Alone Poem

Poem Telling Family I'm Suffering

Have you ever felt like you're alone? Like nobody notices you? All of your pain and suffering just passes people's eyes without a second glance? Do you know how it feels to be ignored? Or to feel unwanted? Sadly, many do, including myself. This is my plea, not only for me, but for anybody and everybody feeling the way that I do. Mothers, brothers, sisters, and fathers. We are putting it out there; we just need you to pay attention.

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I am girl from a very small town in Uttarakhand. I belong to a middle class family. I belong to a family and a society around with an orthodox thinking about girls. It is somehow okay with...

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Pay Attention

© more by Briana M

Published by Family Friend Poems June 2016 with permission of the Author.

You only see
What you want to see,
Letting other things pass you blindly.

You only hear
What you want to hear,
Ignoring the rest
Without thinking.

So how can you say
You know it's not true,
When so many things
Never get through?

But what if I somehow
Made you pay attention,
Told you all of the things you never heard?

Made you stop
And listen?

If I told you of all those times
I silently cried at night,
What if I told you of all the hurt
That painfully resides inside?

Would it reach your ears?
Would you really care?
Or would you still treat me
Like I'm not even there?

And what if I made you see
Everything you've missed?
Like the scars on my arms and legs
But by you
Get dismissed.

What if I showed you
My heart slowly breaking,
Would you notice it's years in the making?

All of the tears
And all of the pain,
You never noticed.
No, you never hear.

Maybe it's time
That you realize
What's been going on
Right in front of your eyes.


more by Briana M

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Leena by Leena
  • 5 years ago

I am girl from a very small town in Uttarakhand. I belong to a middle class family. I belong to a family and a society around with an orthodox thinking about girls. It is somehow okay with society, but when it comes to parents, it really becomes difficult for a girl to fight and withstand such situations. Since childhood, I was never being pampered and promoted. It might be because I'm a girl, but there's something within me I was fighting with. I feel ashamed and embarrassed sometimes when I think to open myself. Is there anyone for a girl to understand if her parents can't? And if there is someone, she wouldn't be complete until she gets support from her family. I feel the pain of being alone where no one understands me throughout my life.

  • Varsha by Varsha
  • 5 years ago

Your thoughts are a lot like me. I used to feel the same before but now I have giving myself some self-love, and yes, I feel different. You should try it too. It might work. Just believe in yourself even when no one else does.

  • Belen Nino by Belen Nino
  • 6 years ago

Such a beautiful poem. I thank you for sharing. I have felt this way for many years.

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