21. Take A Step Back
Take a step back,
Learn how to breathe.
Take a step back
And just be.
Take a step back,
Learn how to breathe.
Take a step back
And just be.
This was a beautiful poem about taking control. I deeply enjoyed this, especially because at the moment, I am going under quite a large amount of stress. There is a huge exam that includes...
When you recover, what will you do?
When you recover, will you still be you?
Will you be stronger, will you be new,
When you recover from what you've been through?
I've been to hell and back, as a survivor of CSA. Your poem inspired me in such a deep way; the healing process strips us of our former identities and we stand empty and alone, trying to...
Brian and I were polar opposites; he was loud and wild while I was more quiet and tame.
Despite our differences, both family and friends said we often looked and acted exactly the same.
I never understood it. My skin was unremarkable, nothing more than the average bruise.
I've been asked about this poem a lot. While I was once told I had a Dissociative Disorder, this poem's describing how I personally identify with things. I feel like there's two parts of me...
I'm feeling broken down, my body aches
My heart, it bleeds from past mistakes
Can't stop the tears; they fall like rain
The words are spinning 'round my brain
The poet has penned down his pains in a truly pictorial ways that draws the picture of his mental condition of broken heart in the mind of the readers.
I cry alone
But dance in crowds
I whisper truth
But lie out loud
I absolutely love this poem. I do like to over analyze some poetry, but this poem could mean so much. This poem really touched my heart. I know how it feels to be there but not actually be...
No words can describe what I feel when I look at you.
The glory of your smile brings light to this place.
So simple yet so impossible to understand.
Every move you make is taken in with grace.
This is exactly how I feel. I have always suffered with mental health issues, but when my partner left me last year, I fell to pieces. Even more than a year on, I struggle every day with...
I hear them there every day.
Why will they not go away?
They tell me that I'll be betrayed.
Will it really be that way?
Just wanted to say that I loved your poem. I can relate to it so well because I have those same voices inside my head since I was like 15 and I'm almost 49 now and they are even worse today...
It's not an addiction,
Really it's not.
But that mirror,
It's a source of affliction.
I have also struggled with my eating, and I loved the way you depicted anorexia through your imagery. I loved your stanzas about the scales and the mirror. With an eating disorder, no matter...
She is skillful at deceiving.
No one even has a clue.
Her pretty words are weaving
Throughout the souls of me and you,
I understand how you feel. It's really sad when people don't notice. Sometimes, I need a hug, but there's no one to give me the hug, so, I hug myself and tell myself it's going to be...
Never knowing,
Always seeking
happiness and approval,
even the words I am speaking.
For those who are unfamiliar with mental illness in all its varied forms, this is a good place to start sharing Catherine, as it's no longer a marginal disease. My son introduced me 20 years...
Deep inside her mind,
Behind a picture-perfect smile,
Lies a desolate, lonely place
She hasn't visited for a while.
I related so much to this poem. As a middle school girl, this line from the poem, "Nobody knows her struggles. If only they would ask. She didn't have to fight this alone and hide behind a...
The despair that holds her back tugs on her heartstrings
But like a puppet she will obediently play along
She was once optimistic and filled with joy
The puppet was me. I still feel like that sometimes. Last year I had to break the strings. I was in an 8 year relationships. I was his puppet. Whatever he said to do, I had to do it or he...
If one day, I could have a helium balloon,
And be carried away with just one little bloom,
The petals sweep around me, light enough to fly,
So little to eat, surprised I did not die,
I have an eating disorder and it hurts inside. These poems really help
You tell me every day
How much I mean to you.
Now it's time for me to say
What I know is absolutely true.
I scream, yet I am not heard.
I try to talk, but my mouth won't open.
I am not myself anymore,
but I can tell that to no one.
A tortured mind for twenty years,
now I write my final words of life.
Every line soaked with
sorrowed ink; I cannot hide how
There have been moments just to sit quietly
In places of uncertainty and of the unknown
Furthest away from all which represents society
Surrounded by nothing and completely alone
Feelings of unrelenting sorrow and fear wash over me like a wave crashing on a shore,
Painful nostalgia for younger days and panic for the ones to come,
Reminiscing on days and feelings I can never get back,
Needing to feel close to someone to pull me back from this ledge,
I had it once, now it's gone
Like a knot it's been undone
Was once so tight, now so slack
Happy times I wish I could have back