Grief Poem

Faith That God Is With You In Your Grief

I have experience so much loss in the past few years. My mother, sister, grandmother, sister-in-law, niece and grandchild and dealing with the grief is so difficult at times and feels like it is just too hard to bear. I want others to know that they are not alone in their pain and my faith has helped me get through all of this.

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I was touched by this poem because I lost 4 of my closest family members in this year due to Covid. My little sister who was about to get married this year passed away due to Covid in April...

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This Basket Of Burdens


Published by Family Friend Poems March 2010 with permission of the Author.

My Basket of burdens
Is filled with the grief of my loss
It is so heavy to carry
Although this road I must cross.

This pathway through life
Feels unbearable at times
And I don't have the strength
For this mountain I climb.

The Basket's filled with sorrow
Oh, how I miss my love
At first, It's impossible to carry,
Where is my help from above?

It's draining my strength
I can't do anymore
This pain goes so deep
Right down to my core.

As I carry this Basket
I'll learn to manage the weight
Each step of the way
Will become easier they say. 

But how do they know,
Have they been here before?
If so, where's their Basket
They're responsible for?

This Basket of burdens
You can't see and can't touch
I carry it inside me
This pain is too much.

Patience is needed to carry
This loss that I feel
A shoulder to lean on
So, someday I will heal.

God sent my family
My friends and spirits unknown
So, I won't carry this Basket
For-ever alone

Someday, I'll lay down my Basket
With burdens' no more
My pain will be gone
When, I cross through that door

Then I'll know reason
For my Basket of Burdens
How God showed me His grace
When I couldn't cope with the season 

Love and support that He gave
When His presence felt unknown
He was with me each step
When I felt so alone


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • AR by AR
  • 3 years ago

I was touched by this poem because I lost 4 of my closest family members in this year due to Covid. My little sister who was about to get married this year passed away due to Covid in April this year. I also lost my aunts and grandfather. We are all in pain, but the most pain I feel is when I see my father and mother smile in front of everyone and cry when they’re alone. They are lost all the time in the sorrow of our grief. We all carry a basket of grief, but I would like to tell everyone to be strong and believe in him. This will also pass. We are souls living in human bodies.

  • Patrick Embery by Patrick Embery
  • 8 years ago

My name is Patrick and my wife's name is Tiffany. We just had to lay to rest our three year old son. His name was Peyton. He passed from brain cancer.

  • Cathryn by Cathryn
  • 11 years ago

My sister passed away 5 years ago and I miss her every day, in the beginning the pain was unbearable, but in time the load got a little less, I was able to live with the pain. I will miss her every day of life.

  • Terri L McCoy by Terri L McCoy
  • 12 years ago

My Daughter HarLee passed away 8 years ago on the 30th of November with no warning and no time for goodbyes. Like in this poem, a basket of burden I have carried from then on. My wish is that one day I will be able to set it down and be blessed with the chance to hold her again. My life has so changed if not for my two other children and god given grandkids I wonder where I'd be, but I will carry this basket till the end.

  • Linda by Linda, Dumbarton UK
  • 12 years ago

Reading this poem made me sad I lost 4 of the closest people in my life in the last 4 years but worst of all was my one and only son age 27 years very suddenly on the 31st Oct. 2010 and 10 months later my rock my father I cannot be happy any more but my faith keeps me going as I believe they are all together and looking down on me, not one day goes by that I do not think of them all, but I sleep thinking about my son I wake thinking about my son and every second of the day he is on my mind that I cannot wait till I lay my basket down.

  • South Africa by South Africa
  • 12 years ago

The Author took words out of my mouth, reading this poem made me realize that not everybody that you see is happy. They are going through things, like this basket that is full of burdens, I am going through things myself and where I can't even share them with anybody because I have been betrayed several times but I know that the Almighty is watching over me and one that too shall pass. I wish my grandmother was still alive whom I can share with her my pain. My eyes are full of tears when I look back where I come from, the decisions I made about my life. One day I will lay down my burdens and I will be a normal person again.

  • Carmel by Carmel, Australia
  • 12 years ago

My husband and I refurbished our home, bought a car of his dreams, went on a cruise (1st) we were not planning until he retired. We felt that following knee replacement surgery for him, that after that we were ready to walk into Retirement all done! Three days after surgery for knee, Sept 2010, he was diagnosed with inoperable Brain Tumor, he died Sept 2011. So although I suppose my story is not as sad as many, it came as a great shock, and I feel so sad that my wonderful husband who worked so hard at the one income we had, never got the chance to enjoy the work of his life, or see his 2 grandchildren grow up. I miss him so much it is a pain I cannot describe. I have not got any of my blood family here, but do have our 3 sons, daughter-in-law and grandies. The poem of the Basket of Grief describes exactly how I fell. Thank you and God Bless all those who read it and need help.

  • Barbara by Barbara, Louisiana
  • 14 years ago

My Daughter, Brandi, passed away on Sept. 17, 2007, then 5 months later, my step-dad passed in Feb. 2008 and then my younger Brother passed on July 8, 2008. In 3 years, we have had 21 deaths in my family that has passed away. This poem surely touches how you feel.
Thanks and God Bless,

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