School Poem

This poem is about how I am not what everybody thinks I should be, I'm not 'cool.' It's about how I'm just trying to be myself through school and that I do not care what other people think.

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It was an entirely new experience reading your poem, and my suggestion is to be yourself because the best of you is yourself, and 10 years from now you don't want to know how you ruined your...

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Just A Normal Girl

© more by Leanne Blount

Published by Family Friend Poems March 2011 with permission of the Author.

I'd like to think myself as normal,
Just an ordinary girl.
But I'm not into butterflies,
I don't do ballet twirls.

I hate wearing make-up,
No eye shadow or blush.
I don't have time in a morning,
As I'm always in a rush.

I don't wear fancy underwear,
Especially not a thong.
For all the girls who do out there,
I think it's kind of wrong.

I don't spend hours on the phone,
Just simply chatting away.
I only need to take five minutes
On my hair every day.

My room is not spotless,
My room is not a tip.
I don't put powder on my nose,
I don't give teachers lip.

I don't go after every boy,
That I come across.
I don't think I'm better than everyone,
Don't think that I'm the boss.

I don't walk with my breasts,
Held high up in the air.
I don't try to shake my bottom,
Or twirl and flick my hair.

I just want to get through,
These taunting years of school.
I don't care what you think of me,
I don't care if I'm not 'cool.'

And I do have a good time,
A laugh with all my friends.
I balance it with learning.
This is my beginning, not my end.


more by Leanne Blount

  • Stories 25
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  • Rating 4.35
Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Star by Star
  • 6 years ago

I absolutely love this poem. It's everything I'm about. I'm so different than everyone else in school, but in a way I can only be proud. I couldn't care less about others' opinions towards me. I love this poem so, so much that I may start to live by it.

  • Meghana Vincent by Meghana Vincent, India
  • 7 years ago

I can relate to your poem very easily. Of course if the pampering girls (most of them) in my class read this, they'd mock it. But this poem describes normal girls like us...actually, I think this poem would knock some sense into those other girls.

These comments are absolutely fantastic!! I'm so glad you all liked it and that it's even gone so far as to help some of you feel better/see things differently! Six years on and people are still reading my poem - that is amazing!
- Leanne

  • Olsa Murombe by Olsa Murombe
  • 7 years ago

This poem is related to my situation, and people will never stop judging us. Let us be who we are, let us live the life that we will remember, and let us decide for ourselves this is our "world." People will always talk even if you do good things.

  • Samantha by Samantha
  • 8 years ago

It was an entirely new experience reading your poem, and my suggestion is to be yourself because the best of you is yourself, and 10 years from now you don't want to know how you ruined your life by thinking about makeup and concentrating in such useless things. You really would want to be proud of how you progressed in life with education and how you were yourself and enjoyed your life.

  • Divyanshi Verma by Divyanshi Verma
  • 8 years ago

This poem is so relatable to my situation. People will never stop judging us. Just be what we are!

  • Vaishali by Vaishali
  • 8 years ago

Hi, I am from India, and I thought that I was the only girl who's like this, but I am so glad to know that you all are exactly like me. Well, I think we all are actually normal and those girls are weird. Your poem is amazing.

  • Rachel Dare by Rachel Dare
  • 8 years ago

If only the other girls at school could see this then they might actually understand were I am
coming from.
It is practically my life in a poem, I am no girly girl.

  • Jewel Dsouza by Jewel Dsouza
  • 10 years ago

I have a strange feeling we would be best friends if were in the same school. It's funny how much I can relate to you and btw I love your poem.

  • Grace by Grace, Red Hill
  • 10 years ago

This poem is absolutely amazing. It is just like every girl at my old school. I wish I could meet you in person! That would be awesome! You are a very inspiring person and you are going to help me a lot by getting me throughout the next 7 years of school and then uni. I am only in year 7. Wish me luck!

P.S. thanks for the poem and confidence

  • Erika A. by Erika A.
  • 11 years ago

Please. Can you please move here and go to my school? I wish that there were more kids like this. For me, sometimes I'll wear makeup and spend time on my hair and clothes, but only when I'm in the mood for it, which isn't very often. And I went through a stage where I was pretty superficial (when I started middle school), but I'm a lot like you right now. I hate how people think that you have to be loud and obnoxious and good at sports and blah blah blah to be worth something. I hate how people call me a nerd or a killjoy because I want them to shut up so I can focus on working. Anyways, great poem, thanks for writing it :)

  • Me by Me
  • 11 years ago

thanks for this :] its nice to know that there are other people who feel the same way

  • Joli by Joli, Texas
  • 11 years ago

O...M...G... I totally feel you! This poem really touched me. I'm glad I'm not the only one like this!!!!!

  • Kinsvia, Norina by Kinsvia, Norina
  • 11 years ago

Haha, EXACTLY how I am. All of that idiotic "Cool" and "Popular" stuff doesn't suit me at all. AT ALL. I find it interesting and relieving that there are others out there that aren't all about the "Outside" lookers. :) Good job!

  • Aliza Orchard by Aliza Orchard
  • 12 years ago

I'm also just an ordinary girl like everyone but my teachers say I write pretty nice poems about mother's love because I never got a mothers love I don't know what I'm saying just thanks to explain your inner feelings with this world

  • Kasia by Kasia, Michigan
  • 12 years ago

That was awesome! I'm not in high school yet since I'm only 12, but I think there is the same problem at my school. I think kids in my class are more focused on staying at the top of the social scale than actually doing something with their lives. I don't care about my hair, or spend an hour looking for the perfect clothes. When we have free dress, I put on jeans, a t-shirt, and a hoodie. I'm a quiet girl who tries to ignore what people think even though it is sometimes hard. I thought no one else could understand! thanks!

  • Yaminia by Yaminia, Virginia
  • 12 years ago

Omg, thank you so much for writing this, I am the same exact way as you, except without friends...

  • Ashley by Ashley, USA
  • 12 years ago

Wow, this poem is off the chain! I'm like you A LOT! In some ways.. NOT so much... but for the most part yes! I wish many of the girls in my school were the same way!!!

  • Katie by Katie, England
  • 12 years ago

This poems just sums me up completely! Everyone at my school judges you on how you look and doesn't care about personality. Every morning I tie my hair back and put no makeup on and like it says in the poem I don't care what people think because they don't really know me! Some of my friends are quite popular so I guess I am in with that crowd sometimes and it isn't me at all! So nice to hear about someone else who doesn't seem to care about being part of the popular group! Loved this poem :)

  • Frieda by Frieda, Malaysia
  • 12 years ago

I like your poem... Even though I'm the complete opposite of you, it's great!

  • Jewel by Jewel, Winner
  • 12 years ago

When I see my cousin. I could feel the hurt all around him. When I look into his eyes I see the pain in them. When I hang out with him I feel the hate on him and the jealously. I could feel that people or some put him down everyday. I could feel that his heart is broken. I can tell that he wants to cry but doesn't want to. I want to walk a mile in his shoes. I learnt to see what he is feeling. Cousin all I am going to say is come to me for help. There is still hope for don't give up and don't listen to what they say. Just live your life and live on.

  • Frederick-Burg . VA by Frederick-Burg . VA
  • 13 years ago

why do girls even care about looking nice
boys don't even notice you at all
they don't care how you look or they never notice if u put on makeup
don't try to make your self pretty for just a guy
you pretty just the way you are
no matter if your dark, light, short or tall
only you can be you
and you're beautiful just the way you are
don't try to be pretty just for guys.

  • Mallory by Mallory, Tn
  • 13 years ago

Finally someone who realizes that high school isn't about relationships and showing off. People just forget that they're only going to be there for a couple of years and that when they get to college their professors aren't going to care how many "friends" they had or what brand of jeans they buy. It's so nice to hear someone with some perspective. Thanks for writing this poem

  • Damon by Damon, Brisbane
  • 13 years ago

I can't believe that you haven't any comments, because I think, that's the most admirable attitude I've heard from a school girl before. It kind of seems hard to find a girl like you at school, but I realize now, it's only because you're the girls who don't make a fool of themselves.
Cheers mate.

  • Bripie by Bripie
  • 13 years ago

haha, you just described me! It's nice to know that there are people out there that feel this way too!

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