Best Friend Poem

If you want to stay best friends, this is a recipe for success.

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Hi, I have a bit of a problem. I'm a 63-year-old man with a couple of physical disabilities. About a year ago it became more and more apparent that I needed additional assistance that the...

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Friends For Life


Published by Family Friend Poems July 2007 with permission of the Author.

We are friends.
I've got your back,
And you have mine.
I'll help you out
To see you hurt,
To see you cry,
Makes me weep
And wanna die.
If you agree
To never fight,
It wouldn't matter
Who's wrong or right.
If a broken heart
Needs a mend,
I'll be right there
Till the end.
If your cheeks are wet
From drops of tears,
Don't worry,
Let go of your fears.
Hand in hand
Love is sent.
We'll be friends
Till the end!


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Zal,MAS by Zal,MAS
  • 4 years ago

You know, many people say that 7 people in the world are alike, although not genetically. Well, I had a friend who is in a different state. Both of us like the same things, and we even officially called ourselves "long lost twin sisters!" We usually get in touch by chatting to one another online, but then one day my mum deleted her number because she thinks she is a scammer! I was so miserable. She was my only friend that knows what I've gone through. But luckily, one of MY friends knows one of HER friends, so when I get my own handphone, the first thing I'm going to do is to contact her. So, Iris, if you are reading this, I just want to say that I miss you so much!

  • Lamont DuPlessis by Lamont DuPlessis
  • 6 years ago

Hi, I have a bit of a problem. I'm a 63-year-old man with a couple of physical disabilities. About a year ago it became more and more apparent that I needed additional assistance that the other family members who I live with could not provide. So, regardless of my stupid pride, the VA sent me a caregiver, Ana who is 28 years my junior. From day one we clicked. Aside from the great help that she gives me with cleaning, changing my bedding, my showers, meal preparation, etc., we talk a lot about different things and agree on most everything. We have so much in common, but as she will remind me, she's my caregiver, plain and simple! I have viewed her as a "friend." I have had to face up to reality, though because there's no doubt that I am truly in love with her! I tried so hard not to let it happen. I can never tell her about my true feelings for her or I may never see her again! I love her so very, very much! Silent I will and must remain!

  • Poppy by Poppy
  • 2 years ago

Unrequited love is sometimes the most painful, but be grateful that you still have the ability to love, even if you cannot speak. It is a beautiful gift to your life. It will change you, It will make you gentler, more compassionate, tender, loving, grateful for each moment and celebration shared. Silent love is a very beautiful love and a real gift.

  • Joanne Adams by Joanne Adams
  • 6 years ago

I'm a home help for older people, and I fully understand how you're feeling. But I have to ask is it LOVE or just because you're lonely? Maybe you could ask her for a meal to say thank you for all she does for you. Then when you're out assess the situation. You can always fall back on the I just wanna say thank you card. Good luck.

  • Isabella, Texas by Isabella, Texas
  • 7 years ago

I lived in Missouri, and for a long time my best friend lived down the street, and I would go to her house every day. We saw each other all the time. But then we started arguing. We were friends and then we weren't and then we were. Then I moved to where I am now, and I don't know if she is still my friend, but I miss her whether or not she misses me.

  • Ikran by Ikran
  • 7 years ago

I need help. My best friend and I stopped being best friends because we argued every day. She got so sick of it, she ended our friendship, and she won't let me apologize to her. When days go by I always think of my best friend and how I lost someone so amazing. Just thinking about her gets me in a sad mood. What can I do? I tried moving on, but I can't.

  • Illana by Illana
  • 7 years ago

Contact her in any way to find out about your relationship.

  • Akash by Akash
  • 7 years ago

Give her some time. Then talk to her. Not for the sake of apologizing. Just talk to her normally. Ask about her days and well being. Then casually meet her, and when leaving, just hug her for a little longer than usual and say how much you care for her. Say that things always happen in friendships, but being apart is not the solution. Start listening to her instead of giving advice.

  • 7 years ago

This poem really inspired me. I sent it to my best friend and loved it. My friend betrayed me a couple of years ago and teamed up with a mean girl against my older sister. This made me so mad that I wanted to cut our friendship right then and there. However, I realized that she was my best friend no matter what happened.

  • Red by Red
  • 10 years ago

This has sweet words. I have used two lines in a song about my mate whose father tragically died. Hope that is okay. I am not famous or anything but hope you are cool with this! Great poem very inspiring. Thanks thanks thanks

  • Abi by Abi
  • 10 years ago

I can relate to this poem because me and my friend argue a lot and it's really sad and I always find a poem to send to her and it's hard because when we fight we don't talk for days. We only send angry texts and I hate it. I wish we would never argue and just be friends so we could never see each other upset.

  • Michelle Perry by Michelle Perry, New York
  • 10 years ago

It really touched me because I have friends that I could say this to and I really miss them. We are in different grades and schools so I don't talk to them much. Only one I talk to and I really miss and love them.

  • Kanadian Stewart by Kanadian Stewart, Shreveport
  • 10 years ago

This poem touched me in a very special way me and my best friend went through a lot together. We always use to get into a arguments but at the end of the day we both realize that we still are best friends and we will always be best friends and no one can come in between us. When my other friend was up here she said that she was my best friend but as soon as she left and went to another school it's like she just forgot all about me and now I have a new best friend and we will always be loyal to each other and no one and I mean no one can ever ever ever come in between us and if they try me and my friend will do what we always wanted to do is to kick somebody a** so thank you and have a nice day love you guys and hope that you loved my opinion and how this poem touched me in my special way.

  • Megan by Megan, Rye
  • 10 years ago

My best friend and I went through tough times. When I cut my wrist she smacked sense into me I will be forever grateful to her.

  • Elyzabeth Colleen Wood by Elyzabeth Colleen Wood
  • 11 years ago

I have a friend named Victoria and she and I are really close if she cries it makes me cry. I care about her. I mean that she is a smart girl and that people are putting her out. I'm her only friend and I really care about her. If she moves. I won't be able to move on. And when it's time to go to go up above I know that she will always be with me.

  • K by K, T
  • 11 years ago

This poem is amazing and awesome. I'll be there till the end because in my heart you are my #1 best friend. This poem show me friends are like our family. Some don't understand what is a friend, they don't trust their friend but I trust all my friends.

  • Cailyn by Cailyn
  • 11 years ago

WOW I can't believe this poem is amazing and awesome. It is awesome my friend loved it, I loved it and my teacher loved but I put some of it into my own wording and I am a good poem writer just not as good as this.

  • Hinerangi Smith by Hinerangi Smith
  • 11 years ago

I'll be there till the end because in my heart you are my #1 best friend. You are my life you are my soul. If you ever shed a tear I will be there. I will never lose you. You will always have a space in my heart. AMEN!!!!

  • Victoria Franks by Victoria Franks, El Monte
  • 11 years ago

I had a friend that is just like this and I wish that she hadn't left and move to Oregon near Washington and I really miss her so much it feels empty without her next to me through everything I had been through since she had left. I had broken up with my boyfriend and I wish I hadn't. She would had been there to tell me not to break up with him, but I wish she was still here with me and now she is not. I regret the decisions I had made without her here.

  • Maria K. by Maria K., Acworth GA
  • 11 years ago

I have had my best friend for over 20 years, we have agree to disagree. She is my heart!! We have laughed, cried, danced, giggled, screamed, yelled.. even thrown a tantrum at times.. (he he he ha ha).. She now has moved away from me! we talk on a regular basis ( thank God), we visit each other, we keep it strong!!! We might not talk for a few weeks or even a month, but when we do.. it's like yesterday!!! I thank GOD..everyday for her!! I can't imagine life without her!! She is my SISTA!! till I take my last breath she will be there and me with her...!! I Love her, I wish her all the goodness in this world, and if you hurt her....This BFF is coming for ya!!

  • Sixteen by Sixteen, Philippines
  • 11 years ago

My friend, Carl... we fought a lot and this is how I feel inside. we haven't talked for a year now. Such a sad thing though.. we've been through a lot and our friendship just ended because of a pencil. :( I miss him.

  • Wynter by Wynter, GA
  • 12 years ago

My best friend name is Angel. She is always there for me when I need her. Through thick and thin we'll always be the best of friends. I need her. She is like my sister and I love her.

  • Kd by Kd
  • 12 years ago

I emailed this to my best friend Savanah. She is so nice to me. She has always had my back and she kept my secrets. Everytime we sat together in school, teachers had to move us. She is my most favorite friend. I love her like a sister! :)

  • Ashely by Ashely
  • 12 years ago

This poem makes me feel of the time that I was leaving from my old school and my friend wrote me one that almost made me cry.

  • Mallory by Mallory, CA
  • 12 years ago

This poem shows exactly how I feel. A few months ago my best friend was gone and two days later a detective came to my door. It scared me I haven't seen her since but I know she still cares for me and I care for her

  • Kiera Rose by Kiera Rose, CA
  • 13 years ago

Well when I was 7 I lost my best friend she got hit by a car. It was tragic. I still miss her. We did so much for each other. I love from up above.

  • Paulina Jaworska by Paulina Jaworska, Ireland
  • 13 years ago

I have this friend of mine I'm always there when she needs me at school, at home and anywhere she needs me. I was looking for a nice poem to email to my friend because she was always there for me to and when I read this one it touched me in my heart because it's a nice feeling when you know there is someone that can always support you and never leave you un-noticed with a problem :)

  • Becky by Becky
  • 13 years ago

I hade a best friend that I would share all my secrets with and after letting them out I felt so free to let them out letting them out to her I never heard them again until one day she hade cancer and I supported her until she was 14 she died. I was so upset. I cried every night my mum said that even though she's gone you can still talk to her she's still there I love this poem it is brilliant Well Done!!!!!! =] =] =] =]9

  • Jami by Jami
  • 13 years ago

This poem makes my heart beat smoothly me and my BFF are having an anniversary and I wanted to copy a poem and buy her 2 gifts. When I read this it made me hold my pillow and cry. It is so nice I would never know someone could write a poem good as this. The author must be a pro.

  • Marina by Marina, Minnesota
  • 13 years ago

I had a best friend named Sarah who I've had for 8 or 9 years and we always thought we'd be friends forever. But recently, there was no fights or disagreements, she just stopped talking to me and says she doesn't want to talk to me anymore. I feel so upset cause I really just want to know why. So this poem made me cry. :(

  • Brandi by Brandi, Ohio
  • 13 years ago

I like this poem because it reminds me of my brother, who is also my best friend. We have always been there for each other an then one day he goes to prison, an I have nobody. This poem really fits us!!

  • Faye Anne by Faye Anne, Southend
  • 13 years ago

This poem has touched me because it reminds me of how close me and my mate are and I cherish every moment that we have together because sadly she has cancer at the age of 14. But I support her on whatever her decisions are. Whoever published this poem it's very well done .

  • Isabella by Isabella
  • 13 years ago

I had a best friend, until the day she moved away, I was so sad! We talked everyday on the phone.. after a few months she stopped phoning me and we lost touch for 3 years...and just yesterday she found my email, we will always stay in touch for now on! :)

  • Brittney by Brittney
  • 14 years ago

One day I had a fried who got really sad I was there for her and then she ended up committing suicide. I like this poem but it has been really tragic since she's been gone. I love and miss her dearly she will always be in my heart and this poem reminds me of what I do for my friends and what my friends do for me

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