Grief Poem

My sister, Brenda, was my best friend and I loved her with my whole heart. She died suddenly at age 50 from a blood clot caused by emergency surgery that she should have never had to undergo. She died 3 days after my birthday on 11/09/2007 and I found her when I went to change her bandages. The shock and grief was unbearable at times, and I cried everyday the first year afterwards. I miss her and think of her every day. Poetry helped me and I hope my poem helps others.

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We, (humanity,) are facing an epidemic of loneliness. It is why there are so many heartbreaking stories of children, being lost to drugs and/or gang violence. When we see someone that we try...

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Seasons Of Grief

© more by Belinda Stotler

Published by Family Friend Poems February 2012 with permission of the Author.

Shall I wither and fall like an autumn leaf,
From this deep sorrow - from this painful grief?
How can I go on or find a way to be strong?
Will I ever again enjoy life's sweet song?

Sometimes a warm memory sheds light in the dark
And eases the pain like the song of a Meadow Lark.
Then it flits away on silent wings and I'm alone;
Hungering for more of the light it had shone.

Shall grief's bitter cold sadness consume me,
Like a winter storm on the vast angry sea?
How can I fill the void and deep desperate need
To replant my heart with hope's lovely seed?

Then I look at a photo of your playful smiling face
And for a moment I escape to a serene happy place;
Remembering the laughter and all you would do,
Cherishing the honest, caring, loving spirit of you.

Shall spring's cheerful flowers bring life anew
And allow me to forget the agony of missing you?
Will spring's burst of new life bring fresh hope
And teach my grieving soul how to cope?

Sometimes I'll read a treasured card you had given me
And each word's special meaning makes me see,
The precious gift of love I was fortunate to receive,
And I realize you'd never want to see me grieve.

Shall summer's warm brilliant sun bring new light,
And free my anguished mind of its terrible plight?
Will its gentle breezes chase grief's dark clouds away,
And show me a clear path towards a better day?

When I visit the grave where you lie in eternal peace,
I know that death and heaven brought you release;
I try to envision your joy on that shore across the sea,
And, until I join you, that'll have to be enough for me.

For all the remaining seasons of my life on earth,
There'll be days I'll miss your merriment and mirth,
And sometimes I'll sadly long for all the yesterdays;
Missing our chats and your gentle understanding ways.

Yet, the lessons of kindness and love you taught me,
And the good things in life you've helped me to see;
Linger as lasting gifts that comfort and will sustain,
Until I journey to that peaceful shore and see you again.


more by Belinda Stotler

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  • James W. Young by James W. Young
  • 2 years ago

This was very heart-felt and went from your heart to the reader's. You wrote so descriptively and deep that I feel as though I lost your friend, too. What a meaningful friendship you both shared.

  • Oluwatobi Sanni by Oluwatobi Sanni
  • 2 years ago

The poem is well written and thought out. Grief will find us, but we need to know that thing we can hold on to that will help us get out of the season of grief. We have to get out of grief, or it can kill us. And what use will our death be to the dear person we lost, whom we could have been a shining light for? Let us grieve in season and heal, holding fast to our shared memory and legacy for comfort.

  • Ultra Ultra by Ultra Ultra
  • 4 years ago

We, (humanity,) are facing an epidemic of loneliness. It is why there are so many heartbreaking stories of children, being lost to drugs and/or gang violence. When we see someone that we try to separate ourselves from, or convince our minds that they are somehow separate from us or undeserving of an offering from us, we are mistaken. Every human deserves connection and inclusion. If we want to make a change to honor our lost loved ones, it should be to open ourselves up to people who need healing connections. We need to offer safe, highly inclusive spaces of openness and honesty and healing. These are the only tools which can cure the epidemic we are currently faced with. And if we don't implement use of them, we can expect more tragedies and more suffering.

  • James Brady Graham by James Brady Graham
  • 4 years ago

Hi...I lost my partner, best friend, and husband 4 months ago suddenly and unexpectedly after a 9 year battle against Parkinsons. We were together 42 years and married in our last year. I am heartbroken and devastated and loved this poem and the other stories of loss following this. No one can understand this type of loss unless you have experienced it yourself. I wonder every day...will anyone ever KNOW me like Bruce knew me and love me....will I ever experience joy or real happiness again. Thanks so much for this poem and for the people who shared about their loss.

  • Marlie Allen by Marlie Allen
  • 5 years ago

Your poem has really touched me. I lost my mother at the age of 9, January 7th 2015. It was very rough on me and still is.

  • Melissa OSullivan by Melissa OSullivan
  • 5 years ago

I lost my son almost 1 year ago, this Thursday 15 August. Jake O Sullivan was 23 years old. He died at home from an unexplained heart arrhythmia. We have been trying to put back the pieces to all our lives as we miss him so terribly. Jake was the centre of our house and we will forever miss him.

Some days I get so scared, wondering how life still continues for us all without him in it, but it does. Every day that passes the pain gets a little more bearable I suppose, getting over 1 year has seemed like 10, to be honest, but with family and the strength of Jake's love and memory, we must go on and honour him and remember all the good times. I have a saying I have used over and over again. It states, "Jake, you're always with us, forever."

  • James Brady Graham by James Brady Graham
  • 4 years ago

I read your letter here about your son. I am so sorry. I think I'm going through a hard time, and then I read about you losing your son, and my heart goes out to you. I feel the same as you in that I get so scared knowing my partner Bruce is gone forever. I pray a lot daily and ask God to help me, and He has been great. I love everything you wrote and want to learn from what you wrote and be brave like you. Thanks so much for heart is with you. -Brady Graham

  • Balasubramanian Ramakrishnan by Balasubramanian Ramakrishnan
  • 5 years ago

Your poem has consoled me as well. I lost my 27-year-old daughter in 2016 immediately after her marriage and lost my wife too in 2018. I am spending my days crying and I came across your poem. Thank you so much for this poem.

  • Gayle Rizzo by Gayle Rizzo
  • 6 years ago

I am approaching the one year anniversary of my daughter's death. I've been numb for most the year but can feel the pain creeping back. She was 26. Her car went off the road. It was dark and raining. For some reason she left her car and was hit by oncoming traffic. Four cars in total struck her. They assure me it was instant. I just keep going through the motions of life the best I can and hoping that I will feel normal again. But when I read the other stories here, I am reminded that I am not alone. None of us are. The truth is, I wouldn't trade the 26 years I had her and the pain of losing her for a hundred years with anyone else. She was my child, and when I am strong enough, I choose to be grateful for having her instead of broken for losing her. When I can do that, it helps.

  • Ralph Smith by Ralph Smith
  • 6 years ago

I lost my wife in a tragic car accident in 2014. I live in pain every day. The anger I feel knowing what could have been a happy and joyful life being with a fantastic wife and best friend is so hard to handle. The only thing that gets me through it all is knowing I will be with her again someday.

  • Charissa Cecile Haber by Charissa Cecile Haber
  • 6 years ago

My grandma raised me. I've always told her that she cannot die unless I'm in college. I was in grade 7 when my grandma became bedridden at home. I always thought she would get well after a few day, until one night, she convulsed. My last words to her were, "I love you." I prayed hard for her to be better again. It was October 3rd when I came home from school and my dad told me that Grandma died. I thought he was joking. I did not believe him until they carried her on a stretcher covered with a blanket. It was so hard to believe that she was gone. Life went on, and I'll always remember our memories. That's a treasure.

  • Tarul Sharma by Tarul Sharma
  • 6 years ago

I lost my best friend February 8, 2018. I remember that unfortunate day too well. I had been traveling the whole day, and when I reached my place around 10:45pm, another friend of mine broke the news to me of his death. She said, "Tarul, he killed himself." I could not gather the courage to ask how, but as soon as I whispered that word she told me the entire story. What was more upsetting was that I talked to him just 2 days ago, and that conversation had basically turned into a fight. I knew the reason of his was me. I could not have repented more. I still long for him. I hadn't seen him for the past 2 months, and now I wonder and wish I had so he could still be alive.

  • Rooster Cogburn by Rooster Cogburn
  • 6 years ago

I also lost my best friend to suicide almost a year ago. We had been getting in silly arguments for the past couple of years due to unrelated issues we were both dealing with. He was like a brother to me and we shared everything. I just wish he would've called me to ask for help, but I fear he didn't because of our recent arguments. I'll never know if I could've changed things, and it haunts me, but I can't let it destroy me. I know he wouldn't want that. Tarul, even if you think you are responsible it isn't that simple. More was going on with your friend than you will ever know. Tarul, your friend wouldn't want you to blame yourself, and deep down you know that to be true. We will see our friends again someday, and you'll see I'm right. I'm sorry for your loss and just live your best life. Your friend would want that for you.

  • Hajra by Hajra
  • 6 years ago

That was the most amazing poem I have ever read. It was deep and touching. Even though I have not lost anyone, it still touched me deeply.

  • Carlo Jacobs by Carlo Jacobs
  • 7 years ago

Hi everyone, my name is Carlo Jacobs. I lost a cousin last year on the May 2, 2016. I am still trying to come to terms with her sudden departure. It was my girlfriend's birthday the May 3rd. I asked my cousin to help me with cooking as I wanted it to be a surprise party for my girlfriend. My cousin decided to surprise me with a visit on May 2nd, and that specific day it was a holiday in my country, but I had a lot of filing, so I went to the office. My lady was home, and when my cousin got there she called me about 11:30. We had a long talk, and our conversation ended with see you tomorrow. I got a call again at 12:30, confirming that the person I just talked to an hour ago was shot by her husband and died on the spot. I was still at work but could not continue. I could not believe what I just heard, but something good came of it. Our last conversation was recorded, and I am listening to her last laughter all the time.

  • Desiree Cuny by Desiree Cuny
  • 6 years ago

Hello Carlos. Thank you for sharing your story. l lost my identical twin sister on February 3, 2016. She, too, was murdered by her boyfriend. l have a video of her and me on Christmas day of 2015. l watch and cry and laugh because we always were having so much fun. l really think we are fortunate to have captured them in time forever.

  • Tracy Smith by Tracy Smith
  • 7 years ago

My son Shane died unexpectedly Jan. 8, 2008. After a short term of leave from work, the company I had worked for for 14 year's fired me. Now I was completely incapacitated from my son's death, had no job, and had 3 other (younger) children to try and get through this nightmare. My son Shane was 21 year's old and a Heroin addict, Fentynol, Oxycotin anything he could get ahold of would work, but it was a combination of Methadone, Heroin and Klonopin that did him in. I cannot, no matter how I try, understand why this happened to my family. My (then 16 year old) daughter found him, and she's never been the same either. Two years later, on what would have been my son's 23rd birthday, my mom lost a 6 month battle with cancer. My (very close) family has been ripped apart even after almost 10 years. I ca not, and probably never will, get past my son's death. It's changed me, made me crazy, made me question everything I thought I knew. I am a broken woman ...

  • Carlo Jacobs by Carlo Jacobs
  • 11 months ago

Dear Tracy,
I hope you get this message I only logged into my account now and see it has been 5 years already. I do hope that your situation has changed and that you are doing better now I cried a lot and strange but true those tears helped me a lot.

  • Mia by Mia
  • 5 years ago

Tracy, I am so sorry for losing your precious son. Just two weeks ago my husband and I found our nephew dead. He also was on methadone and he abused Xanax and Valium. I was clueless about this deadly combo until I researched it. We are devastated. In one year, I lost my nephew, my sister (diabetes) and mother-in-law (brain tumor). I also lost my mother and father within one year. But my greatest loss was losing my 14-year-old son to gang violence in 1994. He was shot in the head execution style by the LA CRIPS. I cried out to God and asked him to fill me with the Holy Spirit (our comforter). God is love.

  • Cyn Jenkins by Cyn Jenkins
  • 7 years ago

Dear Tracy,
My precious only daughter Joy battled with the disease of addiction for 10 long years. Then 11 months ago, she overdosed on a combination of heroin, xanax and alcohol. (Joy was also a major alcoholic). So my dear daughter died alone on the floor in her condo while her addicted roommate slept peacefully in her cozy bed only feet away. In closing, Tracy, for what it's worth I'm right there beside you. I'm not there yet. But I have called myself a 'broken human being.' I'm still reeling; everything I thought I knew is now in question, meanwhile "the light of my life" is forever gone.

  • Michelle MacDonald-Johnston by Michelle MacDonald-Johnston
  • 7 years ago

I, too, lost my son on 11/20/2002 unexpectedly. He was only 11 1/2 years old. I let him spend the night at his best friend's house, and he never came home again. Apparently there was another kid (age 12) who showed up with a loaded gun & he accidentally shot the gun while trying to be "cool." Well, one shot was all it took, and my son died instantly. And that forever changed me, too. I will never get over this pain I feel every day. I miss my son so much that sometimes it's hard to breathe. I'll never again see him smile or hear his laughter. I'll never get to hold him again. He is gone forever, and now I no longer live, I merely exist. He was my everything. He was such an awesome person who made me a better person. While I was teaching him right from wrong and how to live life, he was teaching how to be a mom. I love you Matthew John Wilson, and I miss you more each day. I would give anything just to spend one more day with you. Our babies aren't supposed to die before us. It's just not right.

  • Cynthia  Frederick by Cynthia Frederick
  • 7 years ago

Tracy, I'm so sorry for the loss of your son. I lost my sweet son last September. I'm a broken woman. But I have found that beauty and strength can often be found in broken things. Like a mosaic. My faith has saved me so far. It's a struggle. I wish you and your family strength, love, hope and blessings. Go outside on a beautiful day and think of your boy. I hope this will comfort you and warm your aching heart.

  • Joyce Hunsaker by Joyce Hunsaker
  • 7 years ago

Thank you for sharing the story and life of your son, Shane. I am so sorry for your loss. My husband and I lost our 18 year old daughter, Nel, 11 years ago today when a man didn't see her on her motorcycle and hit her. She died 9 days later. I didn't think I would ever be happy again, never smile, never laugh. We found some material called GriefShare and it saved our lives. I am here to tell you that you CAN be happy again. Please look into this grief support group! Find one in your area and become a part. Again, thank you for sharing your story!

  • April by April
  • 8 years ago

It's time to say goodbye, and we don't know why today is the day we lay little man to rest. Everyone knows he was the best. He was our miracle, our dream come true, and we are here to comfort you through today. We say goodbye. Just remember he never really dies, for in our hearts his spirit lies. If he could talk I know what he'd say: "Mommy, Sister, please don't cry for I am not gone. I'm flying high. I'm that brand new twinkle in the sky. I know one day I'll see you again, and until then hold heads up high and just remember I'm standing by, for I'm the light of moon and the sunlight in the sky, so please be strong, and it won't be long till we're together again. Love, your little man."

  • Dorothy Smith by Dorothy Smith, Gulfport Ms
  • 9 years ago

My friend has recently lost her son and it has taken her to a dark place. I just want you to do anything possible to help her cope and gain closure. If you can give me any insight or what I can do to help her. I don't want my story published, just some advice.

  • Judi Tabler by Judi Tabler
  • 6 years ago

The very best help I can advise is going to her and holding her. Listening to her. Let her talk and tell you, maybe over and over, the same story...whatever she needs to say. And allow her to cry and sob. It's a process. She is walking through the grief, and there is no other way. Go to that place with her. There is a book. It is simple but profound. It's called "Tear Soup" and I have ordered it on Amazon for others just like they did for me. God bless. Prayers! -Judi

Grief is a long dark journey and there's no timeline when it eases enough to live again. All I can tell you is about my journey and hope it somehow helps. When my sister, Brenda, died I poured my feelings into a journal, talked to family, read poetry and began to write my own poems. I wrote what I loved about her, the wonderful memories, her impact on my life and how fortunate I was to know her. In time, I remembered she loved me as much as I loved her, and would never want me suffering, just as I would not have wanted that for her had I died first. She also came to me in a dream one morning, and told me she was in a beautiful place with our Mom and others who'd passed before her. That dream was the most realistic dream I'd ever had and gave me hope. I still cry sometimes because I miss her so, but I also think of the overwhelming joy when I see her again, and when I do, it will be forever. I wrote Seasons of Grief after I emerged from my dark place and published it to help others.

  • Dharsea by Dharsea, Wa
  • 10 years ago

This poem touched me in so many ways. We just recently lost my uncle to the sea. He was a fisherman and such a loving and caring person to everyone around him. This poem you wrote spoke to me as if it was written for him. For me. Thank you for your beautiful words.

  • Linda Harris by Linda Harris
  • 12 years ago

Where do I start? I knew my husband was a good man when I picked him up for the first time at his mother's house. Here was a man helping her with house work. I sat there while he finished and said to myself "this is the one" After six months of dating and 6 months of living together we were married. Every day was like a perfect summer day. He fulfilled my every need. Then the summer sun stopped shining. I was in a near fatal car accident and shortly after that he became sick from his diabetes, which he battled for years. We both ended up in a nursing home. I remember the day I had to make the decision to let him live like a vegetable and in pain. That was the day I will not forget when I had to make decision to let him go. My heart aches everyday, but, it was the best 22 years of my life. For myself I have been in and out of nursing homes for years.

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