School Poem

Remembering The Good Days

When friends are separated through no fault of their own it is a great source of sadness.

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My best friend and I were separated this year. We have been best friends for two years, and he ended up going to a different school this year. I don't know how I'm going to finish out these...

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Published by Family Friend Poems July 2007 with permission of the Author.

We are going to different high schools
I know it will be hard
we were best friends
and now we are ripped apart

I remember the good days we had
throughout these three long years
you were there when I was sad
even when I was in tears

But now it's all changed
we can't be together anymore
no more notebooks to exchange
or laughter to adore

No more inside jokes to hear
or gossip in the hall
now we have high school to fear
and that's the worst of them all

I will never forget that smile of yours
and how it made me glad
just remember you'll always be
the bestest friend I've ever had


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Heather N. Barrows by Heather N. Barrows, Paducah, KY
  • 8 years ago

My best friend and I were separated this year. We have been best friends for two years, and he ended up going to a different school this year. I don't know how I'm going to finish out these next two years of high school without him. It was so hard being separated from him. He was there for me when I fell. And he always made me laugh. We never talk anymore, and it is truly painful.

  • Lizz by Lizz
  • 10 years ago

I miss my friends so much, we got separated just after primary school. They always stood up for and held my back I miss them soooooo much if only we could see each other it would mean a LOT to. This poem means a LOT me, thanks to whoever wrote it, it totally describes how I feel.

  • Emma by Emma
  • 11 years ago

Me and my best friend we knew each for ten years. School separated us, we're still friends but every day we are drifting further apart :'(

  • Pratish by Pratish, India.
  • 12 years ago

Me and my best friend were separated at the last of class 10th. He was so helpful and selfless (though not to others but to me always !!!) that when he went away from me then only I realized how much I was dependent on him. Sometimes we fought for each others good and the other times we laughed a lot with each other. He always used to encourage me. This year I won a prize in my school but felt no happiness because this time he was not with me.
Miss you dear , hope you're happy there...

  • Sydney by Sydney, California
  • 13 years ago

My best friend moved to another school in the middle of 6th grade. I miss her soo much. Hopefully I'll see her in high school.

  • Keona by Keona, Georgia
  • 13 years ago

I met my bestfriend Jayla, my first day of 6th grade and we immediately became inseparable. She lived with her aunt because her mom passed away when she was six. In the middle of our eighth grade year she told me that her aunt was abusing her (she even pistol whipped her once) and her uncle has tried to molest her several times. I convinced her to talk to our school counselor and over the Summer between our 8th and 9th grade year she moved to a different city with another aunt. I miss her so much and I hate not talking to her everyday but I am so happy that her and her little sister are in a safe home. This poem really touched me cause I never thought we would be apart, we even want to go to the same college. I still talk to her a lot but it is not the same and I miss her sooooo much !

  • Kaitlin by Kaitlin, Sanger
  • 14 years ago

Me and my best friend used to go to high school together but now she's in college and I'm still in high school. And I miss her like crazy. She means so much to me. I see her a lot still but it's not the same. It feels kind of like she's moved on and I haven't. She means so much to me. This poem describes everything. I really loved it. Thank you.

  • Latosha by Latosha, KY
  • 15 years ago

this poems reminds me so much of my friends but instead of different high schools we are going to different colleges. that's a scary thought that I'm going to be alone...but I will always think of them.

  • Lauren N by Lauren N
  • 16 years ago

My best friend Liz moved in the middle of our eighth grade year. I miss her so very much. She always used to make fun of me because I called her my bestest friend, and to her that's not the proper way to say best friend. I enjoy this poem so much because it tells of our fears without each other. GREAT POEM!!!

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