School Poem

New Girl At School Bullied Poem

One day I was feeling alone and decided to write how I felt. I'm sure everyone can relate to this in some way.

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I can totally relate to this poem since I've been through similar circumstances and I made my very first best friend because we have so many things in common; it was her presence that...

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Never Always Alone


Published by Family Friend Poems July 2014 with permission of the Author.

It doesn't take long
To make some friends
But me being by myself
Well, that never ends

They call me an outcast
And say I have no life
They say they feel sorry
For the guy who will make me his wife

They give me dirty looks
Whenever I walk by
They always abuse me
And try to make me cry

I try to be strong
I try to be all right
I try to ignore it
And I try not to fight

But wherever they are
They always seem to find me
No matter what I'm doing
No matter where I may be

Today they didn't hassle me
And I wonder why
I found out there's a new girl
And they made her cry

I went looking for her
Hoping to make a friend
So we can protect each other from them
And being by myself can finally end

I eventually found her
At the back of the school
I asked her what she was doing
And she said 'being a fool'

She said she's had this all before
From people at her old school
I sat down next to her
And told her they just think they're cool

She and I became best friends that day
She is the first one I've ever had
These days we stick together
And get through the good and bad

If you ever feel like you are alone
Don't think that at all
You are never alone
You'll always have someone to call


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  • Caitlinyao by Caitlinyao, Beijing China
  • 8 years ago

I can totally relate to this poem since I've been through similar circumstances and I made my very first best friend because we have so many things in common; it was her presence that convinced me that I'm not lonely as I thought I would be. Great job on the poem!

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