Nature Poem for Kids

I'm a schoolteacher who enjoys writing children's poetry in my spare time. I especially love writing rhyming poems. I like coming up with a concept and then challenging myself to make it work with rhyme and timing. My work is often about finding the joy in the simple things in life.

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A simple poem with a common idea. I love the metaphorical use of the idea.

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Published by Family Friend Poems May 2019 with permission of the Author.

I'm just a little sunbeam.
Along the floor I crawl.
I climb up walls.
I creep down halls.
I offer warmth
to one and all.
Reborn every morning,
I ignite the morning bird's call.
I die each and every night
with the coming of nightfall.


  • Stories 1
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  • Rating 4.11
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  • Kumari Weerasooriya by Kumari Weerasooriya
  • 5 years ago

A simple poem with a common idea. I love the metaphorical use of the idea.

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