Best Friend Poem

We all have friends (even best friends), but do they always know how much you truly care about them? Just because they aren't always with you, it doesn't mean they stop thinking about you and vice versa. Don't ever forget to tell them how much they mean to you. Whether near or far, true friendship is a bond that shall always remain.

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The poem that my best friend sent me made me cry. We've known each other since we were about three years old. It's a friendship that has lasted through the years and now that the world is...

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Through Thick And Thin


Published by Family Friend Poems February 2011 with permission of the Author.

I could skip a heartbeat, and I would survive.
I could be in a car crash and still be alive.
The clouds could fall out of the sky.
The oceans could disappear and all turn dry.

These things in life are all bad, I know,
but there's far worse things, just thought you should know.

Life would not be the same without someone like you.
You're there when I need you to help me through.
Through the good times and through the bad,
Be them happy or be them sad.

I don't have to be with you to know you're there.
We don't have to see each other to know that we care.
We could be apart for years upon end
and still remain the best of friends.

Life goes on, and people change,
And through it all, our friendship shall remain the same.
That's such as life and how things come to be.
Just thought you should know how much you mean to me!


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Miriam Morales by Miriam Morales
  • 4 years ago

The poem that my best friend sent me made me cry. We've known each other since we were about three years old. It's a friendship that has lasted through the years and now that the world is going through this pandemic, it was so wonderful to hear from her.

  • Marisela Rocha by Marisela Rocha
  • 6 years ago

This poem relates to me because I have a best friend. Her name is Giseh; I love her so much. We met in seventh grade and we've been friends ever since. We have gone through a lot and went to different schools. I went to high school, and she went to an early college.

  • Nicholas Murangiri Mugambi by Nicholas Murangiri Mugambi
  • 7 years ago

I love every bit of the poem. I reminds me of the love of my life, Joy. Though apart, let go of your fear. Love is sent until the end.

  • Cl by Cl
  • 7 years ago

Wow! This poem is so beautifully written, I was crying! I am going through a hard time with my "friend" now- she's being very mean, and this poem reminded me of the days that we shared before this mean streak in her. I know I can get through this. Thank you for publishing such beautiful work that really touched me.

  • Priya by Priya
  • 8 years ago

This poem is just amazing! It actually describes my friendship with my two BEST FRIENDS. I am going to move across the world and I am so going to miss them! I really don't want to leave them! I hope that our friendship will still go on! I've been friends with them for 2 years and we just clicked! We've been telling them my secrets to them since then!

  • Destnee Erwin by Destnee Erwin, TN
  • 9 years ago

This poem describes me and my best friend perfect we have been best friends for 6 years I moved away last year and I hated it. But about 2 months ago she moved to where I live and it was the best thing ever. This poem describes us so well.

  • Mahsa by Mahsa
  • 10 years ago

Hi. I'm Mahsa. I'm from Iran and of course I'm 14. Your poems are really beautiful and amazing. Thanks for your help. You helped me find my best friend. Many Thanks .

  • Usa by Usa
  • 11 years ago

I love this poem! This is amazing. Perfectly describes me and my best friend

  • Becky Herrell by Becky Herrell, Knoxville
  • 11 years ago

I am a 43 year old Female that has been sick for some time now. I just recently got diagnosed with Liver Cancer and was given a short time to live. I have this AMAZING 31 year old Best Friend. She has been with me for the 3 years I have been sick. She was there at every trip to the Hospital, when I wasn't able to keep nothing down, she was there to clean the messes, hold my hair back and hold my hand through it all. Honestly, I don't know what I would have done without her. I had to be on bed rest for a while, she turned me, wiped my face, gave me baths and anything else I needed. I got staph real bad and couldn't walk and had to wear diapers until I was able to walk on my own, she changed my diapers every hour on the hour. There's a lot of people say they "LOVE" me, but.... she really "LOVES" me. I am so glad she and I are best friends. She is the TRUE MEANING of a *BEST FRIEND*. I thank God everyday that she was brought into my life and I can't and won't imagine my life without her.

  • Katherine by Katherine
  • 11 years ago

This poem is Perfect for me and my best friend, I'm moving away and I'm writing her a book, to say good bye and this was the poem I wanted for her to read! Thanks so much! It really touched my heart

  • Habeeba by Habeeba, Nj
  • 11 years ago

I am losing my friend because I'm moving. I'm only known them for two years but I am so sad. I have many other friends I have known since kindergarten, and I might not see them ever again also. When I read these poems I am crying with tears!

  • McKenzie by McKenzie
  • 8 years ago

I lost a best friend, too. It broke my heart, but always know she is beside you.

  • Tricia by Tricia, SA
  • 12 years ago

This poem reminds me of my best friend whom we clicked the first time we met and we share everything and distance is keeping us apart but we share something very special.

  • Jessie by Jessie, USA
  • 12 years ago

I literally just came across this out of the blue, But this describes me and my best friend more than any poem I've ever read.

  • Yukti by Yukti
  • 12 years ago

I have been looking for a poem for my best friend becuase she is turning 16 and this is the perfect poem for her :)

  • Emlenton by Emlenton, Pa
  • 13 years ago

This poem is amazing. I've been looking for a poem for me and my bestfriend, and this one hit it right on the head! Loved it!!

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