Baby Death Poem

After 5 years of trying I finally got pregnant the beginning of June 2008 . I was ecstatic. My mum passed away June 10, 2007 so I thought this was her final gift to me, as she always wanted to be a grandmother. As of September 11 (what a great date already), I lost my precious gift.
I know everything happens for a reason. I know there is sunshine at the end of this rainstorm, but it sure doesn't feel like it right now.

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I had my baby girl on the 7th of May 2019. She was the greatest gift that I have ever received since I was born. She was so healthy and very much lively till sickness started attacking...

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Four Words

© more by Sue Morton

Published by Family Friend Poems February 2009 with permission of the Author.

falling deeper & deeper each day.
wondering what else I'll lose
and wondering if it'll go away.

It's something I sometimes feel.
that the pain I have inside
could not possibly be real.

Not something that disappears
despite what I wish for
I have never ending tears.

That's what I often do
I will never forgive myself.
My heart's permanently broken in two.

These four simple words
to describe my feelings inside.
wishing I could crawl into myself
to stay forever and hide.

There are days I wonder
if these feelings will go.
If it's possible for me
to not feel so low.


more by Sue Morton

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Trina by Trina
  • 11 years ago

On 8-2-2012 I lost my baby girl. She was stillborn, was so heart broken, got to hold my baby for couple hours then they took her. I did not want to let go of her but I know I have to. Was 28 weeks then god bless me again with another baby girl 2013 She past away when I was 31 weeks the cord got caught around her neck. So now I have two baby girls with god. Now cries every single day missing them so much gone too soon, never be forgotten. Love them with all my heart

  • Ruth Tonwon Flomo by Ruth Tonwon Flomo
  • 4 years ago

I had my baby girl on the 7th of May 2019. She was the greatest gift that I have ever received since I was born. She was so healthy and very much lively till sickness started attacking her.

Faith-devine (My baby girl) was admitted in the hospital because of pneumonia. We spent thirteen days in the hospital for the first time, and seven days for the second time. The last time was on the 22nd of March 2020. I was with her that night till the next morning (March 23) the doctor told me that my baby was dead! Although she's dead, her memories live in my head. It's something I won't forget, though it's painful, but I don't want to ever forget her. I love you Faith-devine Mashata Taweh. Rest in peace, my little angel.

  • Nikki by Nikki
  • 14 years ago

Feb 23rd 11 I lost my daughter at 22w6d, July 16th 10 I lost my son at 22w6d.

This is how I feel each and everyday.

  • Jacqueline by Jacqueline
  • 14 years ago

I lost my son four years ago. He was a full term stillborn. I was so hurt and angry, and blamed myself. Blamed everyone!
The pain gets easier as time goes on. the wound takes a while to heal. But the scars last a life time. We will never forget our angels no matter how much time goes bye.. They where a part of us, a piece of us gone! nothing will ever fill that empty spot..

  • Catherine by Catherine, Zambia
  • 14 years ago

On 21st April 2009 I had a miscarriage my baby was four months old. Today he could have been a year old. I cry everyday and can't get over it. It hurts like it just happened yesterday. I loved this poem because if gave me some hope that I can get over this and I will.

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