Special Friend Poem

A Simple Confession To A Friend

I wrote this poem as a confession to a close friend. I appreciate the time we spend together, and am very thankful for this person's ability to put a smile on my face.

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The Confession

Michael J. Malone © more by Michael J. Malone

Published by Family Friend Poems January 9, 2024 with permission of the Author.

With the dawn of each new day
I realize this more and more
There is something I need to say
That I never really could before

Not because I didn't want too
Just chose to keep it inside
So now I confess to you
For with you I now confide

I count each second precious
As if it were my very last
Just to be in your beautiful presence
Even though the time goes very fast

I could go on about your smile
But there is more to you I know
There's also beauty in your eyes
You make the world around you glow

Even on the darkest day
When storms are at their worst
Just the very sight of you-drives the storm clouds away
So, with my sadness completely reversed

There's calmness in your voice
That puts my soul at rest
With your laughter bringing me joy
And your happiness leaving me refreshed

So, there is no other way to say
With all my heart I have to confess
This message I'm going to convey
Everything about you I seem to obsess



Not a lot to say here. I just enjoy writing as a means to mentally unwind. I also like to read what others have written and look for the meaning behind the words. Not just the meaning, but the emotions/feelings that are being communicated through the words. Published under the book title "A Story In A Poem" by Michael James Malone

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