Poem about Teen Life

Poem About Life As A Teen

I didn't enjoy grades 6 and up. I kept losing friends.

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All my friends around me are fake...they can notice you if they need you, and they only want you to do their homework...your poem is beautiful. Keep it up.

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The Teenage Years

© more by Sarah Gray

Published by Family Friend Poems June 2014 with permission of the Author.

We learn from our mistakes,
From the wrong turns we take,
From the fake friends we make,
And from the times we almost break.

Our mistakes help us grow,
But at the time, we didn't know.
We didn't want our weakness to show.
At the time, we couldn't let them know.

Our fake friends were there,
But they didn't actually care
Our secrets they would share,
And now as we pass, they just stare.

Not breaking means you're strong.
You'd know where you went wrong,
As if you weren't waiting so long
To explain yourself, but stay strong.

So here's to the liars and traitors,
All the wannabes and haters
And learning from our mistakes
And learning to spot the fakes.

Here's to being a teen
Live it up, 'cause we're living the dream.


more by Sarah Gray

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Athena Dupaya by Athena Dupaya
  • 3 years ago

All my friends around me are fake...they can notice you if they need you, and they only want you to do their homework...your poem is beautiful. Keep it up.

  • Nova by Nova
  • 1 year ago

Everyone at school is mean to me I don't know why it doesn't even matter how hard I try.
I agree with Athena your poem is 100% the best.

  • Rhiamya Jones by Rhiamya Jones
  • 4 years ago

I am going through a lot as I go through these teenage years, having fake friends, and getting hate from lots. This poem describes me.

  • Victoria Njeri by Victoria Njeri, Nairobi County
  • 10 years ago

When I was a teen, I thought everyone was my friend. I was too innocent to realize that those I called friends were the ones pulling me down. They used to tell the secrets I told them to the rest, and it really hurt me. I wasted a lot of time with them. It's true that our mistakes are lessons to us. I learned that not all people are considered to be friends since betrayal may be circulating around their veins. Now I try and choose my friends really wisely. There are very few people that we can consider to be friends. It's just like the saying goes, "Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before we really meet those we can call true friends," but until then, I have to be careful with whom I correspond.

  • Maya Mirkin by Maya Mirkin
  • 5 years ago

Hi, I'm really struggling with school at the moment, and I was just wondering how to find the friends that aren't fake because I find it really difficult to pick out who are true friends.

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