cried. We were so happy. We went and got another test and I took it the following morning. Again positive. So that evening we told our parents. I was 5 weeks and 2 days when we seen our little bean, we fell in love. Days later I was watching movies at my brother and sister in laws house. I noticed something strange and went to the bathroom, once there I started screaming and crying for help. They called Jared, and we went straight to the hospital. We lost our baby that night and not a day goes by that we don't think about him/her.

  • Fran by Fran, Florida
  • 13 years ago

I was pregnant at 13, I was going to give the baby up for adoption because I knew I wasn't old enough to give my baby the life it deserved. I was only two and a half month along but I had a strange feeling that it was a girl, I don't know how I just felt it. At my 14 birthday party an accident happened and I lost my baby. I'm 15 now and a day doesn't go by that I don't think of my daughter Lilly.

  • Kelly by Kelly, Geelong Australia
  • 13 years ago

Its been 3 years since I lost my baby,
I cant believe how much it still hurts!
I've just had another baby and I still sit and wonder what would my other baby have been would it look like me or its daddy?
I was 12+6 days when I lost out little angel!
also get an ultrasound the day before we lost bubs this poem made me ball my eyes out :(

  • Fatima Abduraouf by Fatima Abduraouf
  • 13 years ago

This poem has touched the very core of my being. On 4th December 1994 we lost our dearest baby girl, Zahraah. She was only 2 months old at the time. Still today, I think of her. I look at the pretty young girls and think how she would have looked now at age 17 years. What would her interests have been, would she have wanted to study after school etc. I think of her daily and have changed my email address which includes her name. My husband who is a designer, had already designed he prettiest of girly frocks for her, which she never wore. The only dress that she wore was her name giving [christening] dress he designed and sewed. Needless to say, we still miss her today. At the time I remember, her brothers who were 6 and 2 years old at the time could not understand where she had gone. The 6 year old was very up front in saying the most unheard of things when I tried to explain to him that God had taken her. He said that he "hated God". It was indeed a trying time !

  • Qwerty by Qwerty
  • 13 years ago

This story touched my heart because even though she didn't know them she will always have a special place in her heart for them and she will never forget them.

  • Georgiee by Georgiee, Trent
  • 13 years ago

I was 17 when I got pregnant with twins. I lost my children 4 months ago today, still breaks my heart, this poem has touched my heart, I had a tattoo in remembrance for them. I just wish they were still here.

  • Cristina by Cristina, Indiana
  • 13 years ago

I found out at ten weeks that I was pregnant with twins but something wasn't right. The first ultrasound they only saw one heart beat and then I went back for another four days later there were no heartbeats. It broke my heart. We tried for eight months to get pregnant. I'm not even sure if I want to try again any time soon. I just have so many unanswered questions. This poem really helps me deal with my loss.

  • Charlie by Charlie, England
  • 13 years ago

I found out I was pregnant in April when I was 14. She was obviously an accident , but that doesn't mean she was loved any less. I found out that I had lost her at just under four months. I miscarried on my 15th birthday this year and it feels like the pain will never end. I miss her every single day. But every time I look at the stars I know that she is safe and nothing will ever hurt her like it did me. And for that I am grateful. In memory of Juliette, 18th July 2011.

  • Iammarshall by Iammarshall
  • 13 years ago

I am a guy who had been through this a couple years ago. I didn't know how to deal with it. So I turned to drugs and booze. That didn't help at all. So I wrote this song called "FIRST BORN". It's pretty, a song from a guys point of view of a miscarriage. The songs pretty much says " YOU COULD HAVE BEEN MY FIRSTBORN BUT YOU HAD TO DIE" I hope this song can help some of you. Click on my name.

  • Alayna by Alayna, Maryland
  • 13 years ago

I lost my little boy at 14 weeks - It's been 7 years ago this September I am married and have two other children but as time goes by the pain is still the same - Never told the dad until years later - kept it all in - I don't think no one can truly understand that feeling like a mother - thanks for sharing your stories it's comforting to know some people are going through the same thing even years later!

  • Ashlee by Ashlee, Ohio
  • 13 years ago

I just turned 16 and I had my first miscarriage about a month ago. The child was the result of sexual abuse from my father. Your poem said all the things I have felt but didn't know how to put into words. Thank you for publishing this. It really helped me greatly. I'm so sorry for your loss. I understand how much it hurts. From one amazing mother to another. Stay strong.

  • Dawn by Dawn, Nottinghamshire UK
  • 13 years ago

This has touched my heart, I had a miscarriage on my 3rd pregnancy. it was nearly 21 years ago. I was only 3 months pregnant at the time. I was convinced it was a little boy, and even after all this time I still sit and cry and think of him. I had another baby after and always told my 3 children about the one I lost, my youngest who is 19 now tells me she should be her it should be the one I lost, I tell her that it wasn't meant to be and not to blame herself because she is here instead. My heart goes out to all who have lost a baby. I know whereever he is in the sky my mum is looking after him until the day I meet. god bless all

  • Sar by Sar
  • 13 years ago

I'm 18 now. I first got pregnant when I was 16. I know I was young but me and my boyfriend at the time were really excited. I was two months pregnant. It killed me inside. it was recently the 2 year anniversary. My current partner was very supportive. We also lost a baby last year in November. Going through it twice doesn't make it easier. it feels like more of you is dying. I'm struggling to cope now with the two losses but I know my partner will be there to help me through. This poem sums up exactly how I feel. I recently had a tattoo done in memory of them both, my little stars.

  • Misty by Misty
  • 14 years ago

I was 18 years old when I lost my twins I thought I would never be able to move forward it broke my heart for a long time I blame myself wondering was it something I done or what, but I know it wasn't, but my twin boys will always have a place in my heart, and I found out not long after that I had a blood clotting disorder so that could had been it but now it's taking care of and I hope one day I will have a baby

  • Haley by Haley, Texas
  • 14 years ago

This touched me so much. I teared up quite a bit.. I'm 17, and I lost my twins. Jude Noah, and Jade Rayne, just a month ago. they were only 3 and a half months but my heart grew for them more and more everyday. The father of the two, my boyfriend of 4 years, was and has been very depressed as well since then. It's the hardest thing in the world to go through.. especially always having the sonogram photos. Not a day goes by where I don't think of them. I can definitely relate.

  • Carla by Carla, Florida
  • 14 years ago

I know your pain. I lost my baby boy at 4 months. I had just turned 16. A victim of incest. January 24th will be a year since it happened. You never ever feel the same way again. I miss my Matthew-Ike Ezekiel.

  • Valerie by Valerie, San Antonio
  • 14 years ago

Sorry about your lost. I lost my triplets at 16 weeks also. And that was my second time it happened to me. The first time I was having twins. but God knows who he wants and when he wants them so I guess he needed them more then me.

  • Kaira by Kaira, Milwaukee
  • 14 years ago

This poem made me cry. I miscarried twice this year...In March and in June..In June I had to have surgery because they thought it was an ectopic pregnancy. These were my first pregnancies, I was about 6 weeks for both, after my first one in March, I got really depressed..And started doing stupid stuff...Like fighting in the streets and drugs, because I just didn't care anymore. Then in May I got into a motorcycle accident..Which I messed up my arm and leg, but for some reason I kept thinking I was pregnant...It turns out I was...I was happy, but worried because I didn't want the same thing to happen ..Then one day I was spotting and had cramps really bad..I started to cry because I knew it was happening again. At the ER they told me there was no fetus in the uterus. I wanted to die!..Everyday I try to be strong, but its hard! I miss my precious babies!

  • Leah by Leah, Indiana
  • 14 years ago

I also am 15, and I just got out of the hospital yesterday because I miscarried, I know I shouldn't let it eat at me like I am but I feel like it's my fault, the doctors and my mom are all saying it wasn't and that everything happens for a reason. WHAT REASON!? I keep asking myself. I didn't ask to be pregnant but I loved the idea of someone loving me and I know I would love them more than anything in the world. I would be mommy. My boyfriend and I would be great parents. I'm sure of it. But god lets bad people be parents but not me? How is that fair? Tell me that! Everyone keeps asking me questions about my pregnancy and I can't say the word "miscarriage" out loud without breaking down.

  • Amanda by Amanda, North Carolina
  • 14 years ago

pregnant at 15! I was going to have the baby of a boy I loved with my entire heart, I mean so what if he didn't love me? Or care for me at all for that matter... I just had to find the courage to tell him. I was 3 months pregnant... Nobody knew but me. Then one day after a bad fall off of a high porch over 5 foot high, my stomach started cramping so bad I could hardly breath. I was sweaty and could barely move. I curled up in a ball and cried until I somehow found sleep... I woke up to find myself bloody and aching everywhere... I lost my first child without having anyone to lean on. It'll be a year next month. The guy? He didn't really care, while he was nice for a while, he soon went back to being rude. I dealt with it all alone at 15 yrs old.

  • Alabama by Alabama
  • 14 years ago

This poem really touched my heart. I lost my little baby boy 20 years ago. and it still hurt, and I still think of him. I have 4 girls, but he was the only boy I had. His dad joined him in heaven 3 years ago. I know they are up there having so much fun together.

  • Nina by Nina
  • 15 years ago

I too lost my little girl at 20 weeks pregnant and it's been 5 years now and still on the day I had her it's her birthday and it's hard. Time helps, but it doesn't take away that whole that's there. I had 2 girls since then and I love my girls but I wonder how they would have been together.

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