Funny Poem for Kids

The World Through The Eyes Of A Preschooler

I am the mother of a three-year-old girl, and my poem is inspired by my experiences with her. Children perceive the world very differently from adults. Through my poem, I am trying to give voice to the daily frustrations that a preschooler must likely face.

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Musings Of A Three-Year-Old


Published by Family Friend Poems February 2020 with permission of the Author.

How tiring it is
To be three years old.
Sit here, eat that,
Be constantly told.

I would like to stomp
My feet when I'm mad,
Watch Peppa Pig all day.
Is that so bad?

Once in a while
I want to stand on the table,
Fling a few things around.
That's not unreasonable.

Instructions, instructions,
Everything is forbidden.
All the fancy breakable things
From me remain hidden.

I have many a plan
For when I grow up.
First and most importantly,
Till late I'll stay up.

I'll go around in circles
Until I'm nice and dizzy,
Sprint up and down the house,
Send everyone in a tizzy.

I'll eat all the chocolate
I can find around the house.
Next, I'll attack the chips,
Then the cookie jar I'll browse.

Yes, once I'm older,
My wings I'll unfurl.
Until then, I'll bide my time
And be a good little girl.


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