Poem about Life Struggles

Poem About Growing Up Too Fast

I was a little girl when I was adopted by my dad. My biological father was in prison. When I was 9 or 10, my adopted father left us as well. The pain I felt was excruciating. Watching my mom hurt for so long hurt me as well. My mom worked all the time, so I had to step up and take care of things while she was gone. I cleaned the house, cooked, and watched my baby brother so she could make enough money for us to live on while still finding time to keep my grades up. I felt the LOVE from my "dad" was a LIE!

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As a child, I grew up without a father, so I know how it feels to be left alone most night because mum had work. When I cried there was no shoulder to cry on. I miss my dad dearly, but I'm...

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My Life


Published by Family Friend Poems June 2015 with permission of the Author.

All of my life
I was living in a lie.
It seems that my childhood
has flown right by.
My daddy walked out,
and I had nowhere to cry.
I had to stay strong
so my spirit wouldn't die.
Now I've grown up too fast
trying to make this life last.
I push to move forward,
but I'm stuck in my past.
Tell me, what's a girl to do?
Forget about it through and through?
That's not something I can do.
What's done is done,
Ain't that the truth?


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Mandela Stephans by Mandela Stephans
  • 5 years ago

Focus all your thoughts upon the work at hand. The sun's rays do not burn until brought to a focus. I lost my mum at my early age, 8 years in 2002. I'm now 26 years old and grew up without my mom. I needed her.

  • Jenni by Jenni
  • 5 years ago

I know how it feels to grow up too fast. I had that same struggle. All my life I was a mom to my younger siblings. I never got to go and play with friends. It was always work, cook, take care of my siblings. I'm 17 now and wish I could have been a kid.

  • Hamza Farooqi by Hamza Farooqi
  • 7 years ago

It's really heart touching. I feel very sad while reciting this poem.

  • Aaliyah by Aaliyah
  • 7 years ago

As a child, I grew up without a father, so I know how it feels to be left alone most night because mum had work. When I cried there was no shoulder to cry on. I miss my dad dearly, but I'm now 44 and I still haven't seen my dad.

  • Lerato by Lerato
  • 8 years ago

My heart is full of pain. I wonder every night whether I am going to wake up the next morning. As they say, God knows the plans he has for you. Still, my heart cries for a father's love, a father's touch and guidance. I guess it's life and there is nothing I can do.

  • Ben by Ben
  • 8 years ago

I love it! I think it's too personal but it touches most of the children who are raised by single parents.

  • Brittany Rivera by Brittany Rivera
  • 9 years ago

Beautiful poem. I love it. I love the rhyming. One of my favorites.

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