Funny Poem for Kids

Funny Poem About Trying New Foods

Due to a previous bad experience, Logan doesn't like ice cream. Logan's Pop Pop, an ice cream connoisseur, encourages him to give ice cream another try.

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I love this poem! I think this is so true- my niece used to hate broccoli, then tried it again and liked it. If you don't think you like something, try it again anyway: you might find your...

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The Boy Who Didn't Like Ice Cream


Published by Family Friend Poems October 2015 with permission of the Author.

A boy who didn't like ice cream?
That almost seems like a crime!
This is the story of Logan
And about trying foods more than one time.

Logan did not enjoy ice cream.
He thought it was too cold.
Too cold on his tongue, too cold on his teeth,
Too cold right down to his toes.

No one could believe it.
“Just try one bite!” they’d say.
He'd shake his head. “No, thank you,” he’d say.
“Maybe some other day.”

At parties, the zoo, at the beach,
Ice cream was everywhere,
But as everyone enjoyed the nice cold treat.
Logan preferred gummy bears.

One time Logan did try ice cream.
Took a big bite, his eyes squeezed.
As the ice cream melted in his mouth
He got a huge brain freeze!

“Never again!” Logan said!
“Eating ice cream is no fun!
I cannot freeze my brain again;
I've got only this one!”

No one was as upset
As one man, that is for sure.
It was Logan’s Pop Pop,
The great ice cream connoisseur.

“Please, Logan!” Pop begged.
“Please try it one more time!
Just try a small bite,” Pop said.
“Your brain will be just fine.”

Logan gulped, his eye squinted tight.
Pop Pop was NEVER wrong.
Maybe just one more try won’t really hurt.
He decided to be strong.

“Little bites are the trick,”
Pop Pop winked and said.
“That way the cold goes to your tummy
Instead of to your head.”

So Logan scooped a tiny bite of
Homemade vanilla cream.
He squeezed his eyes, stuck out his tongue
And then let out a scream!

“I LIKE IT!” Logan yelled,
And Pop Pop laughed.
“I knew you would, my boy!”
They laughed and both enjoyed tummies full of ice cream joy.

So what did you learn from Logan?
Remember this little rhyme!
Trying new things doesn't hurt!
And try them more than one time!


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Julia Williams by Julia Williams
  • 7 years ago

I love this poem! I think this is so true- my niece used to hate broccoli, then tried it again and liked it. If you don't think you like something, try it again anyway: you might find your new favorite food!

  • Charlie by Charlie
  • 9 years ago

I know this family! Great folks and the story is basically true!

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