Goodbye Friend Poem

Poem On Growing Apart But Cherishing The Past

To my best friend whom I miss even though I always see her. It's like there's a wall that's keeping us apart. So near yet so far...

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I had friends that I have known for 7 years. In 8th grade, two of them were getting closer and blocking me out. They mostly talk to me if one or the other is busy. The one of them made a...

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Published by Family Friend Poems April 2008 with permission of the Author.

We've always been together,
we did everything with laughter.
We thought it was forever.

When I was in danger
you knew how to ease my fear.
You were always there to be my savior.

At first we were strangers,
until we became closer,
and now we are together.

But time flows like a river.
it became complicated and faster,
until we realized that we're older.

And that is what is keeping us apart.
I was here,
and you were there.

I know we still care,
but our friendship slowly fades in the air.
how can it be so unfair?

Can "our past" be also called "our future"?
because I don't want to surrender
the memories we've shared together.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Judy by Judy
  • 5 years ago

Hi, I am Judy. When I was in second grade, I made my first poem and after that day I loved poetry and started writing and reading them

  • Joy Fru by Joy Fru
  • 8 years ago

I had friends that I have known for 7 years. In 8th grade, two of them were getting closer and blocking me out. They mostly talk to me if one or the other is busy. The one of them made a friend this year and all she cares about is her new friends. And she just pushes me away like I'm not there. She would rather be with her new friends than the one she has known for years. I just wish they would understand how I feel.

  • Izzy by Izzy
  • 8 years ago

Me and K have been friends since grade 1. Last year, when we entered high school, she became different, and I couldn't relate to a word she said. Even though I tried to relate to her, she had changed so much. It was hard to know that her new friends, who she knew for 5 seconds knew her better than me, who knew her for more than 7 years. Just recently she moved interstate without even telling me. I found out that she had left when I asked her 'friends' where she was. I miss her forever and wished I could have at least said goodbye.

K, you are forever in my heart.
lots of love,
Izzy (short stuff)

  • Just Me by Just Me, New Zealand
  • 11 years ago

My BFF was my savior, when ever I was too scared to do something she helped me through it even silly things like me being too shy to collect a Christmas card from a class mate!!!
But I feel I never repaid her, but she never complained.

She moved away and is at high school I am a year under her so I am still at intermediate ( I think I call it middle school???)
Today was my first day back and now I am lying in bed crying cuz I miss her and my new friends are popular and just talk about boys! I don't think I can keep it up for a whole year, I'm a nerd on the inside!!!
Sorry this is soo long I didn't mean too I'm soooooo sad

  • Kaitlyn by Kaitlyn, Poland
  • 11 years ago

Me and my best friend did everything together, we were connected and you couldn't pull us apart. But this year I realized we were drifting apart and lately we have been fighting A LOT. But this fight is different. We argued and we hurt each other badly. You cannot take back what you said. I want to be friends again, but not just to fight again. If Dana is reading this; I'm sorry and I'm tired of fighting and I want to be friends again. if your not; I don't know how to tell you that, without you not believing me.

  • Sadie by Sadie, Surrey
  • 12 years ago

I have known my best friend since I was 5. When suddenly, she told me we didn't get into the same Secondary schools. The walls seemed to cave in on me and I could see no light ahead. We don't see each other and only see one another every... 3 weekends. I've had a term without her and I still want to see her so badly. This poem describes how I feel about her. I just love her so much. (as a friend I'm not gay) It's horrible living without her and not seeing her each day! Does anyone feel the same!

  • Ms by Ms, Us
  • 12 years ago

Me and my best friend have been friends since 6th grade but lately I feel like we've been drifting apart, and it's killing me. I miss his warm smile and dumb jokes, and the way he always made me laugh and brightened my day even in the darkest times and I know it might sound like I like him but I don't, I love him like a brother, but it's killing me to see us drifting and to see that our phone call conversations went from multiple times a day every day to every other week if I'm lucky, and I cry and wonder if he notices it too. I just miss him always being there when I need him, and I miss having someone like him to talk to, I hope we can work this out... :'(

  • Daisy by Daisy, California
  • 12 years ago

I was the new girl in high school and I had no friends until I met the most amazing people. We finished high school and summer came. We were always hanging out sleepovers, movie nights, non fires, road trips. And even after college started we were close but then we started getting more busier barely seeing each other. I started to get even more busy and I now I don't even see them at all. It's been 3 months since I've seen them. They hang out together but now I feel like I don't even exist them. This poem just made me cry because I could relate.

  • Amanda by Amanda
  • 14 years ago

Well I'm 14 and I knew my best friend since I was 3. When I turned thirteen she moved to FL w/ her mom. This poem reminded me of our friendship. We have both changed and taken different roads but I still see her when she comes to see her dad. But she is a different person each time.

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