Best Friend Poem

Strength Of A Friendship

I wrote this poem about my best friends, Jazz and Alexis. I can truly say they are amazing.

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My story is exactly the same. I have a friend I've known my whole life. We grew up together. Our families were friends. We had summers and holidays away together. We literally lived across...

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Best Friend

© more by Mizscorpio

Published by Family Friend Poems May 2015 with permission of the Author.

You are my best friend; you belong in my heart.
We go through ups and downs, but still nothing can tear us apart.
I know you as a sister, and I will always care.
Love, respect, and trust are the things we share.

I know you as a person; I especially know you as a friend.
Our friendship is something that will never end.
Right now, this second, this minute, this day,
Our sisterhood is here, is here to stay.

My friendship with you is special and true.
When we are together, we stick like glue.
When I'm in the darkness that needs some light,
When you're by my side, I know things are all right.

Our friendship is so strong; it breaks down bars.
Our friendship is also bright, like the sun and the stars.
If we were in a competition for friendships, we would get a gold,
Because responsibility and cleverness are the keys we hold.

I met you as a stranger, took you as a friend.
I hope our long friendship will never end.
Our friendship is like a magnet; it pulls us together,
Because no matter where we are, our friendship will last forever!


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Margaret Oakley by Margaret Oakley
  • 3 years ago

This poem means a lot to me because my friend Kim and I have been friends for over 20+ years and we had a mutual family member try to break our friendship up but it only made us closer. So when I read this poem it sent chills down my spine because no matter where we are we always check in with each other to make sure we are alive and kicking and to see how our days are going. So thank you for writing this poem and for sharing it with others.

  • Lily by Lily
  • 5 years ago

I love this. It stood out to me right when I saw it. It touched my heart. I have a friend who is family. We are together 24/7. I met her years ago, and two weeks after we met, we became best friends.

  • Jack by Jack
  • 5 years ago

This poem had very deep feelings, and I really loved how it expressed the relationship so much. I had the same feeling with my friend that I meet every day. Even though we fight, in the end we still never separate. Thank you for making this amazing poem that can relate to the whole world.

  • Daria MacDonald by Daria MacDonald
  • 5 years ago

I met my best friend when I was crying on a bench outside. She sat beside me and asked if I was okay. Then we hung out together all the time. I wish time could have stayed the way it was because now we are getting older and we are growing apart, but we promised we will always be best friends.

  • Mrs Sue Connell by Mrs Sue Connell
  • 4 years ago

Stick with her. Time, life, it's so short. My best friend was taken at 59. We met at 17. Cherish every minute you have together, be it from a distance or close. She will always be your bestie...once a friend, always a friend.

  • Chloe Dudek by Chloe Dudek
  • 5 years ago

I had a friend when I was in prep, but we aren't friends anymore. Now she is just a bully to me. But I am friends with her little sister, which makes me happy. We have our ups and downs. Sometimes we don't talk to each other, but we are still friends.

  • Breanna by Breanna, Texas
  • 5 years ago

I was looking for something for my BFF's birthday, and this is so true. Thank you!

  • Rowena by Rowena
  • 5 years ago

I met my best friend when I was around 5 or 6. I always move, but we never fell apart.

  • Siphesihle Shabalala by Siphesihle Shabalala
  • 5 years ago

I met my best friend three years ago. It was the most special moment of my life. I was the first person to talk to her in primary school, and look at us now. I'm the last person every day to talk to her. I am incomplete without you by myself. I will always cherish the funny times with my best friend. I love you, and I hope you never forget that.

  • D-Aasijah by D-Aasijah
  • 6 years ago

My best friend and I met in kindergarten, and we're in 7th grade now, so we've been friends for 8 and a half years. She's soooooo fake. I need to show her this poem. It hurts me that we aren't talking to each other. She listens to irrelevant people, but I showed her loyalty and kept all my promises. She let people ruin our friendship.

  • Soje Temitope by Soje Temitope
  • 6 years ago

I met my best friend two years ago. I was the first person who talked to her. Since that special day, it has been filled with ups and downs. Many people tried to destroy our friendship, but we stuck together like glue. Many friendship angered many people, but we never left each other. She has been there since the very beginning, and I know will be there till the end. I love and cherish her.

  • Tracey Ann Harper by Tracey Ann Harper
  • 5 years ago

My story is exactly the same. I have a friend I've known my whole life. We grew up together. Our families were friends. We had summers and holidays away together. We literally lived across the green from one another. My friend also lived with me for a while when I had my first son. Years had gone by, and we lived our lives. We never ever fell out. Three years ago, we had a street party, and my friend and I picked up from where we left off. There were so many people that didn't like it that we have become best friend. People said it wouldn't last five minutes. All their negativity just pushed us closer together. We're like sisters and best friend. We're always there for each other. Small minded people aren't worth wasting your breath on. We're friends forever.

  • Ranu Chaudhuri Dey by Ranu Chaudhuri Dey
  • 7 years ago

It is perfect for my best friend Bidisha. I love her more than I love myself. From our shoes to badminton rackets, we are the same. I am going to share this true story of our friendship with her.

  • Cricket LImes by Cricket LImes
  • 7 years ago

I have a dear friend who fits this bill perfectly. Very nicely done. Thank you for sharing.

  • Ashlynn Symphony by Ashlynn Symphony
  • 7 years ago

Roses are red.
Violets are blue.
You are my best friend,
And what would I do without you?

  • Corey Turner by Corey Turner
  • 7 years ago

I love this poem. Thank you for writing it. I showed it to a friend, and she loved it!

  • Corey Turner by Corey Turner
  • 7 years ago

i love this poem thank for writting it i showed it to a friend and she loved it!

  • Zaha by Zaha
  • 7 years ago

This poem is great! I wrote this poem in a card and gave it my best friend. She was also very much touched by it. Thank you for this site and the person who wrote the poem. Liked it a lot!!!

  • Davon Woodley by Davon Woodley
  • 7 years ago

This poem is so nice. I had to requote it and send to a special friend because I'm a guy. Love it.

  • Juweriyo by Juweriyo
  • 7 years ago

How did I find you? You suddenly came to my life. I could not believe my luck, I said, "Why did not you come to my life earlier?" Because you were my oxygen I breathe, I did not know what's happening to me. It felt like a storm came into my private world, I had to think about it. "How shall I sleep at night?" It was a time when I met you, my heart returned empty. How did I forget you? I did not want to go far from you. Did I forget you? Like the clouds, you gave me a shadow over me. As the rain, you made me drowning in luck. Like a storm, you have removed my feelings. How did I forget you?

  • Carlena McAllister by Carlena McAllister
  • 8 years ago

This is the best. I am so using this for my best friends. One paragraph for each person. Thank you.

  • God. Love, Money by God. Love, Money
  • 8 years ago

This was a really nice poem. My BFF got me a poem and I have to get her one too, so this is totally perfect. l-o-v-e-d, loved it!

  • Ayushi Gupta by Ayushi Gupta
  • 8 years ago

I loved this poem too much.. really touched by it.. I shared it with my best friend who is also my sister on her birthday.. she was very happy.. tears came from her eyes.. thank you soo much!!

  • Gianna by Gianna
  • 8 years ago

This is such a great poem! I shared it with my BFFs Darci, Maya and Julianna and they were touched just as much as me!! :)

  • Banana Bob by Banana Bob, Northern Territory
  • 9 years ago

Great poem! I wrote it in a birthday card for my best friend :P
It definitely added something special to her card. Can't wait to give it to her!!
Thanks whoever wrote this poem.
~Banana Bob

  • Ldld by Ldld
  • 9 years ago

I really like the poem it talks about friendship. My friend and I were looking for a poem about friendship and we found this page and it was really helpful. We gave credit to the page by writing down the site and other things our teacher showed us . Thanks to this site we did really well.

  • Brittany Rivera by Brittany Rivera
  • 9 years ago

I love this poem. I can tell you wrote this from your heart. Beautiful poem.

  • Kat by Kat, Chicago
  • 9 years ago

I love that. That's what best friendships are all about! Well-said.

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