1. Sick
Famous Poem
“I cannot go to school today,"
Said little Peggy Ann McKay.
“I have the measles and the mumps,
A gash, a rash and purple bumps.
Sometimes children with their fresh eyes looking at the world may be able to see that which an adults eyes pass over. There are many sayings to express this sentiment. One is, "out of the mouths of babes", another coined by a television show is, "kids say the darndest things". We recognize that as adults we have become jaded. We may miss hilarious ironies about the world that our children have to point out to us. If I had to take a guess, I would say that children are in the world for just this purpose.
Famous Poem
“I cannot go to school today,"
Said little Peggy Ann McKay.
“I have the measles and the mumps,
A gash, a rash and purple bumps.
I routinely skipped school for some reasons that even I couldn't understand at the time. In a thorough medical checkup after 10th grade, my parents realized that I couldn't see well. I...
I know that stink! I have no doubts
That Mom has cooked up Brussels sprouts.
Of all the things that I despise,
The Brussels sprout would take first prize.
We love our dog with all our hearts,
But not so much her stinky farts.
Her doggy breath is less than fresh,
Yet we hug her nonetheless.
Hi Marybeth. What a cute story...he sounds adorable. It reminded me of our previous dog, also a lab, who was our resident present opener. She loved nothing more than tearing off wrapping...
How tiring it is
To be three years old.
Sit here, eat that,
Be constantly told.
Famous Poem
I made myself a snowball
As perfect as could be.
I thought I'd keep it as a pet
And let it sleep with me.
I love the humor, innocence and whimsy of this poem. But there's more here than meets the eye. If you look a bit deeper, you can see how we sometimes don't properly interpret our experiences,...
I own a big fat cat-
The fattest for miles around.
Wherever there's lots of food,
That's where he'll be found.
This story is hilarious! Coming across this story, it reminds me of my fat cat, Ziggy, also known as Tubby once her grew. I would compare him to a lot of fat jokes, but apart from that, he's...
Today the teacher farted.
It was an awful smell.
It was just like a rotting egg,
Straight from the depths of hell!
Haven't laughed that hard in a long time. Was researching poems about families for children to teach this term when I somehow came across this poem.
Thank you so much!
Famous Poem
Have you ever heard of the Sugar-Plum Tree?
'Tis a marvel of great renown!
It blooms on the shore of the Lollypop sea
In the garden of Shut-Eye Town;
When I got home from camp today,
My parents almost died.
They asked me how I got this way,
And here's what I replied:
It is really a beautiful poem which blends childhood imagination, narration, and joyful experiences.
"It is some terrific summer camp,
The coolest one around."
Granddad's got new glasses,
But he still can't see his feet.
No, his eyes are not the problem.
It's the amount of food he eats.
Grandma may be splittin hairs
to call Grandpa rotund,
but I believe she's got it right
as he weighs in at a quarter ton!
And just between you and me
and the lamppost on the...
Hear eye sit inn English class; the likelihood is that eye won't pass
An F on my report card wood bee worse than swallowing glass
It's knot that eye haven't studied, often till late at knight
Butt the rules are sew confusing, eye simply can't get them write
Very clever and funny, but it kinda blows my mind reading through this at the same time! How on earth did I manage to learn this wonderful, confusing language?! I must be converting it into...
These words I say without a stutter:
I hate the taste of peanut butter!
In Reese's chocolate it may stay
But keep the butter far away.
My 11-year-old son recited this poem at his classical school, The Classical Academy, this past month. He has peanut allergies, so it was fitting that he chose your poem to recite. He recited...
If my world were made of chocolate,
I know what I would do.
I'd make a chocolate mountain
And share it all with you.
This lovely poem is very enjoyable and resembles one I made about candy land.
The day when the world
turned upside down:
when a frown became a smile
and a smile became a frown.
Hello Anna,
I notice that you sent this message 3 months ago and want to apologise as I have been very busy in other areas of my life that my poems came to a halt for nearly a year. Things...
Harvey is a huge hippopotamus
Who bathes in a bay that is bottomless
HIs mouth is as large
As a riverboat barge
I enjoyed the quality presentation of the hippo story. The rhyme style was very skilled, and there was care for rhythm while telling a coherent and entertaining tale.
I once had a kitty
who had stripes in her fur.
I could pet her and brush her,
and boy could she purr.
Thank you, Brittany, for taking the time to comment on my poem. You were to kind with your words. I hope this poem brought a smile to your heart. -God Bless-
I quite often look at my shadow.
I like how it follows me round
And does all the same things that I do
Without ever making a sound.
I am an 80-year-old woman who has just moved into a seniors' residence. Shortly after I arrived, COVID-19 did too! For over a month now, we have been kept in isolation from the rest of the...
My mum and dad would read and recite all of AA Milne's poems and stories to the four of us in the early 1950's. There was one piece that I can vaguely remember; it was about a leather donkey...
I have lots of friends, but there is a special one,
With whom I play the most – we have so much fun.
He never argues, and I’ve never heard him whine;
He always thinks that my suggestions are perfectly fine.