Funny Poem for Kids

I wrote this poem when my children were young. I think everyone young and old alike can relate to a Yucky Chucky Tucker. I remember going to school with a young man just like that. Things sure change as we get older lol. Hope you enjoy

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Yucky Chucky Tucker

Kathy J. Parenteau © more by Kathy J. Parenteau

Published by Family Friend Poems August 2012 with permission of the Author.

Yucky Chucky Tucker was smelly as can be,
he never took a bath and hardly ever brushed his teeth.
Everywhere he went he left an odor in the air,
and Yucky Chucky Tucker never combed his hair.
His hands were always dirty cause he played with stinky worms,
he never cared if he got sick, he wasn't afraid of germs.
He didn't have a lot of friends except for one or two,
till Yucky Chucky Tucker met little Linda Sue.
Linda was quite pretty, an awesome sight to admire
and Yucky Chucky Tucker would give anything to sit by her.
But he'd have to make some changes and what I mean by that,
Yucky Chucky Tucker would have to take a bath.
He'd have to wash his hands and scrub his dirty face,
and to clean his stained up yellow teeth would take a tube of paste.
He'd have to wash his hair at least a dozen times,
to remove the terrible build up of sticky greasy grime.
Then Yucky Chucky Tucker would have to change his clothes,
sprinkle on cologne and find a bright red rose.
And maybe if he's lucky little Linda Sue,
might take another look at him and think he's really cute.
Funny how a pretty girl can change the way you think,
cause even Yucky Chucky Tucker washed away his stink,
All to catch the eye of little Linda Sue,
besides, her daddy owned a toy store, now what's a boy to do?



I am from a family of writers. My grandfather was a published poet. He taught me to write as a young girl. He opened up the world of poetry to me. What a sweet release it is to take those thoughts from the secret part of your soul and put them in verse. My hope is that my poems inspire others and reach them in a very special way.

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