Poem about Teen Life

I'm a teenage girl, and I thought I'd write this poem based on how my mum said she felt after I struggled at school and kept it to myself. I've never written a poem before, but I'd like to write many more.

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We all come from different countries all over the world to connect with each other over the same topic. We find that most parents are the same. They hold so many ambitions and tie us as if we...

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The Life Of A Teenage Girl


Published by Family Friend Poems March 2012 with permission of the Author.

Look how she's changed,
Look how she's grown,
The personality changes
I should have known

The make-up she wears,
Each day it gets thicker
Why is she doing this?
To grow up quicker?

The days she comes in
She runs to her room
Is it really possible,
To feel so much gloom?

The tears in her eyes,
Her heart as it breaks
She will learn to realize
Her minor mistakes

I cuddle her in
I miss times like this
The young girl that smiled
My gorgeous 'Little miss'
Now her dancing and prancing
The games we did play
Her sorrow, it drifts memories
So many miles away

I call her down
As I do each time
To ask her to share with me
The troubles of her prime

The response was different
To the one I used to know
She stared up at me
She was beginning to let go

The stories she told
The rumours she'd heard
No wonder my princess
Had not said a word

The thing she said next
Opened my eyes
To a world I'd never known
A world of hurt and hatews and lies

'Mum' she said
As the tales unfurled
'This is the life
Of a Teenage Girl'


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Amanda by Amanda, Toxey
  • 10 years ago

I did the same thing so my mum ask my pastor to talk to me. When he talked to me I didn't know what to think but I listened to him.

  • Aliciya by Aliciya, Washington
  • 11 years ago

I have lived a life of sorrow and pain and reading this just brought me back memories. I am almost 16 and I have gone the miles I don't really understand people but they need to grow up without making fun of people cause that person you make fun of will end up being your boss maybe or commit suicide because they already have other problems going on. That fat girl you made fun of... dies of being anorexic or bulimic. That girl that was to colorful... became Gothic and a murderer... that nerd you made fun of... became a meth addict... you need to just grow up and just live life with those outcasts before those bad things happen to them or to you

  • Surbhi Bulandshahr. by Surbhi Bulandshahr.
  • 12 years ago

I am a girl who has a very good ambition and that is to be a doctor. I have got nice parents. I think many times why don't they try to understand me. I have a cooperative nature but I loose my patience some times. I really know what are their expectations from me and am trying my best, but don't know why they are so upset regarding me and my habits. I just want a little thing that everybody should talk to me in a good way, and that's what I am lacking in my life. I have three of my best friends and they always use to encourage in my life . I don't thing that I would be alive today if they would not be there in my life. Once I have also tried to commit suicide but thank's to those bodies that they stopped me from doing that stupidity. I would always be thankful to them and wish that our friendship would be immortal.

  • New Jersey by New Jersey
  • 12 years ago

Yes I feel just like that ; My family doesn't understand me and I just want to leave as soon as I'm 18. I'm so confused I'm only a teenage girl and people treat me like a baby. I doesn't know what to do. I'm so confused I can relate with this poem <#

  • Abiya Ahad by Abiya Ahad
  • 6 years ago

We all come from different countries all over the world to connect with each other over the same topic. We find that most parents are the same. They hold so many ambitions and tie us as if we were their robots. Since they couldn't fulfill their own, they are pushing us to leave our ambitions and do what they want.

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