Mental Illness Poem

The Struggle Of Living With Mental Illness

I have suffered from a mental illness for a long time after suffering abuse as a child. My life hasn't been easy and neither has my battle with my illness. I've written this poem, as I know a lot of people suffering with mental illness will be able to relate. I want people to know they are not alone and to spread awareness of something that is still quite a taboo subject. For us suffering, the struggle is real.
Warning - this poem references self-harm/suicide attempts.

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I related so much to this poem. As a middle school girl, this line from the poem, "Nobody knows her struggles. If only they would ask. She didn't have to fight this alone and hide behind a...

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Life Behind The Mask

© more by Louise

Published by Family Friend Poems June 2020 with permission of the Author.

Deep inside her mind,
Behind a picture-perfect smile,
Lies a desolate, lonely place
She hasn't visited for a while.

A place of worst nightmares
Where her demons lie in wait.
Their armour made of trauma,
memories she cannot shake.

Last time she was trapped there,
Equipped with razors and a knife,
She overdosed on tablets
And almost took her life.

For in this place there is no daylight,
And all her hope is gone.
Her eyes blind to any joy,
Even her own daughter and little son.

Nobody knows her struggles.
If only they would ask.
She didn't have to fight this alone
And hide behind a mask.

But she found the strength to leave
And journey onto the path to light,
Finding her hope along the way
While she regained her sight.

And it's sad, for she had done well
She had already made it so far.
Months with no self-injury.
Her cuts reduced to scars.

The clouds began to darken.
Harsh words pushing her back.
The light and hope began to dim
As she went backwards along the path.

And she tried so hard to fight,
To keep going forward, not back,
But the harsh words kept coming
As she put back on her mask.

Her fear began to return
As that dark place came into sight.
Her strength weakened by the day.
She was once again losing her fight.

And she didn't know how to stop it.
Her energy plummeted to the ground.
She screamed and shouted for help,
But nobody heard a sound.

She's now on the edge of the dark,
Again holding the razors and knife.
Please, someone help her; she's scared.
She doesn't want to lose her life.


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  • Grace by Grace
  • 3 years ago

I related so much to this poem. As a middle school girl, this line from the poem, "Nobody knows her struggles. If only they would ask. She didn't have to fight this alone and hide behind a mask," meant so much to me because as someone living with OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder), depression, anxiety, and maladaptive daydreaming, I've always felt alone, like no one understands me. So thank you so much for making me realize that I'm not the only one going insane inside...

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