1. My Mask
My smile hides my tears.
My laugh hides my screams.
It's been this way for years.
Things aren't as they seem.
Being or feeling alone is one of the saddest places to be. You can have all the money in the world but if you don't have anyone to share it with, you have nothing. The need for human companionship is universal. In ancient times, people stuck together because they literally needed each other to survive. In today's world, we tend to spread out and live more isolated lifestyles. In some ways this is a luxury. In other ways we had it better when we lived in close proximity. Humans are creatures of community and need each other for companionship.
My smile hides my tears.
My laugh hides my screams.
It's been this way for years.
Things aren't as they seem.
Mike, I've never ever written a reply to anyone here before, but when I read about you, I had to. Don't ever think there's nothing interesting about you. Your story made you who you are...
Famous Poem
Lying, thinking
Last night
How to find my soul a home
Where water is not thirsty
I strongly agree with Maya Angelou. Her poem reflects a timely theme. At any age a person might suffer due to loneliness, but worse in the old age. Then one needs physical as well as...
Analysis of Form and Technique
I was once sad and lonely,
Having nobody to comfort me,
So I wore a mask that always smiled,
To hide my feelings behind a lie.
I know you don't know me, but I want you to know I care about you and what you are going through. I know how bad bullying can be, and I also know how dear a Gran can be. Mine won't be with us...
Analysis of Form and Technique
Once when I was little,
I was happy and carefree.
I used to run around laughing
Until it was time for tea.
I was bullied at school because I was an ugly kid. Mum and Dad loved me for what I was. I had a failed marriage due to domestic violence and verbal abuse at me. I was locked up for defending...
In this life
I once felt hope.
I sometimes still believe in this,
but each moment a little less.
I feel the same way, and I think I understand how you feel. I'm only eleven and have lost my mom to drugs. I went to live with my dad and step-mom. I am not allowed to see my real mother or...
Famous Poem
From childhood’s hour I have not been
As others were—I have not seen
As others saw—I could not bring
My passions from a common spring—
This poem touches the old scarred-over wound in my soul.
Though I'm old now, when I read it - that old pain I know returns - and it bitterly breaks my heart. But not for self-pity! ...
I'm the girl who hides behind a smile every day.
I'm the girl who has a tough exterior,
But that's not who I really am.
I'm the girl who has a lot of problems
It feels that it was written for me. With an exterior as tough as a man showing no feelings, I am a girl who gets scared in the night due to a nightmare or does something out of cuteness. But...
I'm hurt all the time.
I don't want to cry for the way I feel inside.
I just want someone to hold me.
I'm alone in the dark; please try to find me.
I have never felt loved, and I feel like it will never get better. I just want to feel wanted. I always told myself I would not be the kind of teenager to sit on my bedroom floor silently...
A lonely star
sits in the sky.
It starts to flicker
and begins to cry.
This is so beautifully written. I love it! I hope all is well by now, and if not, then I'll keep you in my prayers. Remember that God’s son didn't fit in, but he was beautiful and kind, and...
When I was sad and depressed,
I needed you to be cheer me up.
Instead, I drank till I was numb enough not to feel anything.
As the eldest in the family I was always the one who got blamed for the mistakes of my sister. My sister and I don't share a bond. As far as I can remember, we were still young when I put...
A gray old woman sits all alone,
Unloved, uncherished, and unknown.
Sitting beside her broken door,
Dreaming of days passed long ago,
In March 2022, I was diagnosed with Renal cancer. I'm doing fine following up with my CTs. My kids' dad was diagnosed with hepatic cancer, lung, the works, and passed away in March. My (our)...
Analysis of Form and Technique
My pain and misery fall from the sky
So hard I try to ignore it, but it still gets by.
Surrounded with memories of what could have been,
The hatred screams under my skin.
I could relate perfectly to every line and the heart of the author. What astonished me is the fact that when you pour your heart into a poem, you have still not let it out. The circumstances...
To be kissed by moonlight
And caressed by stars,
Draped in darkened blue,
Dancing from Jupiter to Mars.
Lately, I've been in the corner of my room wallowing in tears. Nobody to share my feelings with. Crying all day with the company of my pillow in the darkness. Life has been hard, my life is...
You pass me on the street and our eyes briefly meet.
You hold the door open for me as I enter behind you.
I say thanks, but you have no idea that my mind is blank.
In the elevator you crack a joke, I flash a smile.
We all have loss in our lives. It will never go away! The sooner you accept this, the better you will feel. It is not your fault that this has happened and once you accept the...
Look into my eyes.
Tell me what you see.
It won't be happy.
It won't be pretty.
I'm Keke, and I'm 18 years old. I feel empty and selfish. Empty because nobody cares about me. Selfish because the ones that do aren’t enough. I love my friends, but they just don't fill me...
You only see
What you want to see,
Letting other things pass you blindly.
I am girl from a very small town in Uttarakhand. I belong to a middle class family. I belong to a family and a society around with an orthodox thinking about girls. It is somehow okay with...
I never knew a broken heart could keep on breaking.
You keep on sending your love, but no one's there to take it.
Rivers of tears keep a steady flow...
But no one's there to know.
This really brought tears to my eyes as I have been dealing with CPS and fighting for my babies for a year and a half. I miss them so much and just wish and pray they would soon be returned...
I keep looking for comfort from you
I sit and wonder if your love is true
You see me crying
Inside you have to know I'm dying
I feel like this but not with my mother. My husband of 32 years has made me feel alone. It is a horrible feeling whether it comes from mother or father or even our children, it hurts us.
I walk on a path deep in a forest and the noise of loneliness fills my head.
I think of all my friends and family that are long since dead.
I listen to the wind blow through the trees, on my face I can feel the warm summer breeze.
My friends know me as a person who makes them smile. If I don't say anything, they question me. It sucks. Behind the laughter or smiles I give people, I am never gonna tell them how I feel....
A silent tear falls from her eyes
As she falls on her knees and cries
No one can see her pain-filled life
It doesn't show in her hazel eyes
I have a 2 year old son and I'm only 17 and get made fun everyday.. and who is the author of this poem??