1. A Picture Of You
I only have a picture now,
A frozen piece of time,
To remind me of how it was
When you were here and mine.
One of the most tragic and traumatic losses life can deal out to a person is the death of a son. The death of a son means the loss of more than just a precious life. It represents the loss of future experiences and future hopes. No parent is prepared for the loss of a child, and when it happens, their world is changed forever. The grief, guilt, and anguish felt are acute and lasting. Parents can find comfort in knowing that their grief and mourning are normal and that many other parents have lived through similar tragedies
I only have a picture now,
A frozen piece of time,
To remind me of how it was
When you were here and mine.
I do understand that words cannot fill the void or pain you are feeling. I understand the daze of not knowing if you're in a dream. All I can say is time will heal the haze, time will slowly...
My dear son, I miss you so much.
It keeps hurting; I can't stop crying.
My eyes always search for you in the sky.
My heart longs for finding you in the heavens.
I read these replies, and I genuinely feel like "someone gets it." I lost my son on July 27, 2022. He was 33. He was watching TV, fell asleep, and didn't wake up. It's been 24 days today, and...
Son, I wish I could wake up and see you standing there.
Then I would know that it was just a nightmare.
Son, I remember when you were small and how you would hold my hand,
My son died suddenly almost 4 years ago at age 32. I understand the feeling that the grief you feel will never abate. I thought the same.... every waking day my heart just throbbed with...
From heaven he was delivered
As a baby unto you,
When God said to me softly
I'm trusting you to do
I lost my oldest son, Kegin, on June 29, 2020, in a vehicle accident down the street from his home. He was 22 years old. He and 3 other souls were taken in a single vehicle car accident. They...
It's true what they say, when a child is born,
a mother's heart is no longer her own.
It runs and skips and giggles and grins,
And crawls in her lap for a kiss on the chin,
My heart reaches out to you. I lost my youngest son, Shawn in December of 2013. He would have turned 30 this coming August 9th. Tears fall as I write this, it never gets easier. I talk to...
I'm sorry mom, for the things I put you through
I'm sorry mom, for not doing the things you wanted me to do
I'm sorry mom, for leaving you so soon
I'm sorry mom, for that call you got that afternoon
So sorry for your loss. I am a mother of a daughter who also committed suicide. My husband and I are now raising her oldest daughter, and the 3 younger ones are with their dad. What was sad...
No words I write could ever say
How sad and empty I feel today.
The angels came for you
Much sooner than I planned.
My nephew and his girlfriend robbed a vape shop. I’m not saying what he did was right, but I wish the store owner had tried shooting his legs or something else, not two shots straight in his...
I need you to touch,
I need you to see,
I need you so much,
I need you with me.
He had just found the meaning of what life should be. A son of his own on the way when he taken from me. As a mother of others, I am not alone, but there's a place in my heart that only he...
Famous Poem
I will lend you, for a little time,
A child of mine, He said.
For you to love the while he lives,
And mourn for when he's dead.
I received this poem anonymously in the mail 5 days after my son was born. This was 41 years ago in 1980. Tragically he passed away at the age of 16 in an auto accident. I remembered the poem...
Bless us Lord
As we pray.
You took our
Little boy home today.
My son passed away 2 days ago. He was 30 years old. At 17, he dove off a boat dock and suffered a spinal cord injury. He was a high functioning quadriplegic. He never could find peace after...
I have nightmares and can't sleep.
The loss of you is a wound so deep.
My mind recorded the times we had.
I lost my oldest son on September 23, 2016. He was just 21 years old. He and my husband were riding in the back seat of some guy's car that they worked with on their way home from work when...
Time cannot erase the sorrow and pain that I feel,
Nor can it make things better
Or force my heart to heal.
My loving son and best friend left me on October 8, 2022. He had a heart of gold and loved his boxer dogs. My heart is broken beyond repair. My only son was 55 years old. He loved his two...
I close the door on yet another day.
It's been over eight years now since you went away.
It now seems like forever since I last saw your face.
Time ticks on at a startlingly pace.
Today would have been my son's 35th birthday. We had just lost my little sister suddenly on Nov 7, 2018. After her funeral, I flew to Norfolk, VA, to spend Thanksgiving with my daughter. I...
With angels on this summer day,
you never woke; you slipped away.
Now day just dims into the night.
Linda, You ask me how I go on, I wish I could tell you. I'm exactly where you are. I feel no peace in my son Chris's passing, Chris was long into recovery he was on a low dose antidepressant...
Is that you?
The falling star in the night,
So pure, so bright.
My son's girlfriend who had lived with us died at the young age of thirty. Trina was such a sweet girl. She was like a daughter to me. It's been 5 weeks but seems like yesterday. She had...
I should have held you longer,
I should have held you tighter.
When you were a baby, I rocked you to sleep
and put you down because there was work to be done,
I lost both my sons in 2020. Joshua was 30 and died from gunshot in his head April 2nd. They called it a suicide. It was not. His older brother Chris, 33, died in June. He hung himself. Chris...
In your life you touched so many.
In your death, many lives were changed.
You were an amazing young man.
Without you here, our lives will never be the same.
...Our boys had become two very amazing people in the short time they had here on this planet. And I guess, they have been called upon for higher purposes. I am grateful for my part in my...
Your very first breath of life, I was there.
Tiny miracle of God, you appeared,
overflowing with joy, my eyes cried a tear,
outstretching my arms to hold you so near.
I miss you more with every day passing.
I thought it would get easier and not everlasting.
The hurt and pain that my heart cannot take.
Just another day that I just must awake.
I'd like to offer my condolences
With a poem I'd like to share.
To all those suffering in this difficult time,
I say a little prayer.