Mental Illness Poem

A Tale Of Anxiety

The inspiration behind this poem is to simply portray what it is like to have struggles with anxiety. It's a hard thing to describe and my hope is that this poem speaks to someone.

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Michael J. Malone © more by Michael J. Malone

Published by Family Friend Poems June 7, 2024 with permission of the Author.

There have been moments just to sit quietly
In places of uncertainty and of the unknown
Furthest away from all which represents society
Surrounded by nothing and completely alone

Alone to my thoughts thinking in sincerity
What happened to bring me to this place
A place of reflection in complete solidarity
Severity of anxiety is very difficult to face

Some say you should just let it go and relax
Why do you dwell on things you cannot control
The dark side says just mind your own beeswax
With words readers probably wouldn't condone

It's difficult to explain the cause behind the pain
Or why the attacks have a tendency to occur
I definitely don't like what it does to my brain
Causing all my thoughts to be a sudden blur

Crippling it becomes causing the need for sleep
Break this horrible spell and bring this day to an end
So that for another day my wits I may truly keep
And those I hurt by my sins completely amend



Not a lot to say here. I just enjoy writing as a means to mentally unwind. I also like to read what others have written and look for the meaning behind the words. Not just the meaning, but the emotions/feelings that are being communicated through the words. Published under the book title "A Story In A Poem" by Michael James Malone

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