Alone Poem

Accepting One's Sense Of Loneliness

I have suffered from insomnia my entire life, and I'm inspired by what I think and feel at night, and I find myself writing poetry in the early hours of the day.

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Lately, I've been in the corner of my room wallowing in tears. Nobody to share my feelings with. Crying all day with the company of my pillow in the darkness. Life has been hard, my life is...

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Intimacy Of Dark

© more by Caitlin L. Stafford

Published by Family Friend Poems January 2018 with permission of the Author.

To be kissed by moonlight
And caressed by stars,
Draped in darkened blue,
Dancing from Jupiter to Mars.

To be found by the light of the moon
And loved under a blackened sky.
Let the sun forget about me;
It never heard me cry.

Because there's something special about moonlight,
Like it was made just for me,
Because no matter how bad things are,
I have the moon as company.


more by Caitlin L. Stafford

  • Stories 4
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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Adunni Ade by Adunni Ade
  • 2 years ago

Lately, I've been in the corner of my room wallowing in tears. Nobody to share my feelings with. Crying all day with the company of my pillow in the darkness. Life has been hard, my life is so messed up.

  • Ailiseu by Ailiseu
  • 3 years ago

At first, I thought being alone was okay. Day by day, I live well on my own. But one day I got hurt, and at that moment I realized that I'm not okay. I smile, but the reality is I'm hurt on the inside. I stood in front of the mirror, and I saw her. She looks so miserable. Her smile tells that her life is so messed up, but there's nothing she can do except just endure it. She cried when I cried, and I realized that SHE IS ME,

  • Yves by Yves
  • 4 years ago

Yes, I have felt the same way for a while now! I only believe the moon and its company! Darkness has been my best friend since it is the only one who heard me cry, laugh and has been the only one who heard my sorrows. It is the only one who knew how wet my pillows were every night.

  • Anonymous by Anonymous
  • 4 years ago

Lately, I have been awake the darkest of nights with only the moon as my company. I don't know when and how I fell in love with this darkness and the beautiful night sky. I think this itself is beauty. So, thank you for sharing this poem.

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