41. The Boy Who Didn't Like Ice Cream
A boy who didn't like ice cream?
That almost seems like a crime!
This is the story of Logan
And about trying foods more than one time.
A boy who didn't like ice cream?
That almost seems like a crime!
This is the story of Logan
And about trying foods more than one time.
I love this poem! I think this is so true- my niece used to hate broccoli, then tried it again and liked it. If you don't think you like something, try it again anyway: you might find your...
Who am I?
I am a surprise
I don't have eyes
I'm wrapped in plastic
Oh, I hate guessing, but this poem made me smile...you could be a chocolate or maybe an ice cream!
I planned to leave, one fateful day,
Upon a burly craft.
I told my friends, "I'll sail the seas!"
But all of them just laughed!
Today we're going to the zoo.
I'm psyched, I'm zinged, I'm Scooby Doo.
My shoes are on, my scarf, my hat.
I'm bouncing like an acrobat.
There is this funny guy I know.
Sleepy by name and sneaky as can be.
I never know where he comes from,
Only that he creeps up on me.
It is a very simple poem highlighting the importance of sleep. Sleep is an integral part of human behavior. Without it, everything becomes useless. Good health can't be achieved without...
Yucky Chucky Tucker was smelly as can be,
he never took a bath and hardly ever brushed his teeth.
Everywhere he went he left an odor in the air,
and Yucky Chucky Tucker never combed his hair.
I'm glad I'm not a real boy
With proper feet like you.
Imagine if I had to put
A foot in every shoe.
Children's world is innocent, pure and beautiful. It is full of imagination. The adults who can identify with children and look at the world through their eyes make the world beautiful and...
I have a strange addiction,
It often sets off sparks!
I really cannot seem to stop,
Using exclamation marks!
Please cover your nose.
You sneezed on Miss Muffet
and ruined her clothes.
You sprayed Mother Hubbard
The poem gives a good lesson how to behave while you are sneezing.
Granddad's got hair on his fingers,
Hair on his toes,
Hair in his ears,
Hair up his nose.
I like the poem. It shows the love of the grandchild to the grandfather. And it's funny!
A day at the beach!
No teachers to teach.
No English, no Science,
No Math within reach.
Thank you for your encouragement, Ann. It means a lot!
Famous Poem
My bed is like a little boat;
Nurse helps me in when I embark;
She girds me in my sailor's coat
And starts me in the dark.
The kitten's in pajamas,
The puppy wears a bow.
Dad's dressed just like a candy cane:
Red stripes from head to toe.
Pure delight reading this poem. I am sitting here with a great big smile on my face. Thank you. Very best wishes, Ann.
Michael Murphy ate a worm;
I've seen him do it twice.
He ate it with some mustard
And a side of Spanish rice.