Funny Poem for Kids

I started writing humorous ditties for family and friends many years ago, but since having grandchildren, my desire changed to write humorous rhymes for them. As I write each one, another pops into my head (I currently have 2 on the go at the moment). I now have a small collection of poems.

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Hello Anna, I notice that you sent this message 3 months ago and want to apologise as I have been very busy in other areas of my life that my poems came to a halt for nearly a year. Things...

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When The World Turned Upside Down


Published by Family Friend Poems February 2017 with permission of the Author.

The day when the world
turned upside down:
when a frown became a smile
and a smile became a frown.

When the mice chased the cats
the cats chased the dogs.
The dogs laughed out loud
at the pink and yellow frogs.

When you went to bed in the daytime
and got up at night.
When birds caught the school bus
and the cows took flight.

When the moon came out
in the middle of the day
and all of the ocean's fish
rolled around in the hay.

When the children ruled the world
and ice cream was for free
and the elephants shrank
to the size of a flea.

When the grass rained lollipops
up to the sky.
When you wanted to laugh
but could only cry.

When magic beans were real
and giants very small,
you would eat spiders legs
so you could creep up the wall.

This all happened when the
world turned upside down
after I went to bed
with a smile - not a frown.


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  • Poem of the Day
Has this poem touched you? Share your story!

Loved the poem, so clever and funny. A much needed bit of humour in lockdown.

  • Anna Curtin by Anna Curtin
  • 4 years ago

Hi Magaret,
I read this poem with my class today, when chatting about it, one of the children said it was quite fitting for 2020!
Two of my pupils worked together to compose another verse and would love to share it with you, would that be ok?
Kind Regards,

  • Margaret A. Savage by Margaret A. Savage Poet
  • 4 years ago

Hello Anna,
I notice that you sent this message 3 months ago and want to apologise as I have been very busy in other areas of my life that my poems came to a halt for nearly a year. Things are beginning to settle now and I am ready to take up where I left off! I am so happy that children are being encouraged to create poetry. My love for poetry came from a book given to me when I was seven years old - this was Robert Lewis Stevenson's Book of Poetry for Children.

I would LOVE to hear the children's verse if it's not too late.

  • Rupali by Rupali
  • 5 years ago

Lovely poem. It is difficult to find good poems for children which describe their world and are funny and positive at the same time. "When the World Turned Upside Down" is one such poem. Thanks.

  • Margaret A. Savage by Margaret A. Savage Poet
  • 4 years ago

Thank you for your comments. I'm glad that my poems can make people smile - makes it all worthwhile.

I just loved this poem for kids and adults! It reminded me of the Dr. Seuss books children would read in grade school! Very similar, and a fun read indeed!

  • Margaret A. Savage by Margaret A. Savage Poet
  • 7 years ago

Thank you - I do enjoy writing poems for children and have only been doing it seriously for a couple of years - so it's nice to get feedback.

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