1. School Life
School is a daily routine for us.
In the morning, we're sure to make a fuss.
Even when the sun is still not up,
Here we are, awake at 6am sharp.
The difficulties of School is a subject which many have written about. Children are in some ways like savages, untrained in the ways of society. They may not stop to think whether it is wrong to torture other children. Students are often the target of emotional or physical bullying. Most schools have various groups or gangs of students that exclude all others. Yet, there is much good that children and teens do between each other. There is no question that school can be a difficult place to be and there is much to write about school life.
School is a daily routine for us.
In the morning, we're sure to make a fuss.
Even when the sun is still not up,
Here we are, awake at 6am sharp.
I am sorry for you but I don't agree with you. I too am in high school, so I know how wonderful it is!
We learn from our mistakes,
From the wrong turns we take,
From the fake friends we make,
And from the times we almost break.
All my friends around me are fake...they can notice you if they need you, and they only want you to do their homework...your poem is beautiful. Keep it up.
Life is tough--that's what they say,
But they don't know what it's like every day
To wake up in the morning and go to school,
Just so people can test you and prove you're a fool.
The worst thing is how a child believes that the place they are at school is where they will always be. We need to teach our children to become unstuck as it is important for life. Do...
Growing up.
The next four years start here.
Take a deep breath as you walk through the doors.
Hear the feet pounding the floors.
After reading this poem, I feel connected to the author. When I walked into school the first day, I felt nervous and did not dare look at the seniors, but fortunately I already knew some...
I'd like to think myself as normal,
Just an ordinary girl.
But I'm not into butterflies,
I don't do ballet twirls.
It was an entirely new experience reading your poem, and my suggestion is to be yourself because the best of you is yourself, and 10 years from now you don't want to know how you ruined your...
Listen, o my dear, leave exam fear
Work hard and feel confident
Give it your best and God will see the rest
In any situation never leave your cheer
Hi, my name is Katy.
I'm not an active lady.
I'm happy when I'm on the couch,
But if I get up I will turn into a grouch.
I love this poem because it basically describes what I do at home.
The kids pointed and the kids laughed
at the young man that sat in the back of the class.
The one with his head down
This poem is so sad. It made me so emotional. We're in 2020, it was written 11 years ago, but it still touches my heart. This poor boy suffered discrimination and was bullied, and he didn't...
Here I sit
In a class I don't want to be.
May be pointless to admit.
What do they want me to see?
Walking in a senior's territory,
Hoping not to get lost on the first day.
Scared of all the rumors of being shoved in lockers,
Or trying to find new friends along the way.
I lie awake in bed
with thoughts swarming around in my head.
The memories come flooding in
of old times with my kin;
It doesn't take long
To make some friends
But me being by myself
Well, that never ends
I can totally relate to this poem since I've been through similar circumstances and I made my very first best friend because we have so many things in common; it was her presence that...
I wish that you could see
This scared girl inside of me.
I'm not really as I seem.
When I first came into public school, I realized how cruel the world could be. This mask I've created is suffocating me! I can't breathe and the false life that I've created is holding me...
A silent tear falls from her eyes
As she falls on her knees and cries
No one can see her pain-filled life
It doesn't show in her hazel eyes
I have a 2 year old son and I'm only 17 and get made fun everyday.. and who is the author of this poem??
Painfully aware of all my peers
The pain, the pressure creates real fears
Trying to escape so many eyes and ears
This poem literally describes me at home and school. Very, very nice that someone else was able to describe these feelings, as I could hardly get out a couple words! Bravo.
I put on this act,
as I walk through the halls looking like I don't care.
People talk behind my back,
like I'm not even there
Everybody goes through something, and other people don't even know what that person is facing.
We are going to different high schools
I know it will be hard
we were best friends
and now we are ripped apart
My best friend and I were separated this year. We have been best friends for two years, and he ended up going to a different school this year. I don't know how I'm going to finish out these...
School is meant to be sociable
Home is meant to be unnoticeable
School is a place to roam
What does it mean to you?
It's a small five letter word,
But it makes all the difference in the world.
Untitled - that's me.
I have a name, but it's never used.
I have a mind, but like the rest of me...it's confused