Loss of a Friend Poem

The last goodbye to a departed friend. For Miss Regina

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Good-bye may seem forever. Farewell is like the end, but in my heart's the memory, and there you'll always be.

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Farewell, My Last Goodbye

© more by Micheal Kenneth

Published by Family Friend Poems February 2008 with permission of the Author.

I cherished the times when we were together
I hoped that it would last forever
but now there's nothing I can do
today I'll say my goodbye to you

Though it'll be long before I see you again
I know you're happy there, safe in heaven
and though I'll miss you and love you that much
I know God's love for you, I cannot match

Time will pass, it would lessen the pain
but my feelings for you, they will stay the same
I know you're watching there, up above
I wished you'll read this poem, signed with all my love...

I'll say my farewell
not to cry, I will not swear
I will miss you...


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  • Sekos Aleyandro by Sekos Aleyandro, Cameroon
  • 9 years ago

Good-bye may seem forever. Farewell is like the end, but in my heart's the memory, and there you'll always be.

  • Sameera by Sameera, Hyderabad
  • 10 years ago

I loved this poem like anything. <3
really heart touching... I am crying still :(
but very much love you all :* :* :*

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