Poem about Teen Life

Poem About Change In Life

This is really just about how I feel at the moment. Everyone has turned on me, and it's hard to change your life after you already have a reputation. Love all y'all! Thanks for reading...

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Reading this poem makes me realize the years my daughters are going through. They are really enjoying their growing up years playing toys, having fun watching cartoons, and playing on the...

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© more by Misti L. Green

Published by Family Friend Poems December 2007 with permission of the Author.

In a world filled with changes
each and every day,

I feel I'm being judged
for what I do and say.

I remember back to Barbies
and play days at the park,

When I didn't worry about
other people's remarks.

Now looking in the mirror,
I see, to my surprise,

A completely different person
staring in my eyes.

The carefree little girl
I saw at 4 and 5

Is now becoming a teen
Just trying to survive.


more by Misti L. Green

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Anuradha by Anuradha
  • 7 years ago

Reading this poem makes me realize the years my daughters are going through. They are really enjoying their growing up years playing toys, having fun watching cartoons, and playing on the beach. Their life is full of fun.

  • John LeJeune by John LeJeune
  • 9 years ago

Great poem. I thought you were going farther into the future, say 40's and 50's. So I was pleasantly surprised when you went to teenage years. They are some complicated years. Good subject and presentation and very enjoyable and contemplative. Thank you.

  • Ricki by Ricki, Gulfport Ms
  • 10 years ago

I wish I was a kid again. Things changed for me sooo fast. I went through so much when I was 16, depression hit me hard, suicide ran through my mind, trying to find myself in this big world of copy cats. It was a stone road for me to walk on. I was all alone. On the birch of drowning. But today I'm 18 going to be a freshman in college in fall of 2015 and life's going good.

  • Chrissy by Chrissy, Oklahoma
  • 10 years ago

This poem is so true, it was hard for me growing up, I had to become an adult at the age of 6 having to help raise my 2 month old baby cousin. 3 years went by and his brother was born. I helped raised him too. 3 more years went by and their sister was born so now I raise all 3 of them they are now ages 8, 5 & 2. It was hard through the years raising them and helping my parents. but I made it and still going strong sometimes I wish I could go back to being a child, but then again I don't, because I love these 3 kids and they are my life, couldn't picture life with out them. xoxoxox

  • Kitty by Kitty, Chickasha Oklahoma
  • 11 years ago

I'm a mother of two children that were in Foster care for 6 years and now my daughter has forgiven me. I lost my children to using Meth and I beat Mr. Meth. We have been struggling everyday and my son is going down the wrong path and doesn't care. I wish he knew how much he is loved and wish he would stop playing and grow up and make wise choices because prison is were he is headed not for drugs it's money with him and marijuana. I need something to touch my children's heart.

  • Abbeh Wilson by Abbeh Wilson
  • 11 years ago

This really made me cry, this is how I feel too! I hate thinking about growing up in this world, and I know you won't read this and you're probably all grown up to be honest! but I wanted you to know how much truth this poem speaks!:3 xoxo

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