Son Death Poem

Unable To Sleep Because Of Grief

I lost my 1st child, my son, who was twenty. My heart is so broken that it feels like it doesn't beat. Sometimes I can't sleep, and writing about the pain helps me through the night and seems to be good therapy.

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I lost my oldest son on September 23, 2016. He was just 21 years old. He and my husband were riding in the back seat of some guy's car that they worked with on their way home from work when...

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Published by Family Friend Poems February 2018 with permission of the Author.

I have nightmares and can't sleep.
The loss of you is a wound so deep.

My mind recorded the times we had.
Knowing there will be no more memories makes me sad.

I struggle for answers to what went wrong.
I'll miss you my whole life, however long.

My world has changed to black and gray.
My tears come frequently every day.

I don't think my heart will heal.
I still can't accept that this is real.

Keeping you close is not enough.
Happiness and smiling is so tough.

I don't know who I am; I only know I'm not me.
A mother who lost her child is what people see.

How can I go on without you here?
Finding out there is no heaven is my greatest fear.

I'm trusting my God and the promises he said.
I picture a beautiful reunion in my head.

One more day, just one more time to hold my child
and ease my mind.

I hope you knew how much you meant
and how much I loved the child God sent.

My heart, my soul will never be the same.
I will always cry when I hear your name.

I can't erase the day you left; it will always haunt me.
A life cut short, a scream in the night, something not meant to see.

The wound I have from losing you is a wound like no other,
a broken heart of a grieving mother.

Tonight I can't sleep.
My pain's too deep
because I am missing you.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • SuzAnna Trevino by SuzAnna Trevino
  • 3 years ago

Dillion Shane Treviño 04/15/02 - 08/17/21 My only son Dillion just turned 19 four months prior to his death. My Son Dillion was murdered in front of me in our apartment by a homeless 18 year old we took in. We didn't know him, but we had an extra room, so we invited him in. He asked to look at my son's gun then shot him 7x. My son made it upstairs to protect me from the guy. He pointed the gun in my face as I heard the gun click. He tried to rob us then ran away. My son told me he loved me. I told him I loved him too. When I got to the hospital, it was too late. I love you, Dillion.

  • Former Solider by Former Solider
  • 4 years ago

I am very sorry for your loss. My life has been full of pain I know how you feel. I was deployed 7 times to Afghanistan to Iraq. I seen so many young men pass they were all heroes. My son when he turned 18 joined the Army like I did and like myself went to Afghanistan he returned but came back with some form of ALS. He passed three years ago Oct 7th, he was my only son and only child, he had a beautiful wife and daughter he never was able to see. He was 27. I don't get to see my granddaughter she lives far away and his wife spends time with her family which I completely understand we do FaceTime her but it's not the same. Anyway I hope you're doing better.

  • Shereen by Shereen
  • 5 years ago

On the 2st of July 2019, my beautiful boy, Caleb, was in an accident. He was on his way home after my nephew’s 21st party. Both boys were in the car. My nephew was hurt, but 2 days later on July 23rd, I lost my son. I cannot believe such a precious gem was taken away from me. It hurt so much. I cannot control my tears. My heart is torn apart. Heaven gained an angel while a mother lost her gem. ‘Til we meet again, baby boy. Love you always.

  • Paul  J. O'Brien by Paul J. O'Brien
  • 6 years ago

I share your grief and empathize with the words of your poem. My son took his own life last November. It's an earth-shattering experience, but I'm sure there is somewhere our spirits go after death - I've seen it in a dream just before my mother died. I'm certain it was her way of showing me that I need not be sad at her passing. Here's a little poem that might help you:

Don't be sad. I haven't gone; I'm just not here anymore.
I'm always with you wherever you go, of that you can be sure.
Remember that, and don't look back; that's all I ask, no more.
So don't be sad. I haven't gone; I'm just not here anymore.

  • Dkaylynn by Dkaylynn, Bakersfield ca
  • 6 years ago

I lost my oldest son on September 23, 2016. He was just 21 years old. He and my husband were riding in the back seat of some guy's car that they worked with on their way home from work when the driver of their car decided to pass the car in front of them and went head on into a oncoming semi. Everyone in the car passed away. I was told to give it time because everyone said that time heals everything, but the ones who say that are the ones fortunate enough not to know the heartache and gut-wrenching pain caused from losing their child. Reading these poems tonight has helped me in a way I can't put into words, but I want to say thank you, and I am so sorry for every ones losses.

  • Tammi L Toy by Tammi L Toy
  • 1 year ago

I am so sorry for your loss I read your story and it broke my heart. I have been reading these poems for a good friend of mine who lost her 15 year old son. He was riding passenger in a car the guy who was driving was under the influence when he decided to pass a car and hit a truck. My friend's son was ejected from the vehicle and killed instantly my son was on his way to work was in a car right behind the accident see the accident happened and didn't realize that the kid who was ejected from the vehicle was his own cousin. So I've been reading these poems hoping that I can find one or two to send her that will make her feel better cuz she's having an immensely hard time it's been a year now

  • Jacoline Kabamba by Jacoline Kabamba
  • 6 years ago

I lost my only child on February 13, 2018. She was 26 and 6 and a half months pregnant. She was involved in a motor vehicle accident. She was engaged to be married on April 28, 2018. I lost both my daughter and granddaughter. My whole world is turned upside down. Sometimes I can't even breathe.

  • Gwendolyn Paschall by Gwendolyn Paschall
  • 5 years ago

I lost my daughter, Janiah, on November 10, 2018, to seizures, and a piece of me went with her. She was a therapist at the hospital and she didn't show up for work, so her coworkers got worried because that was out of character for her, and they knew she had seizures. So her boss sent coworkers to go looking for her. Unfortunately for me and my family, I received the worst phone call ever. It hasn't been easy. I know I will see her again. There's not a day or a moment that I don't think of her.

  • Paul  J. O'Brien by Paul J. O'Brien
  • 6 years ago

Hi Jacoline,
I feel compelled to write to you to offer you my heartfelt sympathy. My son took his own life last November at the age of 40, so I share your grief. You'll probably never get over it, but in time you will be able to deal with it. Your daughter will be with you in spirit always. Here's a little poem for you which might help:

Don't be sad. I haven't gone; I'm just not here anymore.
I'm always with you wherever you go, of that you can be sure.
Remember that, and don't look back; that's all I ask, no more.
So don't be sad. I haven't gone; I'm just not here anymore.

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